A Hard Lesson Learned

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Very Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2004
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Sunbury, Vic
Hi Guys
The following is a bit of a sad story, but with lots of money and a hell of a lot of time and TLC, it just might turn out ok...
I wasn't planning on announcing to everyone my joy at the following purchase because of the dollar figure, but since I have a well secured home and this needs to be a lesson to everyone, I thought I would share.
I don't know how many of you saw this add, but there was an add placed on a website not long ago for 12 pairs of 18mth old Central Beardies with intense colouring for $6k in Nth Qld. I am the buyer.
After a few phone conversations with the seller and some emails going back and forth with things such as "oh they're just beautiful!! I just know you'll be even more excited when you get them!! They're my babies - I had a cry when I packaged them up" yadda yadda, I was happy to proceed with the purchase.
$6000 late and I am opening the container that they came down in, almost wetting myself with the excitement of looking at them in person.
The first thing I noticed is the container that they were shipped in. It was one of those 'roll under the bed' type long but shallow containers. It only had holes drilled in the lid. Only 38 small holes were drilled in that lid - and the con note (along with the freight sticker) said OVER NIGHT TO MEL!!
Next thing I noticed was the way in which they were packed. All of the beardies were SHOVED into these small bags to the point where they were practically folded into them.
THEN, they were stacked on top of each other with nothing in between to allow air to circulate.
Still, I wasn't put off... I started to open the bags... After a few bags, I was a bit less excited, opened a few more and I was concerned, opened the last few and I was in tears.
Whilst some of these animals came down without anything majorly wrong with them other than some nose and chin rubs and the girls being under weight from breeding - some were downright nasty :(
Here is a link to some photos.... WARNING - they may ick some people out.


Needless to say, I raced them up to my local vet to have it recorded that I had them seen to on the same night that I received them and I took the following day off work to get them to Canterbury Veterinary Clinic.
I took ALL 24 in and we were in there for 2 hours.
Over all, there are numerous serious gangrene on a lot of the animals, 1 animal awaiting amputation, 1 waiting to see if the lizard 'self amputates' by the rest of the limb staying healthy and the dead bit falls off, (LOTS of toes are in this way too), at least 3 or 4 cysts, and 5 or so eyes that I am putting ointment on 4 times a day so that the scabs and muck is gone and we can see if there are actually eye balls in there :( Oh!! Not to mention the 2 that might have brain damage from suffocation!!
2 of the animals I WAS told had been to the vet that morning, but the seller SERIOUSLY understated what was wrong with them - AND failed to mention that one of them had had its front leg amputated practically at the shoulder.
The seller had THOSE two animals stacked underneath all of the others :(
I have to get up an hour earlier each day (making it 5.30am) and am going to bed at about 11.30/12 by the time I am finished with them for the night.
On all of the cuts, gangrene and scabs I am having to apply Bepanthen 3x a day...
I am exhausted :(
I spoke to the seller while I was in the vet on the actual night that I received them and they INSISTED that the animals were 'fine when they left me' and they 'find it very hard to believe' that the animals were in the state that I was claiming they were in...
Yesterday I had to spend another $1100 on enclosures to separate them further so that I almost have 1 animal/tank so that there is limited stress, they have all access to food etc etc.
In hind sight there WERE a few subtly dodgy things about the sale that I should have picked up on, but in my na?ve excitement, I overlooked them :(
So guys - let this be a lesson to ALL of you, if you are making a big purchase like this, if you're unable to get references off other people who have dealt with the seller, see if you can stretch the budget just a fraction more to get a flight there and check em out.
Sorry to have gone on about it, but I am always so friendly and trusting of other sellers that sometimes I overlook the possibilities that it 'could be happening to me'
holy crap. that person should be reported to the wildlife folk. she should have her licence revoked and should be punished acordingly. not to mention the person should cover the costs of the vet bills not to mention pay back the majority of the money for the animals due to their shape.

hope things improve beks,

You should say who the seller was Bex, so people know. I don't think anyone would believe you would injure that many Beardies to make up a story like this. Thus this person should be identified so no-one else is caught by their horrendous husbandry.
Hope they pull through for you.

