Bredi keeps playing in his water

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u can spray it 4 mltes anyway if u want it wont hurt it. water bowls can be fairly big. i use a cermaic dog water bowl 4 example. bigger water bowl just means a bit more humidity in cage which helps the snake shed its skin easier. most times in 1 piece rather than bits n pieces

Why would you want to expose a snake to insecticide when its not needed :rolleyes:

You do realise that excess usage of any chemical builds resistance to target
I agree dont spray unless you have to
They can get a chemical reaction...and you never know if something else happens and you have to introduce more chemicals. Sometimes the chemicals to cure the thing can be just as nasty as having the if there arent any mites dont spray

yes a big water container can help them when they shedding. but i bet u'll find after the mite spray they wont go in there. if they dont shed properly u can put them in a big container with bout 30mm high of water 4 20 mins then u can roll their skin off that they didn't shed. u dont need a massive container of water in there permanently. takes up too much space. cermaic dog bowl is big enough. i would speak 2 the reptile shop in ur area & c wat they say
Ok cheers. So is it true that you shouldn't leave water in with Bredli as it causes scale rot. Anything that I have read on the internet has said that they need fresh water everyday. I was told by someone that on the forum that I shouldn't leave water in with them as they don't need it and it will cause them to have scale rot.
Why would you want to expose a snake to insecticide when its not needed :rolleyes:

You do realise that excess usage of any chemical builds resistance to target
agree.. snakes can have a bad reaction from the mite spray aswell, a snake of mine had a bad reaction, it had a few bad sheds & went off eating for a few months..
yes a big water container can help them when they shedding. but i bet u'll find after the mite spray they wont go in there. if they dont shed properly u can put them in a big container with bout 30mm high of water 4 20 mins then u can roll their skin off that they didn't shed. u dont need a massive container of water in there permanently. takes up too much space. cermaic dog bowl is big enough. i would speak 2 the reptile shop in ur area & c wat they say

Pet stores usually no nothing and just want a sale. As mentioned dont treat mites unless mites are confirmed

Ok cheers. So is it true that you shouldn't leave water in with Bredli as it causes scale rot. Anything that I have read on the internet has said that they need fresh water everyday. I was told by someone that on the forum that I shouldn't leave water in with them as they don't need it and it will cause them to have scale rot.

If the water bowl is the right size, in the cold end with plenty of ventilation then leaving it in 24/7 is fine. All my animals have full access to water with no health problems
Ok cheers. So is it true that you shouldn't leave water in with Bredli as it causes scale rot. Anything that I have read on the internet has said that they need fresh water everyday. I was told by someone that on the forum that I shouldn't leave water in with them as they don't need it and it will cause them to have scale rot.

They need water in a bowl at all times for the snake to drink.
Also the air needs some humidity to aid shedding which the evaporating water provides. scale rot is only if they are only permanently in fluid.
I wouldnt bother with the pet store. Listen to the right people on this site you will gain all the knowledge about reps you will ever need..
(if you listen to the people who have a clue that
u can listen 2 who ever u want, but mite spray wont hurt ur snake. if it has mites & u took it 2 the vet or ur local reptile shop thats wat they would tell u 2 use. google it
Have just checked him and his water bowl. I have not found any signs of mites so I will not be spraying him with chemicals. I don't like to use them at the best of times so will not expose him to them if he doesn't need it. I have put a 10litre container in there for him. He put his head under for a few seconds slid his whole body through the water and in now laying on his shelf going off to sleep. He hasn't shed after his feed Sunday and hasn't pooed. Will let you all know how he is doing. Thankyou once again for all your advice.
u can listen 2 who ever u want, but mite spray wont hurt ur snake. if it has mites & u took it 2 the vet or ur local reptile shop thats wat they would tell u 2 use. google it

Would you stop giving incorrect information, It is dangerous and has the potential
to harm the animal.
Mite sprays are used ONLY in the case of an infection and should never be used
as a preventative.
u can listen 2 who ever u want, but mite spray wont hurt ur snake. if it has mites & u took it 2 the vet or ur local reptile shop thats wat they would tell u 2 use. google it

It has been previously mentioned that mites can build up a resistance, so eventully after doing treatments for no reason it may become difficult to find a effective product,

Everyone has disagreed with you about mite so just give it up...
Have just checked him and his water bowl. I have not found any signs of mites so I will not be spraying him with chemicals. I don't like to use them at the best of times so will not expose him to them if he doesn't need it. I have put a 10litre container in there for him. He put his head under for a few seconds slid his whole body through the water and in now laying on his shelf going off to sleep. He hasn't shed after his feed Sunday and hasn't pooed. Will let you all know how he is doing. Thankyou once again for all your advice.

Glad to hear you took the better advice. Goodluck with him, its all a learing kurb
u can listen 2 who ever u want, but mite spray wont hurt ur snake. if it has mites & u took it 2 the vet or ur local reptile shop thats wat they would tell u 2 use. google it
please stop it mate, your not helping anyone.. you may think your clever but no one else does...IT DANGEROUS TO GIVE ADVICE YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT..
yea ok no worries. If i didn't know anthin bout it i wouldn't be givin any advice at all."15 litre tub of water" "reptile shops r useless" "snakes swim in water all the time" who knows nothin.
yea ok no worries. If i didn't know anthin bout it i wouldn't be givin any advice at all."15 litre tub of water" "reptile shops r useless" "snakes swim in water all the time" who knows nothin.

Sure mate, you amuse me:lol:
The snake mite. (Ophionyssus natricis) If you can not see the mites actually on the snake the easiest place to spot them is often the water bowl. When snakes have mites they soak to relieve the itching. This soaking manages to kill a small number of the mites. These dead mites look like pepper that has been sprinkled on the water.I have heard of lots of sprays, strips, powders and even creams to kill mites. I am sorry to say that in my experience most only reduce the numbers of mites and give a false sense of security to the keeper. The chemicals used in these products is often dangerous to the snakes being treated

Just found this regarding the use of mite spray. I will not be doing this to my snake. I think I will find an alternitive to treatment when and if he ever gets mites. Thankyou all for pointing out to me the dangers of spray unnessarily
yea ok no worries. If i didn't know anthin bout it i wouldn't be givin any advice at all."15 litre tub of water" "reptile shops r useless" "snakes swim in water all the time" who knows nothin.
sure dont believe an bunch of experienced herpers.. believe someone thats had a snake for a week or two.... this is the worse case of the '2 week' snake owner ive seen on your funny..
Don't know how to post the quotes but to you bones8 I found this in regards to their water needs from a caresheet written by MARK
Bredli Python (Morelia spilota bredli)
Provide a large drinking bowl. These snakes also enjoy soaking in their water dish. A water bowl large enough for the python to soak in is ideal but unfortunately is often impractical. Rocks and logs will also give the snake something to rub against when it is shedding.

So as advised I did my google search on the mite spray and treating mites on snakes and it is not the best thing to do for the snake. As I said I google search before I can on here as to cause. I was after the assistance of those who have experience and not those who think they might. Giving misleading information could cause alot of halm to someones snake. I am just so Thankful that so many people spoke up and told me not to treat. Thankyou very much to those who spoke the truth and didn't hide behide chemical answers.
good for you cwtiger, research the FACTS... it was a person like this guy who gave me the wrong info when i was starting out, so you have done the right thing asking & researching..
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