gtp neo wont eat!!!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2010
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The gold coast
hi guys i just purchased a neo gtp that is a lil over 6 months old and is not eating i got it to eat the night i got it but since then hasnt eaten its been nearly a month now! can anyone help out? and yes i have the more complete chondro and have read it many times ;) thanks locky
Locky, can you post a few shots of your set up and tell us about your husbandry routine, i.e. spraying, temps, etc.. Also a pic of the snake.
sure will do the temps are usualy around 29 degrees but go up and down about 2 degrees either side, i give the tub and gtp a good spray in the morning and just spray the green in the evening. it is a very active gtp usually especially in the night and always perches right i will post some pics up asap cheers heaps
Could be down to feeding technique, how do you try and feed it? Also at 6 months old it should be eating fuzzy mice (if it has been a good feeder prior to you getting it), so if you are trying pinkies, try fuzzies. Also if you have it in a plastic tub, make sure that you insulate the tub properly (wrap it in a blanket or something), you don't want the temps dropping below 26 (cool end) and that will happen at night even in Brisbane at the moment.
I guess you have spoken to the breeder you got it off, if so what does he recommend.....
View attachment 153250View attachment 153249View attachment 153248 i try feed it about halfa just after i turn the lights outs and i do what it says to do in geg maxwells book it just doest wanna strike? its very active tho? i talked to the guy i got it off he said it should be ok till about september if it doesnt eat but i dont wanna risk it i will try feed it tonight a film it and put it on here if possible
also this is its feeding record
Born: 22 Dec, 2009

Birth Weight: 13g

Sex: ?

Mother: Kali

Father: Rama

Scented pinkie
scented pinkie
scented pinkie
Scented pinkie
Scented pinkie
Scented pinkie
Scented pinkie
Live Pinkie

Just a point or two - the enclosure is FAR, FAR too wet. Unless the outside temp is really low, there shouldn't be any condensation on the lid and sides.
I don't want to criticize the breeder but his advice is wrong. Juveniles should eat all year round (if kept in the right conditions). By September, your snake is very likely to be dead.
No need to feed him after the lights are out. Any time is fine but you may try to put in a live pinkie over night. It just may work.
What was the breeder scenting pinkies with?

I am sure other will give you advice also.

What Waterrat says l generally agree with but it is a well known fact greens go from lambs during the day to vipers after sunset so l believe its not going to hurt to try feeding around 7-8pm...the other point is the condensation is it too much spraying or is it because the room is too cold and condensing your spray due to temp. drop "maybe" during the night ......cheers solar 17 [Baden]
As Michael says, it won't do well if it lasts till September - greens need to be fed reasonably regularly to maintain condition and good growth. It's not a neonate at 6 months either - it's a juvenile.

I'd definitely be offering small fuzzy mice at this stage too - thatwed in hot water and offered straight away. You may need to be quite aggressive when offering food - sometimes youngsters need to be prodded and poked until they strike and wrap, so you may need to get him crapped off with you to get a good response - Maxwell says that new keepers are often surprised at how vigorously he challenges his babies at feeding time, and I know from my own experience that they anger quickly and often take the bait at that time.

Assuming the temps and humidity are OK, you should get a good response if the feeding records from the breeder are truthful. Do you know what weight the animal is now?

um i have no idea what weight it is and i dont have scales either it looks too small to eat fuzzies atm but i could be wrong i got the temps and humidity pretty good now but havent tryed to feed it yet i will try to night um just wondering how agressive can i be?
grrrr!!!!! it just climbs off ita perch and sits on the ground and hides in his coils it doesnt want a bar off it do u think it gets too cold when i take its lid off to feed it?
Just a question... how long have you been keeping snakes, and what species do you have experience with?
um awhile this is my first green tho ive had numerous carpets and childrens and a few common tree snakes its giving me the ****s because for the first week i had it it was fine it eat and shed and now its just being stubborn
um awhile now i have had heaps of carpets and childreni also a few common tree snakes its giving me the ****s because for the first week it eat and shed now its just being stubborn
Have you had any communication between yourself and the breeder over this matter?
When you say you have HAD plenty of other snakes - what happened to them? Where are they now?

It is unlikely it's being stubborn, there will be some reason why it's not eating, something you're doing wrong...

If you have had plenty of other snakes in your care then feeding issues shouldnt be a problem,
if it has eaten when you first recieved it, then your set up is wrong, you need to
find out how the animal was keeped before you got it and recreate it. Also you should know that Boelens are
not permited in oz if you have had the experiance that you say cheers
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