breeding jungle pythons

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Not so new Member
Jan 27, 2012
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I want too breed my jungles they are my first pythons my female is 4yrs old and my male is 3yrs 8months they have shared the same tank for 3yrs now and now they both have a good size too them i think they are ready if any body can give me some steps too how I get them mating and how I go about the eggs once they are laid would be great thanks
Okay thanks can I ask what keeping them in the same tank how it impacts on them breeding:?
Aww okay well ya always learn somethin new thanks for advice appreciate it :)
It always makes things easier when cleaning and feeding if snakes are kept in separate cages. Does it make any difference when it comes to breeding?. I don't think so.
My theory is that a boy snakes doesn't know that a girl snake is a girl until she comes into season.

For a number of years I kept diamonds together in outside cages and had eggs most years.

As for getting them to mate, well boys will be boys when there is a girl around, providing that your girl is a girl.

Turn any night heat off and you should see some action around May/July.

Good luck.................................
Okay that's really helpful thanks :) should I still seperate them like does it increase my chances or do you think if they have been happy together for this long they should be fine too leave
If you have a spare cage I would separate them now and keep them separate until and after breeding time.
It makes them so much easier to manage.

There is a theory that by keeping the males away from the females makes the males more keen when they are put to together. I keep all my snakes in separate cages but that's 99% for management.
I have a spare cage I just feel bad leaving them in a tank on their own there always coiled up together I will give it a try thow and if they don't like it I can always put them back together thanks
When I put my male and female together, the male went off his food for six months, as soon as I had him in his own enclosure he was eating a week later, conditioning has a lot to do with breeding so thats something to think of too...
Snakes are solitary creatures, they should never be kept together except for breeding season. Some people get away with it, but the risks far out weigh any benefit there is to co-habitating them.

If i was you, i would be separating them permanently and only putting them together for breeding.
Research would be my opinion. asking for a simple answer on a forum isn't the way to go. They're not like dogs. You can't just let them at it and then have some cute puppies that mum feeds and watch them sleep in a loving family.

How do you plan to incubate the eggs, do you have sufficient clickclacks fitted out with heat water hides etc to house each hatchlings, have you researched cooling temps and times, what will you do if you encounter a problem feeder, do you have sufficent food for the hatchlings?

Theres A whole lot of things you need to have ready before you even begin to try. If you just want baby snakes go buy some. If you want to successfully breed pythins do alot of research and do it properly so you don't kill 20 fragile hatchlings.
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