HEEELLPPP!!! Out of control horny Angle-head!!!

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Very Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2004
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I was giving my Angle-heads some roaches and watering their plant when I noticed one of them do something weird... :shock: . He started twirling his tail around in circles and I think I saw some little head bobs and then he pounced on the other MALE and started biting him on the neck! So I wrenched the bugger off cos the other male wasn't all that enthusuastic about it all and brought them both out on the carpet. Then I was taking some happy snaps and he twirled his tail again and jumped on the other male who was trying to run away and was unfortunately dragging the rapist behind him cos he was attached to his crest again. So this happened a few times all the while me screaming "GET OFF HIM!!!!" and the last time he was trying to get his tail under the other male's :shock: :shock: :shock: .

I think it's pretty obvious what he was trying to do lol but what do I do now! Do I let him molest the other one? Do I try and get a female asap? I don't want him to hurt him or ruin his spikes or, you know...violate him :shock: . Maybe I have a female? Wouldn't ya think the male would be able to tell that THAT'S NOT A GIRL!!!

I took some pics...they're pretty skinny cos I had a lot of trouble feeding them for a while so there's no need to tell me that lol. And I'm sorry they're huge and some are a bit blurry and yeah the carpet needs a bit of a vac lol. Too many pets :lol: . I put body shots of them cos some people can tell a male from a female by their appearance I think?

Here's the freaky horny boy

The sweet innocent male

He pinned him sideways!!!

Another pinning

His rudies from when he was trying to get his tail under the other boy

Thanx in advance lol ;)
Awesome Pics Zoe. Could have resized them a tad smaller though ;) :) I would suggest giving me a male and buying yourself a female. ;) :)
OMG!! What on earth is going on here???
I can't help ya hun but hopefully someone else will!!
hey Zoe,
Are you guys not sure wether you have two males?

From those pics it doesn't look like the lizard being pinned is struggling or trying to fight back, normally two male dragons would fight, though some males will try and mate other males but that never normally last very long as a fight will start or at least a struggle.

I have never kept angle heads but sexing them wouldn't be any different to sexing other dragons and at that size you could do it in about 2 seconds.

IMO looking at the way the two of them are behaving in the pics i would not be surprised in the slightest if you had male and female.

Yes i would have to agree with Nome. I have no experience with this species but judging by the pictures it looks like you have a male and female. Males often bite females on the nape to secure them and try getting their tails under the females to start mating. Also, females will usually "freeze" when finally caught by males and give in to his advances, just like in the third pic. I also would have thought that if they were both males you would have seen fighting between them before now.
I think they are both the same sex speak to dragons he will be able to tell you for sure the picks I posted 1 female 1 male
I did that for you Phillis lol ;)

Stevie and Nick they were sold to me as 2 males so I always assumed that's what they were! I tried sexing them by looking under their tails and I'm not very experienced at it but they both look like they have 2 bumps to me :?. The one who was being chased's bumps were a bit smaller but it still looked like 2. I could be wrong though cos I'm not very good at it! He did try to run away but cos the other one was attached to him he was running with the other one dragging behind him lol. There wasn't any fighting and if there has been before now I've never seen it! I hope the other one's a girl though :D. Should I just let them do it and see? I'd hate for the other male to get hurt or something :?.

Shewhomustbeobeyed from the pics of yours I would have said both females cos I thought I read somewhere that females have the stripes on their mouthes and males don't which is partly why I thought both of mine were males. Who is dragons?

Hmmmm how do I find out! I was going to look for a female but if I already have one I don't need another lol.
Oh I'm confused!!
I said the same thing to Ouzo earlier - maybe it IS a male and female. But I've seen these guys in the flesh: they look pretty close to the same, no distinct markings that (as Zo has mentioned) has been mentioned before as to being females. Also, like all good angle heads, Zo's had trouble trying to get them to move let alone to be fighting :lol: Damn they're lazy critters!! lol
Fingers crossed you DO have a male/female Zo!! That would be GREAT!!
And Joe, I know next to nothing about these guys other than what I have read, and the pics of yours I also would have picked as two girls :?
I am DREADING sexing my 6 when they grow up :lol:
Good luck Zo!!
Bex ;)
Hi there,
I have some of these and this is what I have been told...
Males are an all over light grey..
Females are speckled grey and brown and they have black stripes over their mouths like they have been "Sewn Up"....
It looks like you have two males....I would say that one is dominant and the other one is submissive....

A point to remember----You have to have two males to one Female to be successful in breeding...
The Female needs to see the two males fight over her to "bring her on"...

There aren;t many care sheets on these guys but here is one:
Hope this helps....
Just seems to be dominant behaviour for the bigger one. Haven't kept angles but my beardie males do the same thing and bite at the spikes at the back of the head.
Hey PogonaLady :D

I think I have 2 males too. Although I don't think a female would be all that turned on if they keep carrying on this way! :lol: I'm gonna advertise everywhere I can find today for a female...not sure if I'll have any luck but it's worth giving a go!

Here I am trying like mad to get something, ANYTHING out of my Central Netteds and all the while my Anglehead has turned into a horny maniac without me doing anything :shock: :lol:
Hey munkee, do your Beardies actually try to mate though? His vent was all bulgy like in the pic and he was trying to lift up the other one's tail and get his underneath!
My advice is keep your knickers on and stay out of the enclosure.
Bloody oath :lol:

He's out of control that one :shock:
No they are too young to mate. If he is toey try and find him a girlfriend, then you can figure out if he just prefers male company :wink: . Or you may get babbies :D
Lol that's it munkee :lol:. I'm gonna put some ads up now and see what happens :p. At least if I end up with eggs I'll know it's definitely a girl :lol:
LOL - that's the spirit!! :lol:
Let us know how you go!!
Bex ;)

*edited to add barinwave!!
Here you go Zo: you will know if Balky is gravid coz he'll start showing interest in food!!!! :lol:
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