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Not so new Member
Jul 22, 2019
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hey all, im new. and i dont really know much when it comes to caring for a snake. hoping some of yous could answer my questions. so i recently got a snake, henry. we got him from a family member who was too scared to look after him. he hasn't had his cage cleaned in 2 years and hasn't eaten in 3 months. he is at the very least 5 years old (not sure exactly) and hasn't been handled for 4 years. im not sure what kind of snake he/she is but i think it's a carpet python (looks like one ) but im not sure i cant attach pictures yet but i will. okay here are my questions

1. Is there any infection, diseases or health issues i should look out for. given that his tiny vivarium hasn't been cleaned and was covered in muck for 2 years. if so how do i go about finding it? and or treating it?

2. i have a decent size tank for henry it's about 150x60x60, i dont know what stuff i need to put in it, i also dont know what sort of heating to use, either a mat or a lamp and how to set it up to stay at the optimal heat.

3. could you recommend a substrate that's a reasonable price, can spot clean and is safe for the snake, could someone also explain what humidity to stay at and how.

4. what thermostat should i get, i dont want to break the bank, but i dont want a bad inaccurate one, are there any decent ones for under or $100. along with this topic are there any good thermometers or infrared guns and hydrometers that i can pick up.

5. henry hasn't been handled for a very long time, when we went to see him, he was very friendly and didn't strike or curl up into the strike position. but what should i do to make sure he becomes a friendly snake, when do i pick him up when do i leave him and how exactly, are there things i should avoid.

6. how do i know when he sheds, what do i do when he starts, what do i do if the shed gets stuck

7. could someone explain reptile licences, i don't think have one i also have a 4-year-old beardie not sure if that applies or helps

Thank yous so much, any help is greatly apricated. i hope to hear from you soon
Good on you for rescuing the animal!!!

Yes snakes and carry dieases on there scales so i would problably give the guy a soak in a little bit of water and before and after each time you handle him make certin you wash your hands.

Did he come with any heat mate or lights or anything? He will need two hides , one up the warm end and one in the cool end. People can help you further if you can add a picture.

You should be able to pick up a thermostat online for around the price you would like to spend.

Every snake is different , you buid trust by handling him often. Alway watch him and support him with your hands when you have him out. Try not to come at him from the top but come underneath him with your hands to avoid a strike. Do not grab tight or try and hold him , let the snake slide through your hands freely.

You will begin to see when he is going to shed , the eyes change colour and turn a blue colour is a big sign. Do not touch or handle when about to and in shed. If sheddding issues happen you can soak in some warm water and assist in trying to remove any that isnt coming off.

Yes you will require a reptile keepers licence! What state are you in? In NSW its a simple online application and small fee.

There are alot more people on here with much more experience than me who can also help you. Sounds to me like the poor animal is going to be alot better off with you. Good on you for taking on the responsibility...
1. Is there any infection, diseases or health issues i should look out for. given that his tiny vivarium hasn't been cleaned and was covered in muck for 2 years. if so how do i go about finding it? and or treating it?

i'm not too sure about this one, but one i would be looking for is just general health of the snake, is he "wheezing?"can often be a sign of respiratory infection.
Are his scales damaged/look out of normal?

For this one I would just take them to a vet, as there would be too many possibilities without knowing the whole story/setup etc

2. i have a decent size tank for henry it's about 150x60x60, i dont know what stuff i need to put in it, i also dont know what sort of heating to use, either a mat or a lamp and how to set it up to stay at the optimal heat.

If its a glass tank, I would recommend a heat mat UNDER one end of it, if there's an option to get a heat lamp, get a heat lamp, you would have to mess around with different wattages, so he can have a basking spot of around 30-35 degrees (depending on time of year)

3. could you recommend a substrate that's a reasonable price, can spot clean and is safe for the snake, could someone also explain what humidity to stay at and how.

Newspaper, butchers paper, leaf litter, paper kitty litter, all good options.

