A GREAT reason to support Obama

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About the only thing i kind of agree with the guy on. but is this guy not religious himself?:? 20years in jeremiah wrights church? does that not count as being religious? :? and helping the current kenyan president get elected who as i understand has instated sharia law, doesnt seem much like separating church from state to me just what page is this guy on?:?

oh and just for the record McCain was viewed by most conservatives as leaning towards liberalism hence why he lost the election a lot of republicans refused to vote for him.

you can join a church after 20 years, the same way you can leave one after 20 years. a change of opinion of point of view (which does happen in life) can see you leaving a church on terms or differing morals.

have you ever changed your job? started wearing boxers/briefs... used a new brand of tooth paste? decided after 20 years of your life, you enjoy brocolli?
Go on alex - show us how you looked into it and made the call that Obama is slipperier than a greased pig?

And then while you're at it can you also elaborate on how this is USA's biggest mistake.


I'm always very keen to have my mind changed by some very good opinions.
Hopefully he can change the war from being jews and christians vs muslims, into a war againt between rational thinkers and religous extremists. The only other way to solve the problem is to let the extremist bang it out at the expense of sane ppl, it wont be all that long before nukes come into it either IMO, im hoping for the first option.

About the only thing i kind of agree with the guy on. but is this guy not religious himself?:? 20years in jeremiah wrights church? does that not count as being religious? :?

He seems like an atheist to me, as he claims to be. Going to church and learning about religion is a great way to become an atheist, i was agnostic before i spent my high school in religous schools. I could go on more but some of those religous mobs pack explosives :lol:
Hopefully he can change the war from being jews and christians vs muslims, into a war againt between rational thinkers and religous extremists. The only other way to solve the problem is to let the extremist bang it out at the expense of sane ppl, it wont be all that long before nukes come into it either IMO, im hoping for the first option.

He seems like an atheist to me, as he claims to be. Going to church and learning about religion is a great way to become an atheist, i was agnostic before i spent my high school in religous schools. I could go on more but some of those religous mobs pack explosives :lol:

Dont know what he is going to be able to change, pretty tough job. I think the only other president was FDR who inherited the presidency in such a state. It will be interesting to see if he attends Bushs G20 economic meeting.

Bush quote for the day
"Saddam Hussein is a homicidal dictator who is addicted to weapons of mass destruction."
... Edit - was a joke about Obama getting in if your want to read it pm me i will send it to you, dont want an in fraction, as it may not be appropriate for under ages.
considering his mockery, and shame towards the christian religeon...

I didn't find that he was mocking it (well, not maliciously anyway), just warning against letting religious beliefs cloud reason.
Obama, was born in india, by muslims... he's the iconic 'enemy', he's black, he's not 'in the name of God, in honour of country' he's real... very well done Obama..

an inteligent man, raising a lost, confused and foolish country, in a time of crisis.

Obama was born in Hawaii, to become president in the US the candidate must have been born in a US state. His father was a Muslim and his mother athiest, not that that really matters because he was raised by his grandmother and from his speech he seems to be able to separate church from state.
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