Getting older snakes

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Feb 6, 2009
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Hi guys,

First time poster, long time lurker here. Been interested in getting an antaresia for a while now, but parents have always been very anti-snake-in-the-house (I don't get it - they're so cuddly).

My dad mentioned that a guy at his workplace needs to sell his children's python, enclosure and all as he is moving house. Obviously very early stages of consideration, but I just want to make sure I cover my bases with the seller before I get knee-deep.

I know I should be asking questions about feed cycle, shed cycle and temperament, but is there anything else I should be asking this guy? It's a 7 year-old, so if the temperament isn't great is there any hope of changing this behaviour, or would it be ingrained by this stage? Again - my first snake so trying to avoid anything that would be a handful. If anyone could give me an indication of a reasonable price then that would be greatly appreciated as well (enclosure plus snake).

Andy :)
Have you been able to ask the guy selling what the animal is like ? As in handling and temperament etc. you should go over and have a look and have a bit of a handle ?

But from what I hear on here ya can't go wrong with a children's python as a first snake.

One other thing remember to get your licence sorted out before you get your snake
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and also check that the seller has a licence. recently ive had heaps of people offering me snakes, and once asked if they have a licence they say no...
and also check that the seller has a licence. recently ive had heaps of people offering me snakes, and once asked if they have a licence they say no...
Bit of a problem lately around here Sezzzz not ever telling people i own snakes no more cause the **** wits come out the closet and think they know it we already know the exotics seem to be all over the joint....MAKES ME WONDER Y I GOT A LICENCE..........sry for going off thread but its getting to me
Have you been able to ask the guy selling what the animal is like ? As in handling and temperament etc. you should go over and have a look and have a bit of a handle ?

Haven't spoken to the guy yet to be honest - as I said, very preliminary. It'll be one of the first questions I ask though, and I do plan to go suss things out before I plan anything concrete.

Thanks for the heads up on the license business as well, definitely getting onto that ASAP.
All the questions you mentioned are the things I would ask but most of all I'd be keen to go have a look at it in person and spend some time with it having a handle myself.

The good part with your license these days (at least in NSW) is that you apply and pay on line and instantly get a license number to use while you wait for your hard copy to come.
Hi Andy!

Most antaresia are great handlers, with the very small exceptions. I have moved wild stimsons and childreni off the road whilst driving up north and they struggle until they realise you're not trying to eat them and then they calm right down. So I would assume a snake that has not been handled frequently would behave in similar ways- it would just need to have short yet frequent handling to encourage it to relax and trust that it isn't going to be harmed. But it probably does get handled, so you shouldn't have to worry too much about that.

Like you said, the only thing I would worry about would be how often and how well it feeds. I wouldn't worry too much about shedding etc., because that's usually an environmental thing that can change depending on how they're kept. But you would want to see the snake to make sure it doesn't have any retained sheds- check the eyes and around the tail and cloaca. As Sezzzzz suggested, make sure they have a licence- if they don't, you shouldn't buy it.

Are you confident in handling an adult snake? (childreni don't get large, just thought i'd ask hehe) Some people just like to buy hatchies or sub adult snakes so that their confidence grows with each shed :) You also get the fun of watching their skin morph into the adult colouration. I don't think i would be buying an adult snake unless it was a particularly fine specimen, i'm a hatchy girl myself :)
Thanks Lithopian, appreciate the advice. I'm reasonably confident handling adult snakes - although I haven't looked after one properly, I've held plenty and bigger ones too, so no issues there. I might have issues with a mean snake, hence the question - but it seems that can be brought under control.

To be honest I'm probably the same as you - I'd love to raise a snake from a hatchy (due to being darn cute), but this is the first sign of my parents loosening up, so I'm taking an opportunity while I can!

Thanks everyone from the advice. I'll try and get in contact over the weekend and update the thread!
Thanks Lithopian, appreciate the advice. I'm reasonably confident handling adult snakes - although I haven't looked after one properly, I've held plenty and bigger ones too, so no issues there. I might have issues with a mean snake, hence the question - but it seems that can be brought under control.

To be honest I'm probably the same as you - I'd love to raise a snake from a hatchy (due to being darn cute), but this is the first sign of my parents loosening up, so I'm taking an opportunity while I can!

Thanks everyone from the advice. I'll try and get in contact over the weekend and update the thread!

You might find they loosen up even MORE with talk of a cute little baby snake! I started in similar circumstances as you nigh on 2 years ago now (Wanting to buy an adult snake for sale), eventually settled on a cute little hatchy Diamond and my mother loves her now! Watching how big she's getting is completely rewarding and she was the tiniest little darling when I first got her. It also gives you the opportunity to get used to their temperament while they're tiny and bites (if you get any) don't hurt at that size!
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So is the large amount of off license animals due to the system or is it to cater for exotics?
remember that a pet snake is similar to any other pet
its a long term thing

if it feels right and you get good vibes
get it
if it doesnt feel right

now that your parents have considered this one
they will also consider others in future
so go with your guts
even if it is the ugliest bitiest spawn of satan that ever existed
but it feels right then go for it

if it is nice and friendly but you get no vibes
dont get it and get one that clicks with you
Hey guys, update time... I managed to get in touch with the guy last night, and I can now introduce you to Caesar! Seems to be a really healthy snake, and the enclosure is very sizable, so it should be happy. It eats a rat once every two weeks which I wanted to ask about - rats seem to be quite large - would you guys suggest switching to a mouse once a week, or just maintain its routine? I have a bit of a supply of rats that I'll need to finish off first either way.

Thanks for your advice on everything so far, glad to be getting started! Also apologies for the picture quality... Taken from a phone, and I'm hesitant to agitate him more after his journey.

View attachment 273851
Pic didn't work. Ideally you should be feeding a snake 15-20% of their body weight each feed. Since it us an adult you don't have to feed it as regularly as a hatchy. I feed mine when he is hungry which works out at about 1 and a half weeks to two weeks. If they shed every 6-8 week's you know you are feeding them the right amount.
I hear what redfox is saying about the whole 10-20% thing but snakes generally don't take time to measure and weigh their food.
I go by the rule that if the head of the prey animal can fit in the snakes mouth it can manage to eat it, (this is based upon fur not feather). If it eats rats keep it on rats, mice would be a step backwards.

Good luck, enjoy, and welcome to a lifetime of learning and enjoyment.
Thanks everyone! I fed him a decent sized rat last night and he absolutely nailed it (as far as I could tell, anyway). I'll probably keep going with them for now, if it can't hurt then may as well just do what he's used to.

Next task is to convince the parents/missus that a carpet python is cool too...
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