A bite pic with abit of a difference

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Very Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2010
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Northern Territory
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I know how everyone on APS loves a good bite pic.............so I went to check on my "personal use rat breeding project" I had 3 litters on the go and one ready to drop. When I lifted the lid my big female rat shot out and savaged me like a dog. She hung on like a pig dog and took quite a bit to get off. I have been bitten by all sorts of things but this one hurt more than any snake so far.
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if it was one of my rats they would have already been introduced to my coastal ;) I'll take a bite off my pythons over a rat anyday
Well I utilised some betadine......I pride myself being not too soft but geees that just hurt.......The good news is she had 14 babies so I have about 45 new rats on the go at various stages. I got the bird cages at the cheap shop for 20 dollars each because they were missing little doors. It is a great set up which keeps the rodents very clean......which might I add I am feeling a bit better about after being savaged. A rat that has lost its fear of people is a savage adversary.
Aaaand, now we won't be getting rats.... snake bite I can handle, rat bite, no thanks. I wear gloves - cotton under latex - when handling my mice, simply because thats the way we did it at the viv, and that way they can bite all they like.
Dude that's huge! I've been bitten before but only ever had blood drawn once and nothing that bad. Very careful to quickly grab the base of the tail if I have to pick them up now
I learnt my lesson too .... the blood and pain of the evil savage rat bite, their sharp yellow teeth are like a scalpel.

Freezer time for the biters, NO second chances here.
Ive been bitten by a huge male a few years back, my little finger swelled up something crazy and dropped off..........just joking bout the dropping off haha
i can vouch for how painful their bites can be in general, but it looks like you got nailed in one of the worst places, right on the webbing between your thumb and forefinger, that would suck immensly.. i seriously would've gassed it straight away if it happened to me just out of spite or at the very least showed it the snakes so it knows whats in store if it stuffs around again, haha..
Adult rats give some of the nastiest bites ever!! Attach a jungle to a limb any day of the week! ;)
i had a female rat bite me a couple of years ago...
My finger swelled up and I had to cut my wedding ring off...
Needless to say she eventually ended up being snakes dinner.....
Ouch! A few years ago we had rats and bred them. One day I got a pencil and moved the paper so I could see the babies, my hand was outside the cage but I didn't realise it was resting against the bars... my female grabbed me, and I agree with the others, I'd much rather be bitten by a snake! She grabbed the chunky part of my hand under my thumb... those teeth are nasty! That was the only time she ever bit, without babies she was very placid. I have a video of her somewhere, we had a Rottweiler X Ridgeback and my rat was reaching outside her cage trying to grab the dog, and trying to chew through the cage bars to get at her... never mess with a protective mother!
Gees guys they are some horror stories.....I see I am not alone in falling prey to mother rat...I have decided to take one for the team for my snakes and resist my urge to dish out retribution to my rodent nemisis!!!! I need those babies to grow but there is a red dot on that big Mother!!!

Hey FUSCUS is that agressive trait really passed on?? I am now having nightmares about being overpowered by my feed animals!!!
lol I've heard of a couple of people line breeding for colour and temperament like with snakes. So there is probably some truth to it. Just cull off the ones from that mother and use the offspring from another mother to continue your breeding line. Or alternatively just see if you can work out which are the nicest animals from that litter and keep them.
What have I done!!!! I have bread an army of hell rats!!!!!hahah Well I am going to attend to this tonight......if i am never heard of again and dissapear at least APS members will know the truth as to what happened to Guzzo
lol should we call emergency services if we don't hear from you within 24 hours :p
don't you just hate when they do that,rat bite's are the type of bite i hate the most as they realy hurt like hell........jmo
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