Baby Beardies Hatched :)

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Very Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2006
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Well today was one of them good surprise afternoons. Came home to two lovely heads popping out of there eggs. So far one is completely out with the other on his way and the long wait for the others. I will post updated pics once they all have hatched. These are from our beardies Blondie and Red I have included photo of the parents :)

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the parents
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Congrats! Happened for me aswell :D
1 out and 3 heads popping!
Well done!!!

I am going to have my first clutch this year and can't wait to see the heads popping out!
Well done.
If you don't mind me asking how is your incubator setup? do you have any photos as I want to set one up but I don't know what to aim for.

Thanks everyone, yes very exciting day for me. This is blonde's first clutch I think she had around 24 but only 16 were any good. She also has another clutch of 26 inclubating. All up we have over 60 beardie eggs cooking with I expect some more hatching in a few days.

Congrats Strange1 it's a very exciting moment after the long wait.

"Porkosta" I dont' currently have any photo's of my incubator. Basically just a large fridge, with the door cut out with glass pannel and heat cord around the walls of the fridge (inside). I had a few glitches with it at first due to a computer fan I was using but now it keeps a incredibly steady temp between 30.5-30.8 even on some of the really hot days, so will see how it goes around christmas time but we have a back up portable air con if we need it.
congrats! is that all the eggs there? wow 16 weldone!:D

selling them?

Yes I will be selling them once there ready, have a few people that want some out of this clutch but I haven't advertised them yet so there's still a fair few available. Once there all out and eating I will advertise (once I get over the excitement). Were going to keep the first one that hatched as my son was so excited that after watching these eggs for weeks he got a beardie. He called it milkie (dunno were he got that lol).
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