Angle Fish Issue

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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2006
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Hello all.

Well as the title suggests i have an issue with a pair of Angle fish. They seem to have decided to be male and female without telling us and therefore have let loose a couple of hundred little fish.
Now, these little fish hatched about an hour ago we think and in that time the male (we assume he is a he as the other angle is trying to fight him off) is eating them all (babies). Around half have been gobbled already. : (
Now we are not set up for this so what should we do?
- Leave the male in the tank and let him eat them all, wait until next time and be more prepared.
- Take as many babies out and put them in a bucket on their own.
- Take the male out and put him in a bucket on his own.
Obviousally we have no idea about fish other than how to keep them alive so any help would be greatly appreciated.
: )

and males will always be territorial to other males and other fish. if anything suitable sized females 'may' work.

if you want to save the little fish, put them in another tank... if not, they're lunch.
Leave the male in the tank and let the parents eat them, they will continue to breed every 2-3weeks as long as water conditions stay suitable and they get enough food. The parents should over time let the babies last longer with each breeding. Taking the male out will sometimes work, the babies feed off the parents slime coat for a little while and it is often hard to replace this stage with baby formula's or crushed flakes when they are too young. If you have a densley planted tank that often helps provide hiding spots and an alternate food source. Its a bit like Groundhog Day and experimenting with different techniques is what makes fishkeeping interesting and fun.
thanks for the excellent information Gar!
will wait and see what happens.
oh, and sorry about the spelling.
: )
Leave the male in the tank and let the parents eat them, they will continue to breed every 2-3weeks as long as water conditions stay suitable and they get enough food. The parents should over time let the babies last longer with each breeding. Taking the male out will sometimes work, the babies feed off the parents slime coat for a little while and it is often hard to replace this stage with baby formula's or crushed flakes when they are too young. If you have a densley planted tank that often helps provide hiding spots and an alternate food source. Its a bit like Groundhog Day and experimenting with different techniques is what makes fishkeeping interesting and fun.

iv also heard that boiled egg can be a food for them... might be wrong i have no experience in this just something i read on a fish forum when researching before i got my angel
Yes, you can use hard boiled egg yolk, not the white though.
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