blind snakes for sale cheack it out

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Different guy, but this one also currently has Copper-tailed Ctenotus advertised, bet they're not licensed either.
the blind snakes I find in my back yard [ 8 acres] dont have any smell at all, they are really cute
I'm waiting to see when the first burmese is advertised there :evil:[/quote]

there was one along with a breeding pair of boas for sale about 12months ago
no phone # only email.
As sure as I can be. They have no legs are silver/grey in colour around quarter of an inch in width and around 8 to 12 inches long ,blunt head.Sorry not up on metric measurements.
That's interesting, every blind snake i've ever handled (probably 10-15) has left a pungent smell on my hands. I've only handled one species though, the Blackish Blind Snake..
Apparently it's like green tree snakes, sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. Kris had someone bring one here the other day which they'd caught and put in a plastic container. He looked it over to make sure it hadn't been harmed when it was caught and was surprised to find it didn't release any odour during handling.
Next one I find I'll take a photo and put it on this site. I'll try and get it identified. I'm in the mid north of S.A. Foothills of the flinders ranges.
the guys name is jason i had a very bad experience with him he replied to a wanted add i placed for geckoes and told me he would deliver them and never turned up he had really wierd excuses for not coming over or let me pick them up but kept making new appointments with me after not turning up four times in a row on four different weekends and posting his own add for geckoes it became pretty obvious what was going on so i forgot about him but he kept sending me emails of different things he had for sale all of which all are wild caught animals (this he openly admits ) if you have a look at all tha adds he has placed he has advertized atleast 100 different herps in the last 12 months that alone should be enough for NPWS to do something, anyway i replied to his email with something like your kidding arn,t ya and let him know what i thought of his customer sevice ,he replied with "well i would of taken your money off u u little bitch and then jumped on ya
head cause u fuked me round so lonh i didnt say to u stay at home for the
weekend did i hold a fuking gun to ya head u little bitch u missed out i had
them as u didnt ring the follwing week when u said u going to my add for
wanted geckos was to swap for my others i have hear u gronk u r a fuking
gronk needs no **** i would of taken ya money off ya and left u with ****
and i dont put things in boxes like u fuking would and i would of stand over
u dont u fuking worry about that fukin gronk u sound like one thats why i
said $80 each to u fuker go fuk ya self or a guy ok u sound like the type

>From: "Dino Valentine" <[email protected]>
>To: "Jason L" <[email protected]>
>Subject: Re: geckos
>Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 10:47:05 +1100
sorry for the bad language but it got much worse there was more threats of violence and heaps of references to homosexuality the guys got major problems. sorry if this offends anyone if you can acctully read it (This was written has a genuine warning )
Oh my god :? :shock: Dino, that's're right. he obviously does have some major issues.
sounds like this should be refferred to the well as whatever parks and wildlife authority
yess well thanks kersten for not being offended hope everyone relizes the fowl language is his and i have about six more from him all very similar they get very disgusting as well i thought it was important people know my only mistake was to agree to buy his geckos (i placed the wanted add ) but after a month of getting stuffed around i let him know what i think (without swearing or attacking him personally just high lighted all the things he did to stuff me around and questioned him on his lies and weird statements/claims ) and well you saw his reply . i think he just expected me to keep saying ok ill wait for you this friday untill someone replied to his gecko add and he would re sell them to me sounds far fetched but one weekend he couldn,t turn up because he had some mice in the garage which he wanted to catch and sell ,sure enough he had and add the next day for two mice for $5 the pair. and thats not all i could really go on all night about this guy he wanted to sell me a olive ridley turtle for my small freshwater pond (i said isn't that a sea turtle )''oh no mate my friend works at the zoo with em im there all the time " like what does that mean
he also had some bad stuff to say about a dealling he had with matt from animal attraction (really nice bloke and down to earth) well i spoke to matt about it and to my embarresment he had no idear who i was talking about or anything about the tree snakes jason claimed to have sold him .what a shmuk
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