Dog fell out of car, help.

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Roger's idea of confining to a dog crate most of the time is a good one I think, it will reduce the chance of further damage, and keeping him confined will help in general repair of any other damage as well. I have 3 dogs here and I hate it when they've hurt themselves. Doesn't happen often, but we feel very protective of our doggie mates.

If you think of what pig dogs go through routinely, with rarely any vet followup, you'll know how tough they can be. What sort of dog?


Jamie and Roger are on the money. Keep him in as smaller area as possible. You have to keep in mind that he may have internal bruising, swelling and bleeding.

Just make sure that when he craps, that there is no blood in his faeces. As you know, I do a fair bit of hunting pigs with dogs. Seeing a dog in pain is never good however you will be surprised at what he will be able to go through. It is never good to see your best mate in pain and I know how close you are to him.

Bully's are tough as nails mate, however I would get him to a vets ASAP and I would be more worried about internal bleeding than the possibility of a broken bone which can be fixed if you get to a vets.

I did some time with a contract scrub bull catcher that used dogs to catch the feral cattle and after seeing dogs get kicked, stood on and rolled by a 600kg scrubber, I was amazed at how tough they are.

For what it is worth, most contract bull catchers will run dogs with a fair amount of Bull Terrier in them because they cute little buggers are just so flamin’ tough!

Get him to a vet ASAP and be prepared for a hefty bill; however he is more than worth it!
Thats so sad for the dog I hope he will be fine. In NSW its a $375 fine for not having an animal restrained in a car. If an animal is injured in a car accident and its unrestrained there is a fine of $50,000 sorry I an not kidding these came to me through a veterinary clinic in Newcastle.
A seat belt buckle will cost $2.75 and a harness $12.95 from the reject shop or super cheapauto
I certainly agree on the restraining dogs in the car thing. A friend of mine had a car accident a while back and their dog was unrestrained in the passenger. On the impact, the seatbelt saved her just fine, but her dog kept going- right through the windscreen. The dog was the only one to die :(

Hope he gets better soon :)
Hope everything goes okay over the weekend. Let us know how things go at the vets on Tuesday.
Hefty bill alright.... my dog cost me a herping trip to Broom last year with the wife when he did his left knee and had to be reconstructed. A month ago he did his right knee.... two holidays he's cost us in consecutive years. Both ops were 3K each...
Sorry to hear about your gorgeous puppy,but keep the faith.It's never nice to see any animal in pain,stay close to him for security,warm and quiet (good luck with that one) and know that prayers are being said for him.
sounds like he's go a fractured paw..........if so its painful, but he will be ok.
Try icing it like you would do if you hurt your ankle etc.
lucky its his only srious injury.
man grrr thats why you should harness your dogs while in the car......sorry just gets to me sooo bad. Btw everything has been said. Confine, not jumping or movements that will put further strain,and rest until you see the vet..
Sent you a PM Waruikazi to help you through until you can get him to a vet.
He is very handsome:), I think everyone has answered your querys. It must be very hard to be so far away from veterinary help. I am surprised a vet would send anti-inflams to a pet he has not seen or assesed, I guess things are done differently when so far away from help. Warm salty water and/or Betedine for the grazes, twice a day. Everyone has said the right thing, if he has survived the shock, then the poss fracture is not much. If it is a fracture toe, most times they are just bandaged if the dog will tolerate and kept confined - which you are already doing. Sometimes it requires pinning but only in extreme displacements. I think you should buy a lotto ticket, keep puppy dog confined, lead only for toilet stops for at least 4-6wks, hard to say without radiographs. And buy a harness for your bully that clips into the seat belt. I hate putting mine on my Amstaff, and she doesn't like it.......but whats a bit of annoyance compared to this never happening to her...........:)
Jamie and Roger are on the money. Keep him in as smaller area as possible. You have to keep in mind that he may have internal bruising, swelling and bleeding.

Just make sure that when he craps, that there is no blood in his faeces. As you know, I do a fair bit of hunting pigs with dogs. Seeing a dog in pain is never good however you will be surprised at what he will be able to go through. It is never good to see your best mate in pain and I know how close you are to him.

Bully's are tough as nails mate, however I would get him to a vets ASAP and I would be more worried about internal bleeding than the possibility of a broken bone which can be fixed if you get to a vets.

I did some time with a contract scrub bull catcher that used dogs to catch the feral cattle and after seeing dogs get kicked, stood on and rolled by a 600kg scrubber, I was amazed at how tough they are.

For what it is worth, most contract bull catchers will run dogs with a fair amount of Bull Terrier in them because they cute little buggers are just so flamin’ tough!

Get him to a vet ASAP and be prepared for a hefty bill; however he is more than worth it!

Hey Gordo,

Just read the entire thread, sorry to hear that mate...I'm with viridis and would be more concerned with internal bleeding and possible damage etc....he is whimpering when alone, but not flinching when you touch the "obvious" damaged paw...that is a concern mate that there could be some underlying suggested an Xray is definitely on the cards.

Good luck with him, i'm sure he'll be fine although a little sore.
I really appreciate the help and advice that most members have given me either through PM or on this the thread. I particularly appreciate Kitten, Red-ink, Crocodile-Dan, Roger, Helikaon, Jaimie, Laura, Viridis, Khagan, Baden and Scott for you advice. Your advice is helping me and my dog.

Unfortunately the meds didn't arrive for him and i'm having trouble gettign him on a plane this weekend. They wont fly him without me and i can't find a crate for him until mid week.

I don't think he is in any danger now. He seems alert and happy, eating, drinking, pooping and *******, but he is in some pain. That is what is killing me! I hate seeing anything in discomfort, especially when it is a person or animal close to me (I am going to be an absolute train wreck if i ever have kids lol). I think he has probably dodged a bullet once again in his short lifetime.

To the four members who thought i was asking about how i should travel with my dog. I'm glad you guys are the minority in this thread, the other 30 odd members who responded and PM'd offering help are the people who make this forum worthwhile.
What is his name ?
He will be OK ...the fact being he has a caring owner who does realise the value of a good mate
Sandee :)
Hi Gordo,
Many have suggested limited movement and/or limb immobilization,my suggestion is toward the wounds and open cuts.I have used a livestock spray to heal and repel flys from a german shepherd and it works quite well to also deal with infections.The livestock spray commonly used for horse and cattle is mainly for commercial animals but you should be able to get small quantities.
Lol, one of my Maltese Terriers, Spud, jumped out of the window at 80 when I was living in Tassie. I looked back from the back seat of the car (I was only about 10 at the time) just in time to see him hit the ground and commando roll. We stopped quickly and he ran back to the car as if to say "don't leave me behind!" lol.

He's still going strong.

Dog's are resilliant animals, I'm sure your dog will be OK. I love bull terriers, they look so cool. Good luck with him :)
Yeah makes your heart miss a few beats when they do that. Hope he's ok.
My fairly unco-ordinated Bull Arab x Mastiff weighs 50kg and somehow managed to cleanly jump out of a Subaru Impreza while turning a corner. Luckily it was only going slow and he just had a few grazes the size of a 5c piece.

My dog jumped out of the car going 50 to chase the postman! he was a bit scratched but he was alright but the little bugger jumped 2ft out of my little brothers arms a year before that and broke his leg. It cost a fortune to get it fixed we cancelled our trip to the Gold Coast.
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