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New Member
Jun 21, 2009
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Brisbane North
Hi all

Just saying Hi, reading around. Great info that is just way over my head at the moment.

I'm researching for my 17yo who wants a snake, my brother has two and my son loves the darn things. So being the mum that I am, I have to find out everything and research this to death before I allow the purchase. (especially since I'll be paying for it).

Seems now my 12yo daughter also wants a snake. So I'll be keeping that in mind as I read.

Is there such a thing as a pet snake handling course in Brisbane?

cheers Trish
If you got a brother who owns snakes cant he help you out with the kids desires and your questions?
there is courses they can do ,in python handling and you can find them on the net ...they arent that cheap though ...best to get yourself the python bible Mike Swan Herp. Books - Keeping and Breeding Australian Pythons ...cant get anything more clearer then that book :)
I think it's vitally important that your kids learn as much as they can about snakes not just you. If they are genuine about committing themselves to having a snake, they need to know everything there is to know about it themselves. Good luck. Annie :)
maybe you should find out what type of python you and the kids would like first it might make your research eazyer
and hope to see you around
Wow thanks for the speedy replies guys.

my brother is a bit of a stoner, and isnt exactly child friendly with anything, especially with information. My son only see's him as they do D&D together, me and him aint that social. So not exact a great source of information sorry to say. I did try once, but got told he would pick one up on the side of the road for me next time he saw one., so... nope not going there.

Good Point Annie, I need to see some more commitment from them first. My mental was from a stand point if I find it all out, then I could guide them in the right direction. They are definately old enough to find stuff themselves, I think I'll still research, but get them to do theirs too and see what they come up with. I generally dont allow my kids on the net, but may have to for this.

Lonewolf, I have no idea how many sorts of pythons there are out there, I have kept fish, cats and dogs, and after that, I'm a bit of a dittzer, I have to check out whats about.
Make sure you buy books and research as much as you can, also get your kids involved!
lol nice name. guess its the kids fault. welcome to APS. snakes are great to own. their very easy to care for. first thing to think about is how big do you want the snake/s to be when adult. once you have the size down you can then look at the species that fit it that size. theres heaps of people onhere that can help you with any questions that you may have as well as some respected breeders that you can by from. they will also offer you any on going support that you may need. private breeder are much better to buy from than a pet shop
If your looking for a small snake get something like a Spotted python, stimson, children, but if you want something a bit bigger , look into diamond pythons, carpet pythons.
Libraries are great places for kids...or anyone...to get books on snakes. I have a stimson, which will only grow to about a metre, but that's plenty big enough for me, lost of people like the larger ones, but it requires a lot of thought in deciding. There's a great bloke called....Brian Bush....he's a WA local and total expert on snakes, he has a site you might like to look at. Just punch his name into google and you'll find him. Steve Wilson and Gerry Swan write good books too, so you can look them up on the net. Or simply type in....pythons...and you'll be amazed at what you'll come up with. I go over topics time and time again and always learn something new. Enjoy the journey, and welcome to the madness. :)
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