A diamond python with a Canadian on Better homes and Gardens

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Very Well-Known Member
May 25, 2004
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Now on Channel 7 they are going to have a segment with Tara Moss (A pretty cute looking chick) and a Diamond python (A bonza Australian snake) and Dr. Harry (Mmmmm....)
Well it was an ok segment... not a lot of misinformation - did anyone else get to see it??
It is the last segment on the show - worth the wait.

You might get a tad jealous of the python ;-)

Dicco said:
Still waiting for it up here.
pretty crappy actually I thought.... she is a bit behind the eight ball when it comes to knowing about herps. They could have done the story with someone a little more informed on the subject so the public could have learnt a bit more about them you know what I mean????
Actually that is what I liked about it. She seemed to know enough about it to get it right but was unashamed to show that she was a newbie.

The bonus was that she did not give any missinformation.

I wonder where she bought it from? I am presuming it was in Melbourne.

cwarren72 said:
pretty crappy actually I thought.... she is a bit behind the eight ball when it comes to knowing about herps. They could have done the story with someone a little more informed on the subject so the public could have learnt a bit more about them you know what I mean????
It was a very big diamond. I wasnt suprised when she said she'd only had it 5 months, i didn't think she could have raised that from a hatchling. Nice diamond though.
she got the snake from a friends friend in sydney so there ya go some people are in the know :D as i know where she gets her rats :D :D :D so maybe i'll get mine from there more often
I thought she seemed quite knowledgeable considering she was new to the hobby. The snake had a beautiful cage to live in but it wasn't the best looking Diamond I have ever seen.
re A diamond

I know tara looked good :D she was quite sensible and she didnt say crikey once,when i see these black diamonds especially big male like that :idea: wild ,and sur enough they say it had parasites and it seems it had a few skin worms.But must be captive bred like the bhp i bought from NT today that was captive bred 8) You know i almost fell for it until when i washed a turd in water that was in the bag,it had brown rodent fur and lots of scales from a snake (ventrals and intact dorsal skin)apparently he would sneak out at night from his cage,eat an elapid and be home for breakfast :wink: :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I thought she presented perfectly and was of a good knowlege, yet still put iot forward as a person keeping a pet snake instead of a reptile expert which would help some of the public see eye to eye.
Good segment I thought, kept it simple which I thought was good for people that aren't in the know.

Must admit I didn't look at the snake much though, it seemed pretty average.... :wink:
herptrader said:
The bonus was that she did not give any missinformation.

She didn't but Dr. Harry did.

He said you needed a Wildlife Licence to breed. That gave me the impression that if you don't intend breeding, you don't need a licence.

It was good to hear Tara say that she have a Wildlife Licence.
Yeah I agree there Wombat... Hey guys and girls if you read what I said you would see that I said "They could have done the story with someone a little more informed on the subject so the public could have learnt a bit more about them you know what I mean????" . I don't knock anyone tha is new to herps as we were all once new but the fact is that stories like these are a great opportunity to teach and show the general public that snakes aren't that bad and that the general idea that the public seems to have is misinformed. Unfortunately the story didn't get a great deal of insight to the world of herping. Not knockin her just wished it was more informative over all. Clear things up for you?
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