HELP please !!!! What is this??

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New Member
Jan 2, 2011
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Hi all

A brand new member here. We need help in identifying something we found in our own typical suburban backyard in north-west Sydney. We are scared that it might be snake poo. Can anyone please help? Here are a few pictures of "the thing".
Next to the creamy-orange "thing", there is the same thing only older. It looks like the older thing has fossilised. The strange thing is that we did not notice it while it was fresh like the orange one. We thought it fossilised in the very hot sun in just one day, but we are totally unsure. The orange thing is still pretty much orange and has dried out a bit more than the pics are showing (pics taken yesterday morning). There is almost no smell, not even flies. A bird did land on it and seemed the orange thing held up quite well, and there was dust as the bird took off. The whole thing looks very dry, like a fine sponge. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
(I hope the pics are indeed attached)
The second and third pics look like snake urates that have fungus growing on them... looks similar to snake feaces that you miss while cleaning.

If your in northwest Sydney get use to snakes, alot of browns and rbbs. Syd Metro Wildlife's number is 9413 4300 if you ever get one.
Thanks for your quick replies, much appreciated as this almost an emergency for us! I found the web site for Syd Metro Wildlife, number 9413 4300 - can they advise of this? Do they need and have a look from close up?

Also, searched the whole world for "snake poo" and only found a few pics, mostly dark and firm looking stuff, nothing softer like this.
I know it could be a weird to ask of this, but can anyone post pics of their snake poo please??

If it is from a snake, it must be a very large one??

Another thing, this is right in the middle of our backyard, not protected or overshadowed or anything like that - which we think snakes would prefer.

Should we contact some snake expert to come and see? Is there some kind of free advisory service for snake or wildlife-related issues?
just looks like old dog poo that's been rained on, gone mouldy and then dried out again...

---------- Post added 02-Jan-11 at 10:47 AM ----------

also, why are you so stressed out? there are most definately snakes in your area and even if that is indeed a snake stool what do you want to have done about it?
I do snake rescues for Syd Wildlife and they wont send someone out to look at droppings... we are volunteers and without sounding rude most of us have better things to do especially around this time than look at something like this... and plus most of the volunteers don't keep snakes so you would have a better chance of getting a response on here.

Anyway it could be anything, stop stressing if your lucky enough to have wildlife in your backyard you'll have to get use to it, knowing it's snake droppings wont change the fact there are snakes.

Where are specifically.
just looks like old dog poo that's been rained on, gone mouldy and then dried out again...

---------- Post added 02-Jan-11 at 10:47 AM ----------

also, why are you so stressed out? there are most definately snakes in your area and even if that is indeed a snake stool what do you want to have done about it?

Hi Blessy

Wether it is snake poop or not doesn't really matter. Living on mainland Australia means that you will have snakes near to you. Snakes are not the nasty kill you finish animals that people often beleive they are. They are a very shy and cryptiic animal, more often than not if you have an encounter with one in your yard if you stand back and give the snake a chance to run away it will and you will never see it again.

Don't worry too much, the snakes are more scared of you than you are of them. If you do see one either give it a wide birth and let it go on its way or stay a safe distance, don't interfere with it, watch its movements and call a relocator.
That would be the most massive snake poo ever! Look for a snake capable of eating two or three possums at once....

Looks like mould infested dog poo or just a funky fungus. If you are super keen to figure out what it is you could try here: link
We'd like to know what are we dealing with. This "thing" is big. It is not dog poo (it would smell), it has not dried out (apart from the "fossilised" one which is barely recognisable), and it definitely hasn't seen any rain or moisture.
Most of all, and no offense to anyone here who actually loves them, but we are not comfortable around snakes at all and would prefer not having to call for help ever. Just a few weeks ago we found a 15-20cm long geko in the house, and we'd be terrified to find a snake!
We are in Baulkham Hills, not next or very close to bush or reserve, but also not in he middle of a concrete jungle disctrict.
Hope this helps.
to me it looks like when cats vomit up furballs....
Just find the number of several local snake catchers (in case the first one you call is busy) and keep a copy in every room of the house and on your phone. That way if you need one ASAP bam, sorted.

There's nothing you can do to keep snakes out of the yard. The best way to protect yourself is to learn how to handle pythons and to identify venomous species and finally, do a first aid course that includes how to manage snake bites. The more you know the safer you are. Also, don't leave doors or windows open that could allow them to enter your home, ensure you have slip-strips under doors so there are no gaps underneath too.

Good luck, i hope this helps. Don't stress, i hate spiders but i have learnt to live with that which i cannot change :)

---------- Post added 02-Jan-11 at 11:14 AM ----------

Also, it could still be a big dog poo. Old dog poo doesn't smell, it stops smelling after a few minutes (unless your dogs eats bad food or is generally unhealthy.)

It really doesn't look like a snake poo to me.
You were scared of a gecko?
Anyway, not trying to be rude, but why did you join this forum if you don't like snakes?
The pics are not clearly from a snake but also not clearly not from a snake if that makes any sense.

Assuming that it is a snake it looks like it is going to be a relatively large snake which may sound like bad news but is actually good news.

Sydney is a city in which the suburb you are in can really dictate what types of snake you are likely to find.

In your area the most common snake is Red Belly Blacks and it is very unlikely that you are going to have one of a size large enough to make that mess.

Eastern Browns can also be found in your suburb but once again size is going to make it unlikely that it is from an brown snake.

There are whole host of smaller snakes that can also be discounted on this basis.

If that mess was left by a snake then it is likely a python in my opinion and therefore not a danger to you or your family. It would be unusual to find a wild python in your area so perhaps an escaped pet.

The thing with snakes in backyards especially for people not backing onto bush or reserves is that they tend to be quite transient. So even is this was left by a snake it was likely just passing through and is now long gone. A lot of people who call about snakes in their backyards never actually see the animals more than once or twice.

As Jonno has pointed out there are volunteers who can be called upon to catch and remove snakes that you can see but please only call upon them when you have a visual sighting on a snake to be removed.

If you prefer you can pay for a licenced snake removal service to come and have a look around to reassure you and you can find contacts in the Yellow Pages or online.

Honestly I dont think you need to worry. Just be aware that there could be a snake around so dont go poking your hands in places that you cant see, but if you see no further evidence of snake activity then you can pretty safely assume that any snake is long gone.
Do a Google images search for Dog vomit fungus. There are many that look like your pile...... There will never be an exact match obviously, but it looks more like what you have than any snake poo that I have seen....

Good news is, this isn't a sign of the Herps that move through your yard (aka their natural environment), bad news is....... you will never stop them.

Snakes and lizards are very good at remaining unnoticed, otherwise they would more often than not be lunch. Just make lots of noise and pretend they don't exist.... You won't know what you are missing!
to me it looks like when cats vomit up furballs....

Yes I thought it looked like something related to cats too :)
It is simply a fungus, as others have said. They are as common as the decomposing material they grow on.
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