(Edit: Or I can just go look at the for sale section myself. Whoops)
Yeah; perfect condition.....damn disgusting!!!!
I'd be pushing for a refund; and vet bills covered....
From what's being said; their track record is poor at best!!!!
Sorry this has happened to you....
They should have told you everything about their condition.
Makes it more difficult for the herpers trying to do right by others.
To think they said they were fine when we sent them; what a crock!!!!; makes me wild!!! :evil:
Man that's disgusting,i'd be asking for full refund ,who knows what other nasties are on them.
The seller should be named that's just straight out wrong how could any animal get in that condition in a few days freight max?Licencce gone and all expenses on your behalf paid with full refund i'd ask for,they have given you a nightmare.Makes you wonder where to buy animals from these days and for that price...did you ask for pics of these animals before you purchased?

That's a lot of money spent on some very sick poor looking lizards there,can i ask if they were through a private sale or a pet shop?
shame shame shame people like that dont deserve to have pets.. it made me sick to the state of neglect these animals are in... but thank goodness they are now getting the care they rightly deserved in the first place... I wouldnt regard the seller as herper at all !!!
oh my god bex it's turds like this person that give us herpers a bad name (if you can even call her a herper). for them to get gangrene like that they had to be kept in such bad conditions and not be treated at all rat this B*$%# out post her name and phone number so we can all have a go at her.

if there's anything i can do don't hesitate to call me i'm here for ya.

Gee's...Thats disgusting.... How could firstly, someone keep those animals in such a bad condition...And secondly, sell them off to someone without telling them their terrible condition... Also I dont know much about freighting...But as you described it I am sure that is wrong. Surely someone can do something about this person. BECNLUKE try contacting some wildlife organisation in your area. They may be able to give you advise on what can be done against this person. If you cant get a refund or bills paid be sure to let us know who this seller is.......PPLLEEAASSEE!!!!!!!

That is an absolute disgrace. I have seen animals in better shape in pet shops. I agree with all of the above statements. Something has to be done. DO NOT LET IT REST!!!!! Rat the seller out to us. They have done you no favours. Those pics made me sick and angry. C'mon, give us all a name. This has to be stopped..

I hope all goes well for you though in the end with the poor little ones.
I thought the description sounded terrible, then I saw the photos! :shock:

That would have been a terrible shock for you, especially seeing first how they were sent and then secondly the state of the animals :(

I'd be naming names also Bex. Considering the amount you spent to get those animals to you, you'd think they'd be an perfect health and properly packaged up! Don't let this person get away with it! File a complaint or something with the DSE (Is there an avenue for this sort of thing??), because this person should have his/her license revoked!! :evil: I hope it all works out well in the end for you and your extended family.

Is it add 627-102. Shame it doesn't give out details on the site, well in this instance anyway.
Oh my god, Good on you for trying to get them better. I wouldn't worry about naming the person here - go straight to a lawyer. Get the seller into the crap so they lose their license and arent allowed to keep any animals. Flat out cruelty. Good luck with the animals, I hope they are able to get better.
Those photo's made me feel sick bex. I feel guilty if one of my gippy's gets a nose rub. I am absolutely horrified and although i always thought buyer beware , i think you "should" take the matter further.
thats so sad.........., but your doing the right thing, good on ya!, if u need a hand with anything just send me a pm im willing to babysit them if things get to much for you i have acouple of spare enclosures. good luck with everything i hope everything works out for you.

hi bex, i red the post and was horrified then i looked at the photos and feel like punching somthing it really makes me mad, that is bloody terrible. dont let this slide, take it urther, i wouldnt let them get away with this, it is unbeleivable crual what these animals have gone through. i feel so bad for you, i would have been so excited getting all those beardies and then something like this happens, some people just dont care, this is unbelievable and i am shocked that someone could be so shallow and lie to you like this. if you lived in sydney i would offer to help look after a few to help take the load off. sorry for what has happened and i am trying very hard not to use some bad language in this post cause i am furious, i would love to know there name and what state they live in so other people dont ever waste their time dealing with this________!!!!

good luck and im sure that these animals with make a good recovery due to being so well looked after now, good luck and keep us posted.
Hi Guys, thanx so much for your support.
Before I start going any further though, I must send a HUGE thankyou to the following people:

Brain Barnett - Herp Shop: Brian listened to me balling on Tuesday night when I fist got them and has been an INVALUBLE sourse of advice and support. I am also about to buy him out of most of his food products today lol.

