Anyone live in FNQ?

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Yeah, winter there is warmer than summer here :) We only have enough time to spend 1 week in each I think, which is a shame. Slave to the needle and all that :(

What about facilities, jobs, housing etc in each town? Anyone know? Is the landscape around each town very different? Are there lots of hills around Townsville? (Other half is a keen mountain biker). Are there lots of creeks near Townsville?

I've been to Cairns for about half an hour, and never to Townsville, so I'm in the dark here!

Townsville is - well.... the dry tropics... but when it rains it pours.... Cairns is the wet tropics - suffering from 2.4m of rain per year.

Creeks in Cairns flow almost year long (normally) - some of the smaller tributaries dry up. But the likes of the rivers such as the Barron, Mulgrave, Russell etc - they flow year long and are quite impressive for swimming (in the upper reaches - lower reaches harbour many unfriendly critters). There's even Lake Placid - on the Barron - absolutely stunning, and ironically named... Though I've never seen a croc in there, but there's no reason why they wouldn't have them.

Jobs in Cairns are mostly in the tourist industry - but that is far from booming at present. Many people are out of work because there just aren't tourists here.

But there's still plenty of other work out there. Personally, if it was work you're after, T-ville is the place to be. If it's outdoors you're after... Cairns is the place to be.
There are some hills around Townsville. A lot of people seem to go mountain biking and hiking up the hills that surround the uni (though there is one boundary- the army property). There is also castle hill pretty much in the middle of the city, and theres a couple of hills over near thuringowa (spelling probably wrong lol) but I haven't spent much time over that side. Slightly north and slightly south there are more hills around the place. Shellfisch- I have actually seen people mountain bike DOWN castle hill- pretty hard core in my opinion though. If you're into mountainbiking, I rekon the hills around the uni would be a great starter. Theres also Mt. Sturt :)

Creeks etc- there are a few through the uni, crystal creek ust north is absolutely SUPERB! Gorgeous creek system and nice swimming pools. If you go to little crystal creek, and are willing to hike/climb a bit, you can keep climbing up, following the creek system, and hit more and more waterfalls and get away from most of the other people that go there. Big crystal creek is a great spot to go swimming (I go to little crystal creek for the hike and 'play' and big crystal creek for a bit more of a hike and to swim). There are camping grounds there as well. After a bit of rain, big crystal creek turns into a series of 'rapids' depending on how much water there is- its REALLY fun (for me at least) to walk up the creek against the water, then when you get tired turn around, sit down and just 'flow' lol. Bit bumpy in some sections though haha!

In regard to the city itself... I'm from Brisbane, and hadn't really been anywhere else before moving to Tville for uni. I can tell you now though, I never want to live in Brisbane again! Navigation, traffic and the curtesty in townsville is all so much better! all of the streets are parallel and perpendicular to each other, so if theres an accident, break down or just heavy traffic its EASY to go around without getting lost. Traffic always flows a lot better, instead of Bris where you might be stuck behind one set of traffic lights for 4 or so light changes- it just doesn't happen up in Townsville! the people also seem to be nicer drivers, in that they let you in gaps, don't tend to be such aggressive drivers etc. The people are also nice and willing to help, have a chat etc. For example, if ever somethings gone wrong with my car and I've had the bonnet up, at least one person always asks if you're alright/need a hand etc. Shopping- we have pretty much everything up here the same as what is available in Brisbane, but the crowds are much better, easy to get parked, it takes VERY little time to get from one part of the city to the other... It takes ~20mins to drive from the university (one 'side' of the city) to the airport (the other 'side') on average...

The ONLY downside to townsville, which, as others have said, you get used to, is the humidity, but Cairns would be worse I imagine :)

what else? lol... I didn't intend on making such a long post, but I just love Townsville. I cannot comment on cairns, as I've never been there before (hoping on going this year at some stage). If you have any specific questions about tville, feel free to ask :)
Personally, if it was work you're after, T-ville is the place to be. If it's outdoors you're after... Cairns is the place to be.

