Bedroom To Snake Enclosure

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my carpets are getting over 6ft now so i won't have trouble finding them and the only thing im going to have in my room is my bed it can't get caught in the door because ill be watching out for them, i have kept them in my room over night already and they were quite fine and i have a huge enclosure for them i just like them to have lot's of space.
No girls will want to spend time in your room if you do this.
I know a fair few women how like them anyway they'll have to like them cause im never getting rid of my snakes.

I was thinking more in the "liking" of snakes slithering over you whilst you have "intimate study" time.
In my opinion, you're just asking for trouble with an idea like that.
With larger snakes, some aspects may be more practical ie. you can find them easier, you are less likely to step on them etc.
However, I'm assuming your collection consists of relatively small (and fragile) pythons like carpets, Antaresias and the like.

What is one gets caught in a door? What if you step on it? What if something heavy drops on it?
What if one climbs into your bed for warmth, and you roll over on top of it and asphyxiate it?
And yes.. How will you keep your room sanitary?

My guess is that you are just a stinge.
Fork out the money and buy them some enclosures.

And Longqi, I'm intrigued.. How do you go about cleaning up after an adult retic decides to let loose? In your house :shock:

Haha, not a stinge, just creative. They are already in a 10ft enclosure.
why not just get a bub croc to sleep with you and hope all goes well in the long run;)
After a feed they usually are quite happy to hide away until poo time
If we forget its in the bath usually waiting when we wake up
But all our floors are tiles anyway so no dramas with occasional accidents
When we think its close we lead them out the back lawn and away they go
If theve been left alone there isnt really much left as poo anyway
Very efficient digestion machines of most things except birds so those ones dont get chooks very often

It can be done so long as you understand that anything breakable will be broken
and that a shelf 4ft above the ground is easy meat for a reasonable sized snake
So in those rooms there is nothing to get broken

About women and slitherers years ago in Nelson Bay I had a big wild diamond that used to winter in my airing cupboard
Left window open so it could come and go when it wanted a feed
Had this little honey with me one night when Lucy slid in the window to say gidday
People in Sydney heard the screams
Neighbours enjoyed the view as she vanished up the driveway

If anyone wants some pretty trendy size 8 clothes let me know
Aren't you gonna cook in there yourself?
Most of the practical problems could be overcome with a bit of ingenuity, but the biggest problem we have here with the snake room is that the room and everything in it acquires an odour of snake after a while - it's almost impossible to prevent this happening, regardless of how efficiently you clean. Your clothes, bedding, and everything else will smell distinctively snakey in time, and it's not going to be that pleasant for those close to you.

I don't really see the point anyway...

Could be an interesting pick up line with the ladies, "wanna take this to the bedroom so that i can introduce you to my GIANT snake"
Most of the practical problems could be overcome with a bit of ingenuity, but the biggest problem we have here with the snake room is that the room and everything in it acquires an odour of snake after a while - it's almost impossible to prevent this happening, regardless of how efficiently you clean. Your clothes, bedding, and everything else will smell distinctively snakey in time, and it's not going to be that pleasant for those close to you.

I don't really see the point anyway...


Our ones rarely visit the bedroom because my better half leaves a fan pointed at the door and that turns them off
But an interesting thing is that the free range snakes simply dont smell
There is no snake smell except for after accidents or when they shed somewhere hidden
Yet the snakes in vivs definitely have an odour
Thinking about this I think the same could be said for most wild snakes
If you find them where they hole up you can track them by smell fairly easily
But if one just turns up in a garden etc there is little smell until they musk you
Also how are you going to overcome, I'm assuming from your posts that you have more than one type of snake at different ages and sizes, the possibility of cannibalism? Fair enough a large enclosure but there's still a territory risk there
you have to think about light and heating and make sure it wont burn your house also poorly sanitzed tank/cage/room can cause harm to you and your snakes health unless you keep really ontop of the cleaning i think this is a bad idea but if you can get it to worrk for you good job post pics :)
Why dont you just move your room around so you at-least have enough room for a bed. Once you have a sleeping room, now, put up some 'walls' or windows or whatever your gonna use. Enclosure your room like that. Have a door to access the enclosure and then you dont have to worry about them escaping if they are in a masssssssssssssive enclosure, unless your foolish enough not too lock up properly.
lol turn your room into a cage then the snakes will bite you then you become snake man [like spiderman] the your family can replace your door with glass then pay people to see you that would be epic then your family would be rich!
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