3 yr old coastal with green urine/poo- Uncontrolable head jerks

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Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2011
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I have just been at the vets since 8am since i was woken by my worried gf. My female was doing head turns again and this time she was not stopping. She rotates her head around and around from sideways 180 at the neck, to upsidedown and flat. Hard to imagin but def signs of neouroligial poison. I rushed her to the vet along with the poo sample i got out of her on saturday. The vet took one glance at the jar and gave me the sad look repling with " ummmm im so sorry mate but that green stuff is in my oppinion from liver diesese/failure. I can also see that the green substance is in her urine ,not her poo. Thats another worry." She had passed the two pinkies i force fed her and they where not even digested. The head turning is the result of the poision that is building up in her system.I have been asked to get another stool sample out of her once the pinkie she ate yesterday has passed and if that doesnot digest then i will be going to my last resort of a slush type paste to tube feed her with. Must have looked pretty silly, 6.2ft tall, 22yr old with a big beard, tattoos, click clack box and tears welling in the eyes. Can someone please give me some sort of expreience story of there own, or one of a friends or anything that i can use as help. Its 9:51am and im already having massive panic attacks. please someone help. I am starting a new thread on this so i can try and get as much help as i can from everyone so please feel free to ask around and post ANYTHING OF REVELANCE. I dont want anyone to ever have this sort of worry and fear about their "family" and not have some sort of helpful answer.

just so your all aware this vet has been trying to help me get this beautiful girl back to health since May of this year so has watched her health go the direction it has for a while now.
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I cannot offer any advice or input, but i wanted to say that i wish u & ur beautiful girl all the best. & dont worry about the tears, that is a completely normal response from a caring pet owner! I think i would need sedation if it were my girl! Goodluck, i really hope this has a happy ending!
thanks mate, ive kinda set up camp beside her tank with the computer and dont plan on goin anywhere for a while. I have very bad anxiety and now im scared im goin to come home and find her.......... yeah lets not think that.
:( I imagine it is very hard, & my heart goes out to u. I also suffer anxiety, & can completely understand your fears, although it really is a good thing if u can try & remain positive, as u mentioned above, it definately is alot nicer then thinking of the negative.......which i hope u dont have to face. (i know, alot easier said then done, exspecially considering what ur girl is going through right now, but perhaps try & take a moment to remember her as she was prior to becoming ill, & 'wish' good health back to her) Again, i am really sorry, & i hope she is able to make a recovery!
thanks mate, means to know that people care. There is still the option of feeding her via a tube with high nutrient bassed slush. But my logical brain makes me wonder how that will kick start her liver......... if that is what it is. i hope the vet was wrong and its just a passing bug or something

bump..... does anyone have any experience with or had to deal with this befor.

also does anyone have an email i can send a video of the head turning too. i do not know how to upload videos to this forum but have a video on my phone shot in HD. If i can email it to someone who can post it here in this thread im hoping for some sort of oppinion. please people...
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Sorry I cant help. i too have bad anxiety and know how hard this must b for you! Hope she gets better right now as im typing this!! Wish i could do more!!!!
She is getting worse. Whatever it is that is attacking her system is acting very fast and very agressive. I put everything on hold today and probably annoyed some people but to bad, i care about my girl more than i care about there measily few dollars and small problems. In doing this i saw her have six attacks. Now when i attacks i mean the head turning and such, but the last attack about an hour ago worried me too much i nearly lost it. She was compleatly pressed flat from her tail to about a quarter of the way up her body but flattened sidways, then for about 8cm below her head her neck was sucked in to what i can only assume was her spine. Her mouth was half open and her pupils where compleatly diolated. I need someone to help me upload this video to this thread. Please someone give me an email or something. All i want to do is let her curl up in my dreads and on my shoulder like she loves to do but she cant hold herself there without the head turns now. Its getting very bad very quick. The last 3hrs she has gone from sick to... worse. I wont be sleeping.
My heart goes out to you all......... I wish there was something more I could give other than thoughts and support :(
I am video techno challenged too so cannot even help there :(
Kindest warmest thoughts and energy
Crystal xx
The attacks - to me - sound like her way of showing she is in pain. I had an intergrade python who showed similar symptoms but rather than her head turning, she was twisting her body, and everything was sucked in, mouth open, like you have described here. But she died from what the vet believed malignant tumor.