It's the outdoors we're after, but that doesn't change the fact that we have lots of bills to pay.

I'm hoping to join the Reserves but I can't find out ANYWHERE if I could do that in Cairns. Townsville is easy, I think you can join any branch of the Defence Force Reserves there but Cairns is not mentioned... although I'm pretty sure there's a naval base there...???
Oh, forgot to ask - we have 2 dogs. Are they going to munch of cane toads and die as soon as we get there?
I think I've seen just one toad in Townsville, to be honest. Maybe they just avoid me somehow, but down here in Bris they're bloody EVERYWHERE! Can kill heaps every night and theres always heaps and heaps left... Just my experience though, maybe I just don't see them? I live near a kind of 'gully'/stormwater drainage thing (pretty deep) and have just seen the one toad in my yard.
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The naval base is in Cairns and there's also barracks here - I know some people who teach at the army barracks. As for Navy, I also know they employ here because every year we send 7 students for a week of work there. You'll need to contact the navy directly I guess - as we go through a company called VPG - and they only deal with work placements for several schools in the area.

As for the person suggesting Paronella Park is close to T-ville - I guess if you think 3 hours and 45 mins is close then yer... it's close :)

It's one hour from Cairns and it is spectacular:


Here's Milla Milla Falls up the Palmerston Highway - also around four hours from T-ville or a little over an hour from Cairns.


Another from Paronella


As for cane toads - I live about 2km from where cane toads were first released, not something to be proud of I guess... but... I've only ever seen a few... hundred.... million of them....

Dogs live next door and leave them alone - in fact no animals touch them - and they keep the mosquito population down :)
I've lived in both and personally much prefer Townsville to live although I would place Cairns first as a holiday destination. They both have slightly different personalities as Cairns is tourist dependent to a certain extent whereas Townsville has a large defence force presence as well as other government infrastructure so doesn't really suffer too much when tourism is down.

I will try to answer some of your questions re: Townsville.

There is a naval base here. Not sure about Reserves though but as I live next door to the Senior Naval Officer for Townsville (SNOT for short) I can find out about that.

As mentioned there are some good mountain bike tracks near the Uni, maintained by the local Rockhoppers club and there is an annual 8 hour mountain bike race around a course at the dam (HotRock 8 hour I think its called) in May from memory.

The hospital is 'better' as its the Tertiary referral centre for North Qld so has many services Cairns doesn't (not a big issue unless you actually need to access them)

Most dogs seem to learn early on that toads don't taste good so generally leave them alone. I only get one or two toads in my yard and the dogs seem to ignore them although all other animals seem fair game for them unfortunately. They killed a 5 and a half foot Eastern Brown last year and no birds spend long in the yard if they know whats good for them (worse than bloody cats sometimes)

Your bredli and MD will be fine here. My bredli hasn't had a problem so far. About the only herp I would be reluctant to have would be shinglebacks although JCU don't seem to have any problems with them.

JCU has a bigger campus (?probably more study options) in Townsville although at times some courses are only offered in Cairns.

I'm happy to answer any other questions but might not get back to this thread for a couple so shoot me a PM if you want.

Wow slim6y, that's awesome! Who did the pics?

Tsubakai I probably will send you a couple hundred PMs.

Thanks everyone, so helpful.
I live in Cairns and wouldn't live anywhere else... as my friend put it - Townsville is for people who want to find work easily and Cairns (the unemployment capital of Australia) is for people who love the outdoors.

But work isn't hard to find - you just have to look :)

LOL, that's pretty harsh mate, I can work outdoors and still spend at least 3-4 nights a week herping or hunting, without getting anywhere near cairns. Last weekend managed to fit in arid zone for vens and endemic gecks, as well as wet tropics for scrubbies, adders, jungles, with a bit of shooting in between, heading hunting for fri-sun this week and back to the rainforest for monday tuesday and my gecko/boyds fix :). Before you mention the reef, yes I dive....near townsville....:)

Did JCU at townsville, besides the spastic level of disorganisation that goes with most uni's (or so I choose to console myself with) it was pretty good. Double majored with hons.

