Hatchy with issues

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Should i keep or kill it ? :(

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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
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brighton qld
I just had 28 eggs hatch on the 24th , all of them looked the same colour apart from 1 that was a lot lighter than the rest . I was going to keep that 1 as a hold back because of the colour , but i noticed yesterday that it looks like it may have neuro problems , its head bobs up and down and twitches side to side and it is just very unko in movements alltogether . I am not real keen on ending its life but i'm wondering if it would be the more humain thing to do so ?

I will wait and see how it goes with feeding and try to make a decission afterwards . My wife says keep it and look after it , im still undecided as i think it deserves a chance of life but it will not be a quality life in my opinion . I had a 1 eyed jungle last year and im keeping it ( not going to bred it ) as a pet and his powering along and feeding better than the rest of his clutch mates .

Any opinions that may help with my decission would be apreciated ?

Cheers Nico

I would also consider giving it away if i knew there was no way the next owner would breed it later , but IMO there is no way to make sure its not used for breeding .

I voted : keep it as a pet not a breeder .
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Put up a video. It all depends on how bad it is, the question is will it affect the snakes life. If the snake is suffering, yes euthanise it, but give it some time to see.
Ill get some video tonight , it seems minor , it can sit on my hand and slowly move around and then starts to wiggle and twitch for a while .
I think waiting to see how it feeds and moves around in the next few weeks will give a better idea of how bad it is , im still hoping its just a slow starter and has nothing wrong with it but comparing its behaviour to the others i would say there is some thing wrong with it :(

This is the whole clutch , you can see the lighter one standing out from the rest .

2011 clutch.jpg
It's a difficult one. If it is suffering, I'd say humane euthanasia is best. But waiting to see how it goes is a good idea. If it improves, I'd keep it as a pet. I wouldn't give it away. As you say, there's no way to be sure someone won't breed it, especially if it's a little unusual in appearance.

Abrnml's idea of a video is a good one, especially if you can get some comparison shots between it and its clutch mates. Is it the same size as its siblings?


PS: I'd love to see some updated pics of your one-eyed jungle. I think I remember seeing a picture of it when it was very small.

This is the whole clutch , you can see the lighter one standing out from the rest.

Wow, snakes alive! The unusual one is very obvious. It's a shame it seems to have problems.
Depending on the extent of the neurological problem, I would probably keep it - with the intention of never breeding from it when it grows up. I had a hatchy that displayed a slight head tremor occassionally which I gave away to a friend. He has got the snake feeding and shedding well and now the snake only shows a slight tremor when stressed (held for a long time). The snake is living a good life, cared for by someone that loves him and has a good quality of life. I think that's what the real issue is; "Will the snake have a good quality of life?"

Please don't try to produce offspring from this snake if you do decide to keep it as unlikely as might be, it might be a genetic trait that will be passed on.
Looks like it wasnt supposed to be , i just went to video it and found it dead :(
Just the fact that you asked for advice shows that you're a responsible herper. Good luck with the rest of the hatchies.
here is 1 eye willy from last years clutch his a year old yesterday

1 eye.jpg

dead hatchy

4 day old dead hatchy.jpg

Thanks , it is the first hatchy i have lost out of 2 clutches so it sucks a bit , but i suppose the more you breed the more chance of lossing some along the way , i dont think ill get used to it .
Just the fact that you asked for advice shows that you're a responsible herper. Good luck with the rest of the hatchies.
My thought exactly.

Willy looks awesome nico77.

I suppose it comes down to the keeper. I bred a hatchie a few years ago that had a kinked/bent tail and i could not dipose of him so i gave him to my brother and he is a very healthy snake who is very well looked after.

Good luck

Was that clutch from the same sire & dame as the year before. It could be a genetic problem from the parents.
This year i used 2 diffrent males and niether one was used last year . The 1 eyed snake i think was caused by being a twin and not having enough room in the egg while in its developing stages ( just my opinion ) , i dont know for sure if it was a twin but it and another was smaller than the rest and i did get 1 22 hatchys from 21 eggs .
This years clutch i counted 26 eggs and got 28 hatchys , im kicking myself now for not counting the shells after hatching , but i didnt notice the extras till i was putting them into there tubs .
Hi Nico - sorry to hear about the hatchling death - hope all is going well with the Darwin female I sold you - at least, I think it was you?
We just lost a magnificent bredli female with obstructive dystocia, so a horrible time for us right now.
Thanks montay , That darwin won a spot on the APS calender :) . Sorry to hear about your bredli how old was she ?

cheers nico
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