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if they look cut, how long have you had it as the old owner may have cliped it's it's wing so it couldn't fly and some people cut the ends of the tails to identify one from another, the fact they look ragged is that they will go taht way from hitting things in it's cage. the fact that they arn't, again how long have you had it the feathers if cut won't grow back until febuary march when it moults, if you can pull 1 or 2 of the feathers out (it doesn't hurt the bird) and they will regrow in 6 to 8 weeks. if it were mites the feathers would be chewed off right at the base of the feather right near the skin also you would be able to see them if you look under it's feathers.

fritzi2009 Quote:
Originally Posted by Ramsayi
Pbfd ?

psittacine(?) beak and feather disease? the main symptoms of that are regurgitation, diharreoa (sp), not eating? correct me if im wrong. i still think take it to a vet. i know this because i worked in a pet shop bird section for a while and read the bird magazines.books when i was bored :)
xander Quote:
Originally Posted by fritzi2009
psittacine(?) beak and feather disease? the main symptoms of that are regurgitation, diharreoa (sp), not eating? correct me if im wrong. i still think take it to a vet. i know this because i worked in a pet shop bird section for a while and read the bird magazines.books when i was bored :)

Umm, I think thats wrong. Beak and feather is a virus that affects parrots. It is extremely contagious and in most cases the bird will die, its basically like AIDs in birds, the birds immune system goes to sh_t and they succumb to other illnesses, such as pnuemonia.Why do you think its not PBFD, because to me how you have described the bird is a good indication it does have it.
If it was lice, mites the bird would be constantly irritated and picking fethers, and they would look tatty, not clipped looking.Make sure this bird is not in contact with any other parrots, particulary young parrots as it is extremely contagious.
the symptoms you are discribing are Psittacosis and not PBFD
beak and feather disease is mostly common in cockatoos also galahs but ocassionly in other parrots aswell
beak and feather disease is a disease the bird gets from it's parents in the nest when it hatches and the symptoms don't show any signs untill about a year old and they can still live a long time with it if you look after them right.
Birds can get it from the nest but can also get it from any other parrot that carries it. It is not exclusively past on from a PBFD parrot parent to chick, but can be past on from any PBFD parrot to any young bird it is in contact with as a carrier constatly sheds the disease.Psitticosis is a bacterial disease that main signs are eye,nasal discharge, fluffed apperance, weight loss, green faeces. Birds can show signs of beak and feather well before they are a year old.
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