Dr Jim Greenwood: What can I say?? What a WONDERFUL vet he is!! He put up with my crying, cringing, and feeling ill while he was picking at things!! Has given me an 'account' to try and get it paid by the seller. Also has offered to speak to the seller to help me get my money back.

Mimmo - Reptahouse: I called Mimmo at lunchtime on Wednesday, desparately tring to get some more enclousres. He couldn't get the timber that he needed till Friday. Offered to chop up other pre made tanks to make mine and delivered 5 perfect enclosures at 5pm on Thursday!!!

Lastly - to OuZo and Souley who have also put up with my tears, are coming down tomorrow to help me out with caring for them all, and OuZo spent her afternoon on Wednesday coming to Sunbury, driving to Canterbury, and back to Sunbury again.


Ok, to other stuff.
I don't want to mention the sellers name and details until I have been able to discuss with them my refund. As yet I have left multiple messages on their mobile (the only number they listed) and am not particularly expecting a call back.
Once you add up the animals that I am am practically bringing back from the dead, the vet bills, the vet bills that I am booked in for, my day off work that they wouldn't pay me for, the enclosures and the huge food bill that I am about to get from all of the extra food that I have to buy to 'pump them' (not to mention me crying all of my tears for the year 2005 lol), it adds up to $3000. So that is what I am pushing for.
If they decide not to give me this refund, I WILL be doing eveything within my power to bring them down. Until then though I don't want to get caught out for slander.
These were from a private keeper and they took 5hrs on a plane to get here, so as everyone can understand, there's no way this happened in transport lol. Especially when you consider that they were a bit cold from the flight - they weren't moving anywhere in a hurry.
Also, I most certainly DID get photos before I purchased them!! I'm not THAT silly lol!! But they only sent me 12 photos and some of the animals featured twice. It wasn't until the day before they were shipping that my excited little brain registered that. So I asked for pics of all of them (and they offered me that if there were any that I didn't want - they would refund them!!!!) but I never got ANY of those pics becuase they had to 'rush 2 of them to the vet' for a bitten leg and a sore eye. FAILED TO MENTION THE AMPUTATION OF THAT LEG!!!!!

Quote :
"This morning when I started packing I noticed one had a badly chewed front
leg, (sob sob) so I raced to the vet and he has given shots of vitamins and
antibiotics plus fixed up the leg and another has an eye infection also
received shots. I have put these 2 in purple bags so you can see which ones
I mean. If you would like a refund on these 2 just let me know or if you
want to keep them and take them to the vet again and let me know what the
bill is.
Otherwise they are excited about their flight.
I will email you the flight details when I get back from the airport at this
stage I know it gets into Melb at 4.55pm today.
I did have a cry this morning, I do hope you love them too."

How them missed all of the OTHERS with the probs, I'll never know!!
The vet WAS fairly impressed with the colours (I took pics of all 24 on the night that I bought them as proof) but I couldn't be bothered sitting up all last night waiting for them to load!! lol
The thing that I am most concerned about is the fact that the seller has 150+ eggs of these guys in their incubator. I don't think that they deserve to be getting any sales after this - but no doubt they WILL sell quickly becuase of the colours of the animals....
Thanx again guys, and I'll keep you updated.
re A Hard

Gross cruelty by the person who had them bex and they should be charged with cruelty and the QNPWS should revoke the persons license to keep reptiles,and i pity any other animals this person owns truly :( Yep ide be onto rspca in QLD and whatever they call npws up there then into a lawyer if possible,makes me spew,pm me there details please.Sorry this has happened to you bex.. :(
Sorry Zulu, but I am unwilling to mention their dets until this is all over....
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