for the scrubbie lovers

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Very Well-Known Member
May 17, 2008
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here's a few of the many scrubbies Browns and i encountered over the last few days herping around the Cardwell, Tully area, the biggest one was around 15 feet ! enjoy ;)
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Ohh! Very nice herpkeeper!! Scrubbies are my favourite Australian Python, and these photos have re-captivated me to nag my parents into a QLD herps holiday:)
Nice shots, has the scrubby in that last shot lost the end of it's tail?
what a cutie!! is it just be or do scrubbies have very sweet little faces? *wow that was such a girlie thing to say!...*

Is the scrubbie in the last pic missing the end of its tail? (or body? :lol:)
awesome pics mate!!!gotta love scrubbies:D!
Very nice mate. We found a little fella last night that was quite happy to use us as a tree, it was only about 6-7 feet long though.
i was haveing a good day till i seen this thread now i'm not

great pics mate it just makes me want to go for a herp trip now.
scrubbys are my #1 python so keep the pics comeing i can never see to meny.
thank's you all, we had fun finding them !:D
Voodoo, have you ever picked a scrubbie up and have it musk you ? worse than a skunk :shock:LOL
dee4 & lullaby lizard, yes the one in the last pic had a fair bit of it's tail missing:(
Boa & Rog, been bitten once, twice shy LOL:shock:
Iceman, we found 2 jungles, unfortunately some snake killer in a vehicle found them 1st ! we also found 2 frillies and a spotted tree monitor and a swag of brown tree snakes that had been run over.......... RIP:cry:
Krusty, i knew you would enjoy those LOL;)

a couple more pics
this toad was HUGE well over a kilo, it had to be seen to be believed:shock:
we also came across this cute little fury critter, can anyone ID it ?
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thank's you all, we had fun finding them !:D
Voodoo, have you ever picked a scrubbie up and have it musk you ? worse than a skunk :shock:LOL

Yep, thats why ill never get another one...if they dont bite you they will surely crap and wee all over you. Had a breeding pair for a few years and use to hate cleaning their enclosures especially when they were paired together. Dont miss them one bit:).
I love srcubbies they have the nicest faces. I wish the poor buggers would learn to stay off the roads tho, I would hate to think that some moron out there would run one over.
Very nice mate. We found a little fella last night that was quite happy to use us as a tree, it was only about 6-7 feet long though.

Yeh, just a little fella, only 6-7 feet.
Love Scrubbies, they do have friendly looking heads/faces (I know.... it's not always the case, some can be a bit snappy).
Saw one at a wildlife park a few weeks ago, but never advertised for sale (in Sth Oz). I got an email of one crossing a dirt road, and the question was "would you drive or wait" and my response was " I'd wait of course, you'd kill it if you drove over it!"
Stupid herpophobic emails!

Big snake!.jpg
Taken near Gloucester NSW

And here is the one at the park while I'm at it. They wouldn't let us hold it, brought out a 4ft coastal coming up to shed instead:?



  • Monarto Zoo and Croc Dundee Wildlife Park 068.jpg
    Monarto Zoo and Croc Dundee Wildlife Park 068.jpg
    86.3 KB · Views: 53
  • Monarto Zoo and Croc Dundee Wildlife Park 069.jpg
    Monarto Zoo and Croc Dundee Wildlife Park 069.jpg
    69.2 KB · Views: 43
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Daniel1234, that animal pictured crossing the road is a green anaconda, who ever sent you that pic was pulling your leg ! it was on a site called "funpics"
Daniel1234, that animal pictured crossing the road is a green anaconda, who ever sent you that pic was pulling your leg ! it was on a site called "funpics"

I thought it looked a bit over weight and patterns were all wrong. Still would not run it over.
Plus I was fiddling to long on google and stuff to edit the post again.
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