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Not so new Member
Jun 27, 2012
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I own a beautiful little spotted python Lilly, who is going on 20 months in july! She is my baby! First snake, I'm still learning! So here are a few questions..!

About 2 months ago I got her a new enclosure because she developed what looked to be a minor case of scale rot from having such a small enclosure beforehand (vets visit confirmed, She shed a few days later and was all better thank god!!). She adapted rather well actually, she has always been a sort of timid snake since I first got her in August 2011 but since shes been in the bigger enclosure its been harder to monitor her movement and activity etc. and the encolsure is a little bit too big for her so we only use half of it and Ive just noticed that she seems more nervous and less active, could be because of winter but Im not entirely sure to be honest.. Shes better once I have her out of the enclosure. Its just when shes inside of it.

Anyway getting to the point, I was using aspen bedding and the vet said that could have been apart of the problem with her scale rot (even though I changed it regulary!) and I should switch to wood chip. So I went out and got a massive bag of it and kept it for a few weeks but I noticed she started to whistle when she was breathing and I know this can be a first sign of a respitory infection so freaking out I read up on the symptoms and causes and it turns out that the dust off the wood chips was upsetting her! She also got a few splinters from it! So ive since removed that and now im keeping to newspaper but im worried that its not enough for her and I want to put a heat mat back in there with her because the heat lamp is not doing its job in such a large space, but I'm concerned about having just a few layers of newspaper between her and the mat!

So I would really appreciate any suggestions on some decent bedding, a good brand of heat mat and also any other advice would be extremely helpful!


P.s Attached a photo of her current enclosure!

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if youre worried about the heat mat, put a ceramic tile on top of it, it will spread the heat more evenly.
heat mats need breathing room to prevent the risk of catching fire,...so something to raise it slightly would be a good idea.

i prefer to use cords, i roughly screw together a frame, screw in some cup hooks, thread the cord around the hooks, add thermostat probe. (frame is loose on 1 side where the cord/probe poke thru) plonk a tile on top and its a perfect cheap safe heat mat.

i currently use ozpet litter for my substrate, im really happy with it, critters crumble has good reports, ill be trying that soon.
im also testing marine carpet soon,...alot of people seem happy with it.
I can't help with much else but I'm using ReptiBark to great success, it comes labeled as "dust free" and the individual pieces have been smoothed so no splinters either.
If you just got a bag of bark from the local landscaping place, that could be your problem.
Okay I'll give those options a trial! Thanks for your help!

No it was reptibark from the pet shop and I had newspaper under it, the dust off it was so thick it made me cough! But I don't think she really liked the product anyway.
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I own a beautiful little spotted python Lilly, who is going on 20 months in july! She is my baby! First snake, I'm still learning! So here are a few questions..!

About 2 months ago I got her a new enclosure because she developed what looked to be a minor case of scale rot from having such a small enclosure beforehand (vets visit confirmed, She shed a few days later and was all better thank god!!). She adapted rather well actually, she has always been a sort of timid snake since I first got her in August 2011 but since shes been in the bigger enclosure its been harder to monitor her movement and activity etc. and the encolsure is a little bit too big for her so we only use half of it and Ive just noticed that she seems more nervous and less active, could be because of winter but Im not entirely sure to be honest.. Shes better once I have her out of the enclosure. Its just when shes inside of it.

Anyway getting to the point, I was using aspen bedding and the vet said that could have been apart of the problem with her scale rot (even though I changed it regulary!) and I should switch to wood chip. So I went out and got a massive bag of it and kept it for a few weeks but I noticed she started to whistle when she was breathing and I know this can be a first sign of a respitory infection so freaking out I read up on the symptoms and causes and it turns out that the dust off the wood chips was upsetting her! She also got a few splinters from it! So ive since removed that and now im keeping to newspaper but im worried that its not enough for her and I want to put a heat mat back in there with her because the heat lamp is not doing its job in such a large space, but I'm concerned about having just a few layers of newspaper between her and the mat!

So I would really appreciate any suggestions on some decent bedding, a good brand of heat mat and also any other advice would be extremely helpful!


P.s Attached a photo of her current enclosure!

View attachment 257435

The timid was you describe could be stress of your snake due to new and much bigger enclousure, as snakes feel more secure in smaller spaces apparently. Not an expert, but something to keep in mind. Also I don't know about this at all but have read ppl have had burnt snakes because they have gotten to.close to the heat mat. So just keep that in mind(you already are) when choosing a source of heat.
Sounds like u have a very lively snake, all the best :)
Okay I'll give those options a trial! Thanks for your help!

No it was reptibark from the pet shop and I had newspaper under it, the dust off it was so thick it made me cough! But I don't think she really liked the product anyway.
G'day Tahra, I use the bark in some of my cages it's fine but you have to wash it and then dry it in the sun to get rid of the dust, I also use Kitty Crumble but I normaly wash that as well ring it out and put it on some plastic to dry in the sun, once there clean you don't have a problem with them.
Your light is fine in your cage you just need to put some branches or a hide box under it so the snake can get closer to it for the warmth, snakes like to bask and I think the light is beter than a heat mat but in saying that you could use a heat mat to, but I think it would be a waist, if you do use a heat mat make sure you put a thermostat on it or your snake could burn it self, but i'd just use the light and put something there so the snake can get closer to it.
Hope this helps.

Here is a cage setup with the kitty crumble see how the snake is up on the branch next to the light basking they love it my Spotted Pythons are the same.

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