awsome 21st present

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Feb 5, 2009
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went up to my parents last night just to visit n was sitting down chatting to mum n dad and mum goes "so were gonna have to give you your 21st present a bit early" i thought ok no worries, its still about a week and a half away, than dad brought out a nice looking water bowl with 2 big dragon heads coming off it, i thought this is pretty cool, it looks nice, than he said this'll go well in the new enclosure your gonna have to build, as he knew i had just finished my new one for my darwins im about to pick up this arvo, i was confused "new enclosure?" i asked, "yea he said, ive bought u a pair of hatchling diamond pythons, we go pick them up monday" i was stoaked lol how cool is that, diamonds for my 21st lol. just gotta make another enclosure now, so with 2 new darwins coming today and a pair of diamonds on monday its gonna b a full house by the end of the weekend along with the rest of the clan lol, just thought i would post this as im rather excited lol :D
Congrats Nabu! You'll have fun building and getting to know your new pets. Your parents are awesome. I'm working on Pythondad to let me get a woma for mothers' day (maybe at the Castle Hill expo), but he says we have too many snakes :( How can that be?!
Haha that's awesome! Make sure to post pics of the new additions and the enclosure when they arrive!!
great 21st pressie .happy b day and dont drink to much nah drink heaps and dont forget to post pics when you get them
cheers guys, just got back with the darwins, there settling in now, gotta start setting up temp enclosures now 4 the diamonds on there way, will post pics soon
just picked up the diamonds, there so tiny lol im very happy with them, will post pics soon once my gf comes round with the camera, its a full house now, dont think ill be getting any more for a bit... but you never know lol
That is so cool. My parents put on a huge party for my 21st but this is much better! I guess in their defense I wasn't into snakes then, mainly just getting blind!...hmmm....maybe a 32nd birthday present later this year. (Yes I am old). I hadn't thought of asking for a snake or enclosure. It gets tough trying to think of something, mum keeps asking what I want each birthday but I can never think of anything.... now I know!

Your parents are definately cool.............
thanks, yea i love em ha ha, and dont worry i plan on getting blind for my 21st too just gotta move the snakes into my spare room n lock it so they dont get continuously harrassed by drunks all night
Congrats and happy birthday.
I would keep gecko's as a kid, mum would worry they would turn to huge monitors.
She won't even look at pic's of my herps:shock:
Took her ages to step into the house till she was sure about the security of enclosures:rolleyes:
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Heartiest congratulations to you, and good luck to you with your new enclosure and fast expanding 'family'!!!!!
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