I don't have anything against cairns, was actually born there.......both have their good points and bad. (oh, found cassowary dung last trip to wallaman falls..... :lol:)
Yeah, winter there is warmer than summer here :) We only have enough time to spend 1 week in each I think, which is a shame. Slave to the needle and all that :(

What about facilities, jobs, housing etc in each town? Anyone know? Is the landscape around each town very different? Are there lots of hills around Townsville? (Other half is a keen mountain biker). Are there lots of creeks near Townsville?

I've been to Cairns for about half an hour, and never to Townsville, so I'm in the dark here!
The city of cairns is a bit of a hole but I hate all city type living.
A fraction north though, like Kuranda and those suburbs surrounding Cairns are full of wildlife and there is some beautiful rainforests about up there.
Kuranda doesn't have much work but it is there if your willing to work. Cairns does have work depending on the industry you work in.Lived there for 12 mnths and I am moving up to Kuranda in about 4-6 weeks. Wouldn't go any where else.
LOL, that's pretty harsh mate, I can work outdoors and still spend at least 3-4 nights a week herping or hunting, without getting anywhere near cairns. Last weekend managed to fit in arid zone for vens and endemic gecks, as well as wet tropics for scrubbies, adders, jungles, with a bit of shooting in between, heading hunting for fri-sun this week and back to the rainforest for monday tuesday and my gecko/boyds fix :). Before you mention the reef, yes I dive....near townsville....:)

I don't have anything against cairns, was actually born there.......both have their good points and bad. (oh, found cassowary dung last trip to wallaman falls..... :lol:)

I said nothing harsh - was repeating what a friend said :)

Cairns is definitely the greener prettier city with the highest unemployment - I think that's a fairly neutral qualifier :)
Fair call, hahahah...It is lack of a better word.... :)
Hehe, thanks guys. Well Cairns does seem prettier in all the pics I found on good old Google. I think I'd prefer to live in the wet tropics because I love to grow my own herbs (actual herbs, like basil, not what you're thinking) but I'm basically a crap gardener and always forget to water stuff until it's too late... Good a reason as any, right?

So apparently the actual Cairns CBD is a 'hole'? What's the Townsville CBD like? Cairns CBD looks pretty cool on Google Earth, haha. What's with that lagoon? Awesome.

But seriously, does it drive you all nuts living in the wet tropics?
townsvilles CBD is joke but the strand isnt bad, as for wet tropics driving me nuts naw i like to sweat while its raining lol
You get used to the humidity and heat. Its just bad when you're constantly leaving and coming back like I am (to and from bris, winton, placements etc.)
I just came back from Cairns today (Port Douglas and Cape Trib area), it a great place even getting hit by 2 cyclones in 1 week didn't make me think different of the place.
All I can say is,
If you like the heat,humidity and dont mind arvo thunderstorms and a couple of hundred mills falling in 1 or 2 days you will love it!
It looks like we will be moving there in a couple of years, we just wanted to experience the wet season first before we make the final call.

Cairns City centre and cant stand, dont ask why just not my type of place.

Great for photographing wildlife, I can see my self living in the Daintree/Cape Trib area for sure!





Oh and there is plenty of these things around

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Great photos Niall - Just doing some time lapse photography right now from my window of the rise and fall of water in my rural drain...

At 10:30am we were able to go inner tubing down our drain and our next door neighbour was wake-boarding behind his 4 wheeler.

I'll link to the rise and fall of our stormwater drain when I've got enough film :)

Your photos are awesome too - I love it when the roads get flooded like that!

Here's some from 2008:

The Bruce Highway - typical tourists, don't know how to drive in the rain :)


A typical sugar cane road


Wake Boarding - 2008 (deeper today)

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