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i didnt realise you had been over lately

Lol I am not talking about my exotic wife. My exotic is in beautiful gentle butterfly family not lizard.
Sexslatina is different cup of tea but.
as far as i know nothing is done to sellers on petlink, i chucked up a false advert a while back to see what would happen, i got heaps of people wanting them but no1 telling me it was a bad thing
its getting very bad imo!!! iv had guys come in to the pet shop i work at telling me they have and breed like 5 different corn morphs boa ect....they tell me they sell like hot cakes and they make alot of cash so who cares about them being illegal! i have only have 2 people that havecome into the shop that breed on licence native, the rest just keep and breed exotics cause they are nicer. imo its getting to the point where it may be a good idea to allow NSW pet shops to sell herps this would make them more readily available and there for people wouldnt need to get exotics and more people would be aware of the laws ect. either way somthing has to be done, but what? nothing is really feasible! as for the people coming into the pet shop. i dont know them or there details so i cant dob them in opr do anything about it!
talking about boa's, i know someone with 2 of em...****in huge
i bet most people no someone with at lease one exotic. if you can sell them and no one is saying anything whats the point of them being illegal? if no one gets fined theres no deturent for people
I went to a mates place i hadnt seen for years, her ex kept a corn snake and she accidently let it escape. Lets just say she now knows the impact exotics can have after me lecturing her for half an hour. :):) its all too common I have been offered corns and chameleons before but why would you risk your legal collection for a couple of exotics when there are so many awesome natives. im just stoked we can keep them as pets as im from new zealand originally and its always been my dream to keep reptiles.
I use to work for a pet shop in Campbelltown, the owners of this place were breeding corn snakes on a fairly huge scale ,and selling them throughout the shop.....I did the right thing and reported them , However besides me losing my job , nothing else happened to them.Till this day i am still aware that they own and breed these reptiles , however on 2 separate ocasions, i have reported them , and 3 other people I know of had reported them...but no consequence for their actions.
It's sickening to know that these thing happen. It's strange that NPWS haven't acted on these people and have had their collection taken.
IMO the only real option to minimise the impact they will have/have had is to legalise exotics. Either that or have a minimu 10 year jail term for anyone caught with them and that obviosly will never happen.

In reality i dont think either will happen so i guess we will just have to sit back and watch feral populations form and exotic diseases destroy our wild and captive animals :(
In reality i dont think either will happen so i guess we will just have to sit back and watch feral populations form and exotic diseases destroy our wild and captive animals :(

A shocking truth but I hope it doesn't come down to that.
when i used to work at a wildlife park, had a few people from the public bring in snow corns, as they didn't want them anymore.. was strange.
as far as i know nothing is done to sellers on petlink, i chucked up a false advert a while back to see what would happen, i got heaps of people wanting them but no1 telling me it was a bad thing

I got an idea put up an ad like that and just do freight orders send them a cutout of a picture and a note telling them what you think of them. Then they go to the cops and say "I was trying to buy some illegal animals but the guy just sent me a piece of paper":lol:
I got an idea put up an ad like that and just do freight orders send them a cutout of a picture and a note telling them what you think of them. Then they go to the cops and say "I was trying to buy some illegal animals but the guy just sent me a piece of paper":lol:

And then use the money that they pay you to fund herp conservation and research into OPMV.
I dont keep exotics nor do i wish to, but your kidding yourself if you think there's anyway it can be stopped.I dont know why the NPWS dont have an amnesty and get it all out into the open and make some money out of it themselves with lisences etc. Because no matter what fines you impose, people are always going to keep,breed and sell exotics.
I think NPWS already had the amnesty a few years ago. It certainly shows that not evrythying was brought in.
I think NPWS already had the amnesty a few years ago. It certainly shows that not evrythying was brought in.
Yeah but theres a lot more different species here now. The reason a lot of people never declared their stuff last time was because they werent allowed to breed them and sell them. They need to be fair dinkum and realise that exotics are here to stay. Again, i'm not an exotic fan,even if it was legal i wouldnt own one. There's nothing out there that interests me.
So why are reptiles targeted and tarred with the "exotics" brush?? Plenty of Cats Dogs, Fish and Birds that don't come from this country, yet are fully and freely available in literally any pet shop you walk into! I find it annoying how it's considered "disgusting" that someone has a corn or a burm. Talk about herd mentality! :rolleyes: It's a little like driving and talking on your mobile phone these days- 10 yrs ago it was the norm, now people look at you like you have 10 heads because of how it's been subconsciously beaten into them!! :lol:

I can understand the concerns and banning of exotic venomous reptiles due to lack of anti-venin here for those particular species, but the harmless herps that have obviously been raised and bred here pose no threat when it comes to the topic and argument of disease!
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