Be careful what you buy

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mysnakesau, it wasn't a big deal to me in the grand scheme of things, and I wouldn't have bothered to put anything in writing, just peeved off at how I was treated in the end.
Kelly, they are supposedly hypo milli, I know where to come for hypo levis 
Mike, Thanks mate, I'm doing well.
Jason, it would be great to name but there are rules about it for a reason unfortunately, although since posting this thread I have had plenty of PM's asking who the breeder was and have found others that have had issues with the same couple.
gecko's are easily visually sexed
Not necessarily when they are young.
You'll see a lot of ads for young gex as "unsexed" as they often don't show until they start to get a bit bigger. Same thing happened to me, got a couple of amyae as bubs. The seller was open & informed me from the start that the sex wasn't guaranteed, & I was happy enough to accept that & went into the purchase prepared for any scenario. One was almost certainly a male, the other could have gone either way. As they matured, they both were easily identifiable as males, so while it was a bit of a setback, I was happy to accept that's how it was, & now see it as an opportunity to get 2 (mature, sexed) females & have 2 pairs. It's the risk we take buying them young.

Geck82, that's unfortunate that you're not getting any joy from the seller, but 12 months is a long time after the fact to follow it up (I realise that's how circumstances finished up after correspondence with the seller) & I wish you luck however it pans out.

I guess the only sure fire way to know we have a pair is to pay the extra & get mature animals, otherwise accept the fact that there's a chance they may not prove to be sexed as originally hoped.

Good luck
well if you have it in emails from them you could print them out and take it up with them that you do have the agreement in wrighting from them, at least in part,

but if not, then there is not a lot you can do about it other wise.
I don't want anything done about it now, even if the breeder was to come forward and offer a resolution I would decline as I want nothing more to do with them. Thanks for all your kind comments and PMs.
If you are attending any shows this year, there are still plenty of good sellers out there. The particular seller that I have had issues with is not attending any Sydney shows this year.
They are both on this forum. Both VERY well known, and this same thing has happened to a friend of mine too.
They probably are on this forum and have read this thread ;)

I'd say they have at the speed pm's fly around on forums and different sites also I can't for the life of me work out why they wouldn't want to sort this out, as more and more people are finding out it can only hurt their future business. You'd think they would go into damage control. If they are well known and a larger breeder what's one bl**dy gecko for Chr..t's sake. Pretty sad but it happens in every animal hobby and many other business's. As I mentioned on Andrew_p's thread very annoyed Why is it we can only praise a breeder and name them but not name them when the sh.t hits the fan an goes pear shaped? Surely we should have the oportunity to the hobby to oust the undesirables among the hobby.
alot of ppl know that it is very hard to sex juvi Geckos,. but as I understand it these were sold as a 'pair' not unsexed.
& as the couple agreed to honor the swap at the next expo I hardly see the time frame to be a factor (ie too much time has now passed)
If anything what a bloody joke to expect Chris to wait a year just to get what he originally asked for!
I think it stinks & if they are reading this,. why dont you do the right thing by ppl or get out of the game!

big breeders yes i no who u are talking about i dont have to ask
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alot of ppl know that it is very hard to sex juvi Geckos,. but as I understand it these were sold as a 'pair' not unsexed.
& as the couple agreed to honor the swap at the next expo I hardly see the time frame to be a factor (ie too much time has now passed)
If anything what a bloody joke to expect Chris to wait a year just to get what he originally asked for!
I think it stinks & if they are reading this,. why dont you do the right thing by ppl or get out of the game!

probably because there already on there way out of the game be it due to holidays or jut simply because their name is being tarnished from there misdealings
It will be interesting to see how many animals this breeder sells at the upcoming Herp show in Melbourne, it seems as though a few people have had the same experience with this couple that breed animals.
I wonder what their after sales service for animals purchased at the show will be like if they are getting out of the hobby?
i doubt there will be any after sales service , especially seeing as they didn't have aftersales service when they where in the hobby
I think that if you were ripped off you would me more inclined not to rip people off.
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