can i?

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yea that was it i have no idea why i was thinking listeria! salmonella! did ur doctor say if its airborn tho? because i know gloves should be worn but i wasnt sure if a mask is needed? i think ill let my partner find out about the sex but i want it to be a surprise
(i am expecting to have a girl tho, seems alot of people have that feeling aswel) lol

Cool - I'm not pregnant yet but fingers crossed it will happen soon
I think like may other bugs when the feces dried the salmonella can become airborne but best to ask a professional - my doc just said to have some one else do the cleaning to limit the change so I never thought to ask him that - I will now though.
Cool - I'm not pregnant yet but fingers crossed it will happen soon
I think like may other bugs when the feces dried the salmonella can become airborne but best to ask a professional - my doc just said to have some one else do the cleaning to limit the change so I never thought to ask him that - I will now though.

ok thanks heaps bundy, that makes alot more sence now, i might get my partner to do the cleaning and ill still do the feeding with gloves etc
:) thanks everyone for ur help

would still like to know if its safe to be handling the baby birds soon if anyone knows a bit more about that, would appreciate the info
Congrats on the great news! Don't really know what to say about the whole bug thing. Everything seems to be bad for you when your pregnant! I guess I would have to agree with snakes4me2. The hubby should help/clean out the enclosures. You shouldn't be doing anything "overly strenuous" :p
I wouldn`t risk it, i`ve had salmonella poisoning before and it`s crap... literally!!! I can`t imagine it would be too good for apregnant woman.
ok thanks heaps bundy, that makes alot more sence now, i might get my partner to do the cleaning and ill still do the feeding with gloves etc
:) thanks everyone for ur help

would still like to know if its safe to be handling the baby birds soon if anyone knows a bit more about that, would appreciate the info

If the birds are healthy(which im sure they are) it should not be a problem but I'm sure they too carry salmonella - take a feces sample to the vet and get it checked maybe? if its all clear there is no reason at all not to H/R them
I wouldn`t risk it, i`ve had salmonella poisoning before and it`s crap... literally!!! I can`t imagine it would be too good for apregnant woman.

Me too and I'm pretty sure a fetus in the first trimester wouldn't make it through a bad bout of it. It was horrible the worst was the dehydration - BLOODY CHICKEN WINGS hahahaha never again:evil:
here's one thing i found:

It basically says not to handle reptile poo as it may transmit nasties but there doesn't seem to be a problem with anything in the air.

I just googled "reptile handling while pregnant" and heaps of stuff came up.:)

:( that sounds nasty, guess ill definatly be leaving the cleaning up to michael for now, thanks heaps buttss

and im sorry that u have had to have salmonella poisening geck i hate to think how bad it would be, do u no what u did that caused u to get it?

thanks again bundy, i might just give it a miss hand rearing this lot i might tell them to someone who wants to work on hand rearing them and just wait till next season i dont really want to take any risks now

oh and good luck ;) forgot to say it in my last post to u! :)
Me too and I'm pretty sure a fetus in the first trimester wouldn't make it through a bad bout of it. It was horrible the worst was the dehydration - BLOODY CHICKEN WINGS hahahaha never again:evil:
Yep i will never eat shaved ham thats been in the fridge for longer than a week again!!:lol: and yes birds definatly can carry it!!
People still drink and smoke when they are pregnant, I am sure a few little bugs wont hurt :D

Your lucky my wife hasn't seen this post. She's studying to be a midwife and I heard it a thousand times how people that smoke have reduced blood flow through the placenta and are literally suffacating their baby.

I think its a good excuse to get your husband to do the cleaning beter safe than sorry, or if he wont do it wear gloves and make sure you keep things as clean as possible.
Your lucky my wife hasn't seen this post. She's studying to be a midwife and I heard it a thousand times how people that smoke have reduced blood flow through the placenta and are literally suffacating their baby.

I think its a good excuse to get your husband to do the cleaning beter safe than sorry, or if he wont do it wear gloves and make sure you keep things as clean as possible.

oh thats horrible, glad i dont smoke! :|

My sis is due to have her bub any day now her doctor said that she just wasn't aloud to eat soft serve ice cream because it have to much bacteria
yea something about non pasturised milk is suppose to be bad

congrats pete and thanks soldiers girl :)
Congrates Lana thats fantastic. I dont think finding out what it is takes away from anything, it helps plan for things to come.

Remember that childhood illness often result because they are still learning good hygiene.
Look after yourself, look after your herps, don't pick up poo with your bare hands:shock: and always wash them before you eat and after doing whatever with/for your reptiles.
"don't pick up poo with your bare hands" lol hahaha im so tempted to quote that in my sig rite now lol :p

thanks dan and fraser

i know that some people go over board with keeping things too clean but i think that if i need to clean it out ill use a little mask and gloves but ill be getting my other half to do it as much as pos
Well you have

lol i dont mean like a massive gas mask or anything... just one of those little disposable white ones lol
fraser if u were a female and had a wierd looking jellybean growing in u i think ud know how it feels to get paranoid about this sort of stuff lol
lol i dont mean like a massive gas mask or anything... just one of those little disposable white ones lol
fraser if u were a female and had a wierd looking jellybean growing in u i think ud know how it feels to get paranoid about this sort of stuff lol

Haha, yeah I guess so, I guess if you protect your jelly bean now, it can help you in later life with your maintanence. But seriously, I would be more scared that when it gets born something trys to eat your sweet little jelly bean!
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