Good idea?

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I'll telll you what is even more win. Get her presents for no apparent reason at all (even though all us guys actually know what the reason is ;)) She will love you for that.
I think something involving the relationship, rather than what happened before you two got together would be better. Like going to a special place you went to together (maybe on your first date or something), or maybe you have some correspondence from when the relationship started to now, if you want to go down that road. Something that symbolises togetherness, I guess.

And for once I agree with waruikazi :lol:
I got her jewelry for christmas so I thought I'd do something a little different this time, I'll give her something else as well though.

You know, Naledge, that nothing short of a video of the whole anniversary thing is going to satisfy us all now, don't you?

Haha, I might put a photo of the book up when I get it.

Ok, I just had my 2 16yr old daughters read your post. One was nearly in tears "oh how sweet is he!! That's perfect" ...the other just nodded her head and looked a little dreamy.
Score 1 for you.
My thought would be, if your finances can cope, to give her the book and also something like a Pandora bracelet (or similar). That way you can add to it for birthdays, Christmas, Valentines day etc etc to build on your memories.
She's a lucky girl.

Have to add....just showed the 1st daughter your pic and she said "awww he's cute AND nice"

Score 2 for you.

D: Now I'm embarrassed :oops:

Thanks to everyone that replied, I was kinda worried whether it was a good idea or not, you've put my mind at ease a little :)
I think its a lovely idea, very different. I'd go with the book idea and get her something else, like a bottle of nice perfume (note the names of ones she has when you're in her room or if she has a sister, ask her) if she wears it
Sounds lovely, especially if shes a romantic type........ February is a brilliant month to have an anniversary............... theres always heaps of Valentines day stuff around. Hubby and I married in Feb, (not for this reason) but it's soooooo easy to find cutesy lovable things around that time!!!
Good luck, and I hope she loves whatever you get her! She's a lucky girl to have someone put so much thought into this for her! Good for you!
D: Now I'm embarrassed :oops:

Hey, sorry if we made you uncomfortable. I'm lucky enough to have thoughful teens as well and we appreciate those qualities in others.
Whatever you decide to gift to your lady will be perfect because you've put so much thought into it. :D
Have a beautiful day, K
i dunno abut pearls i have always found them to be "old ladies" jewellery, JMO.

I am 32 yr old and i think that your special book is such a romantic thought!!! I also agree with the single red rose. flowers are always good.

She's very lucky to have such a thoughtful boyfriend! good luck to you hun!
PMSL, considering this thread was started nearly 2 years ago, i want to know how it all worked out for him :) did she like it or hit him over the head with it ???
Ha ha, I saw the date and thought wow there must be an outcome, but no.............
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