4. what thermostat should i get, i dont want to break the bank, but i dont want a bad inaccurate one, are there any decent ones for under or $100. along with this topic are there any good thermometers or infrared guns and hydrometers that i can pick up.

Theres plenty on ebay for this range, But just to be safe I would go for something like this ->

5. henry hasn't been handled for a very long time, when we went to see him, he was very friendly and didn't strike or curl up into the strike position. but what should i do to make sure he becomes a friendly snake, when do i pick him up when do i leave him and how exactly, are there things i should avoid.

start off by getting him used to a hook, this will stop you from getting bit and will allow you to get him out to clean etc, from there depending on his reactions, you can either take him off the hook with hands or take him outside put him on grass and let him glide through your hands over and over for about 5minutes a day ( if he's stressing out, just put him back)

6. how do i know when he sheds, what do i do when he starts, what do i do if the shed gets stuck

His eyes will go a blue cloudy colour, his scales will go dull in colour, you may notice some extra sag around the back of head/neck and they generally become a lot less active

7. could someone explain reptile licences, i don't think have one i also have a 4-year-old beardie not sure if that applies or helps

If you're in nsw atleast, you are going to have to hope the previous owner had a license, as if it has been off license, the authorities will assume its wild caught and most likely euthanise it :( but you can get a license online from,

If previous owner had a license, its just a simple matter of exchanging license details and logging it into the system
Thanks for the reply

I noticed he looked really dark and cloudy, and the scales that run along his spine looked like it hadn't shed propally, although he eyes were looked clear ( they were fully black is that normal)

As for the Tank, it's wooden with a glass front, where about would I put the heat lamp in the center, or on the corners

I'm on my home now from school il send some pics of snake and the enclosure if that helps,is it possible to identify the species from a picture. My older friend who looks after 2 Bredli Python came with us to check on the Shane in case it was aggressive, noticed that it had a much larger head then his snakes.

I live in sa and I'm not sure if the previous owner, is there a website that I can read for sa laws.
omg sorry completely slipped my mind it's my first week back to school and there's heaps of work :(
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omg sorry completely slipped my mind it's my first week back to school and there's heaps of work :(






Hey mate, just letting u know none of the pics showed up, i use Imgbb and use the bbcode embed links
If you're in nsw atleast, you are going to have to hope the previous owner had a license, as if it has been off license, the authorities will assume its wild caught and most likely euthanise it :( but you can get a license online from,

If previous owner had a license, its just a simple matter of exchanging license details and logging it into the system

SA is different. You can keep a single animal without applying for any licence. If you live with partner or parent that means you can technically have 2.
Hmm, still not working sorry, just saying "error, gone."

I just drag/drop images from my desktop to above the text box, then click insert thumbnail or full image.
Did this work?
Screen Shot 2019-05-17 at 11.31.46 am.png

Try that?
ok lets see if this works


[doublepost=1563875102,1563875020][/doublepost]im still gotta clean it any good safe
cleaning products
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Yep, that worked.
Try white vinegar mixed with water in a spray bottle and some white paper towelling.
cleaning products
I like f10 vet grade stuff but super pricey and 100% overkill, but at the right ratios, it will last a loooong time and kill everything! + it’s harmless to animals!

For that enclosure I would definitely screw a thick branch or 2 in from side to side, with the side under the connector slightly tilted closer to the spot the light would be (the one on ceiling)(not too close but not too far, maybe 20-30cm) and your hides and waterbowl down on the left :)
with the side under the connector slightly tilted closer to the spot the light would be (the one on ceiling)(not too close but not too far, maybe 20-30cm) and your hides and waterbowl down on the left :)

I'm a bit confused as to what u mean, could you rexplain that for me.

So do you mean that the side with the downward facing socket should have a higher branch so the snake can get closer to bask?
[doublepost=1563879987,1563879800][/doublepost]Oh also how would I go about covering the Uvb and heat lamp so he doesn't get burned
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