I have nothing supportive to offer except to let you know your girl will be in my thoughts. What is her name? I really hope the vet can fix her, for your sake. You sound very distraut. Good to see a grown man with a heart like you have.
i appreciate your thoughts mate. Thanks. She has crawled into the cold end of the enclosure, so i hope she can just rest and try recover. I dont want to be unrealistic but i would do anything to have her wake up in better health. Any takers on helping with the video?

her name is phillis. She is my little rockabilly girl. She loves to climb in and around my dreads moving them to where shee feels they need to be. Its even funnier when she gets in behind my beard and pops out the front. Kinda like a team effort "peek a boo". Im so sorry to hear you had to go through this aswell mate. Can i please ask mate how long did it take to go from the body constricting and tenceness to the point where she went?
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We have a spotted python she is 7 years old. She was in hibernation for the past 3 months and she came out on Saturday night. Sunday morning she was rolling her head and top of her body around and around. Her head would drop upside down in her water bowl and she looked like she was dying. This lasted for a couple of hours, then she seamed to settle down. She was better today but when she flickers her tongue it hardly even comes out of her mouth. From everything I have read things don't look good for her, I am really worried.
We have moved to QLD from Melbourne and I do not know where there is a reptile vet here, does anyone know to a reptile vet in the Redlands area?
im so sorry to hear that mate.Its such a bad feeling to know you can do nothing. Do you have the ability to post videos so we can both find some answers?
i appreciate your thoughts mate. Thanks. She has crawled into the cold end of the enclosure, so i hope she can just rest and try recover. I dont want to be unrealistic but i would do anything to have her wake up in better health. Any takers on helping with the video?

her name is phillis. She is my little rockabilly girl. She loves to climb in and around my dreads moving them to where shee feels they need to be. Its even funnier when she gets in behind my beard and pops out the front. Kinda like a team effort "peek a boo". Im so sorry to hear you had to go through this aswell mate. Can i please ask mate how long did it take to go from the body constricting and tenceness to the point where she went?

You and Phillis sound like a great team.

I only ever witnessed my girl - Bindy - do her thing twice before a friend suggested I put her on 24/7 heat. It was first thing in the morning I saw her twisting up, when she was coldest, and leaving the heat on seemed to work, or I just didn't see it again. But she went off her food for two years before she eventually got to a point where it was cruel to let her suffer anymore. I had her put down :(
[Sinderella- do you have an email i can send you the video of my girl?

and also i have tried leaving the heat on but she still has the same behaviour. even under her basking light. she seems to want to be in the cold end.
That's tough mate. I'm no real help but I'm with you in your struggle.

Do what you can and all the best whatever happens.
Hi Pharksie,

I truly feel for you. Unfortunately from what you have described there are major health issues and I don’t want to give you false hope. The liver not functioning properly is a very bad sign.

The digestive system is also obviously not functioning at all for a snake that old to pass through pinkies undigested. So trying another feed will probably not help. You can try is to feed it an energy drink that it does not have to digest but can absorb and use as is. Powerade, Lucozade or Staminade are all good. Dilute it 2 mL of water to 1 mL of drink and syringe in a 3 to 5 mL every few hours. That should provide it with the energy it is not getting from its undigested food at the moment. If that manages to perk it up, try syringing a few mL of 100% natural yoghurt, no additives, to help re-establish some of its gut flora. If it is on the improve, this will assist to re-establish digestive processes and feeding.

I would love to tell you that there is a real chance here. The unfortunately reality is, that from what you have related to us, it is likely already past the point of no return. So continue to hope for the best – while there is life there is always a chance, as slim as it may be! At the same time, prepare yourself for the likely outcome. You have done all the right things - sought professional help at an early stage and asked for additional ideas when things have still gotten worse.

I have had to say goodbye to family members. I know it is not the same but I do understand how you feel. Continue to do the best you can for as long as you can! Irrespective of the final outcome, you will know that you gave it your best shot.

Hang in there mate!
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She just has another fit. They are getting worse and worse. This time she was constricting around like a spring and her mouth started to open till it was wide as it would go, then as she was still coiling around with her head she latched onto her own tail. I was very quick to gently get it off but she now has no control over her movements whatsoever. She is currently under an infared basking light trying to keep warm.
Bluetounge- The vet has said to me the poison that is affecting her is the bile. sorry about the clearness of what im typing. The vet belives the bile is poisoning her liver as it is passing through her system. I would love to get something down her neck but as you said i think it has gone too far. I would be unable to get anything down to her belly as she is now constantly tence. I wish someone had recomended that a week or so ago. I am so sorry for your loss. its never hard to say goodbye. Its even harder when they are your best mate and are probs the only one who never said a bad word about ya.
Hi Pharksie

I am so sorry to hear what is happening to your baby. I know perhaps I sound hard...but is there any way you can get her to an emergency vet to end her misery. If the poor little thing is in pain, and getting worse perhaps that is the kindest thing to do.


Pharskie - I worked out how to upload the video (mine is in my above thread). You need to create a you tube account and upload it there first, its pretty easy to do just go to you tube and register then upload you video. (It takes 30 - 40 mins to upload)
When posting your thread here, click on the little film strip icon in text box and copy paste the you tube url for your video.
I really couldn't give you any advice on your poor snake as I don't know enough about them. Our snake belongs to our son, he got her for his 6th birthday and loves her heaps, he will be devastated if she dies. I hope someone can help me.
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