A question for the more mature members, 30+

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Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2011
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Its a hypothetical 'if you could wave a magic wand question' but what would you do?. You give up everything you own and your life as it stands at this moment but you become 21 again retaining the knowledge you have gleaned thus far. Would you take the opportunity?.

Kindest regards

Hindsight is a wonderful thing.......... I often daydream about one significant 'what if' moment in my life.
BUT... if I had taken that road instead of this one I might not have achieved what I have..... and some of the things I've achieved on this road have been spectacular. :D
No, I'm loving life too much with my preggaz missus and our 2 year old son (along with our ever growing reptile collection) to trade it all in. Sure, I've made some bad decisions but overall they've led me here and I'm staying! :D
Ok.. so hypothetically ...
. I would have taken the risk at the recording studio over the security of the government job.
. I would have gotten out of the car with my suitcase in Western Australia just to see what happened next.
. I would not have agreed to that second date and instead gone with my gut instinct.
. I would have chosen to raise my third child alone.
. I wouldn't have listened to the people who said "no you can't do that" when I knew I could.
. I would have made peace with my mother a lot sooner than 4 years before she passed.

But like I said.... hindsight is a wonderful thing (for daydreaming)
No, I am what I am because of what I did, the butterfly effect infers that to go back would change everything I am now, and I like me ( most of the time )

although I'd like to go back and remember at least the mega draw lotto numbers, then build a time machine and come back to the here and now
i would and i would put all my money into gambling as i know QLD have have a massive killing streak over NSW in origin yewwwww
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Became a cop instead of a Spraypainter. And invested in Crocodile Dundee Instead of Buying that car.
I'm pretty content with my life as it stands so no, I don't think I would go back to 21.... Besides, it took a lot of effort to become as awesome as I now am!!!
Endeavour, you do like to philosophise.

If I simply had my time over again I would make the same mistakes and involve myself in the same positives.

If I had my time over knowing about the outcomes of my mistakes, much of my decision making would be taken out of my hands. I would not take risks and wear the consequences. I would be safe and secure and boring. I would not know the exhilaration of pushing the limits just before I came unstuck.

If I knew the outcomes of all my different choices in life, I would no longer be making those choices. I would be following a script, written for me, directing me, removing “me” from my life.

I have made more mistakes than I would wish to admit. I could have been here or there, if I had just used my head at the time or been more assertive etc

What I do give recognition to is that the person I am is from the sum total of my experiences. I have attempted to learn from mistakes and from the good things I have done. I am still learning. I am still trying to be a better person based on what I have learned. I don’t want to go back to try and improve things. I just want to go forward and try and improve them.

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I don't understand... You ARE hot!!!

nawww thanks Blue.

I grew up being told i was fat and ugly, but looking back on pics of when i was 21, i can see that the people that told me that were full of crap. I'd have loved to have known that back then so i could have made better choices and believed in me a bit more, but i also believe that if i hadn't of done the things i did i wouldnt be the person i am today, and i wouldnt have the wonderful life that i do now....
nawww thanks Blue.

I grew up being told i was fat and ugly, but looking back on pics of when i was 21, i can see that the people that told me that were full of crap. I'd have loved to have known that back then so i could have made better choices and believed in me a bit more, but i also believe that if i hadn't of done the things i did i wouldnt be the person i am today, and i wouldnt have the wonderful life that i do now....

Same here. :)
The most important thing i have learnt is that you only get one life and have to live it your way. It will only ever be what you make, good or bad.

True...... sad that sometimes it takes years to develop the courage to do so.
if you spend your formative years being told you are useless (must stipulate here: never by my parents) it really is hard to believe in your own abilities.

i hope i can teach my daughter her worth and give her the knowledge that no one elses opinions of her matter (unless they are good opinions, lol).
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