huge huntsman!!

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Bahh. Those of you that hide behind the "they scare me" ideology and kill them at will cling to this phobia as if were central to your identity. It has been proven that people with the most ingrained fears and phobias that can trigger the most phenomenal anxiety response in such individuals can with the correct treatment overcome them. I used to be apprehensive about large huntsmans until a girl I used to work with said that she quite happily cups them in her hands to release outside. After that I had practice and indeed the slower individuals can be encouraged to run onto a flat hand and walked outside. A glass jar and a piece of paper can be a safer option as they can bite and medical issues can arise (however rarely). But you people really terrified of a pretty harmless arachnid must work at getting over it. I don't want you driving past me one night and swerving head on into my lane because a huntsman made a dash across the windscreen and you got a bloody fright.
OMG they are disgusting. Spiders...insects in general are my fear. I also learnt recently while at the spider encounter at Taronga Zoo,that huntsman have an air duct/gill type thing on their bodies they can actually close so the fly spray generally won't do anything to them. Once they shut these they are good to go. My fear is that great it took me 2 hours one day to even get up the courage to attempt to hit one. :(
Please don't kill the huntsmans. I used to find them creepy until I moved here. I co-exist with so many of them I had to get used to them. Now I have a big, Queensland-sized one I call Mama living in my house. (She's sitting in a corner of the kitchen splash-back today.) They can still startle me if I come across one unexpectedly, but it is possible to learn to tolerate them.

I'm not fond of the idea of having one in my bed, however, because accidents can happen and, as Steve experienced, their bites can do strange things.
Hello... Is that you kettle?

Yes, this is kettle... Who's this?

It's Pot.... You're black!

I've seen you posting in threads where snakes were needlessly killed. Just because you flash ya bazookas doesn't give you the right to kill spiders because they're 'big and scary' - either harden up or meet a man who can release it outside for you without being a screamy little girl.

I get sick and tired of reading about big people killing harmless animals.
Hello... Is that you kettle?

Yes, this is kettle... Who's this?

It's Pot.... You're black!

I've seen you posting in threads where snakes were needlessly killed. Just because you flash ya bazookas doesn't give you the right to kill spiders because they're 'big and scary' - either harden up or meet a man who can release it outside for you without being a screamy little girl.

I get sick and tired of reading about big people killing harmless animals.

^^get a dog

my god everyone having a go at me i just TOLD you i let one survive that i found last night

as i just said i have an irrational fear of them to the point where looking at a photo of them makes me want to spew.. i hate spiders so much, even CRABS scare me . its the whole legs and how they move thing.

i hate to break it but im sorry there is one less spider in the world but fortunately the world will keep spinning and none of you are going to die.. for now anyway.View attachment 239254

this is the one that lived to tell the tale. now shooooosh.
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Dont worry cw, fear of things that can kill you is normal, but you can, through concious effort, get over it. (some can anyway).
I had a fear of heights but I've worked 3 storeys up on a belt and abseiled 190 meters with the last 40 open air.

"Feel the fear and do it anyway" was an old 70's mantra but I still use it today in tricky situations,

That just brought tears to my eyes. I am well and truly phobic of spiders. I have managed to overcome the worst of it and not worry about spiders in the garden, daddy longlegs, itty bitty ones, etc. But something like that? No, that is made of all my nightmares rolled into one with a liberal dash of hell on eight legs. Goose-bumps, chills, irrational fears that one will be in my bed tonight, oh yes.

And yet, they're so FASCINATING!

Shoo, best therapy you can get is buy a (small/ young) tarantula and keep it as a pet. It's easier than snake wrangling and no need for handling.
I'd like a dollar for every "I cant stand snakes" person that's come to our house and after staring at them for hours (not great guests at that stage), are back again, and again and 3 weeks later you have to wrestle your snake off them! Ha ha ha.

Familiarity breeds reason in this case :)
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nah i was never afraid of snakes.. in saying that i am scared of vens, but only cos im afraid of dying haha. i know thats a ridiculous thing to say cos they odds of being killed by a snake and such and such but i seriously am afraid of dying, i always think im going to be that one unlucky person that just wont survive when 99% of people would.. id be that 1% everytime. you think im bad you should meet my mother haha
went fishing with a friend recently and a red belly went cruising past us about 2 metres from me.. i sh** myself haha.

i dont like spiders cos they move quickly and you dont know where they will be and they bite you in your sleep.
did you know the average person swallows 8 spiders in their sleep in their life? vomit

okay so i guess i was always afraid of some snakes.. but never of carpets cos i knew they had no venom hahaha
Hey cwebb - I'm with you all the way on this one! If spiders like to live - stay the F out of my house! Last time mt hubby talked me into catching and releasing it - day later it just ended up in the house again!!! I was sitting on the toilet when I looked up and there it was..... yes perfect place to **** myself lol
Ah get over it! It's just a spider and there are plenty more where they came from. Killing one, or even a hundred, isn't going to have any detrimental effect on the species or biodiversity.

Yes Slimey i can hear the pot ringing me on the phone right now, only i'm not actually black. I talk like it sometimes but really i'm not. I discourage people from killing snakes for their own safety. Killing pretty well any species here or there (not wide scale culling) isn't detrimental to the most and probably all ecosystems. Especially when the body is retuned to the environment.
ah get over it! It's just a spider and there are plenty more where they came from. Killing one, or even a hundred, isn't going to have any detrimental effect on the species or biodiversity.

Yes slimey i can hear the pot ringing me on the phone right now, only i'm not actually black. I talk like it sometimes but really i'm not. I discourage people from killing snakes for their own safety. Killing pretty well any species here or there (not wide scale culling) isn't detrimental to the most and probably all ecosystems. Especially when the body is retuned to the environment.

I have a dog...

I never said we're going to wipe out a species or biodiversity - but what gives anyone the right to consider one life greater than any other?

My point, if you read it more carefully was - there is no need to kill the spider out of fear, because that was the pot calling the kettle black... When I've seen the same person (people) post on threads where snakes have been killed for the same reason.

Usually Gordo - you say some good stuff.... Today however you're full of..... not good stuff. Especially considering you knew exactly what I'm talking about.
Well I killed a skink yesterday, it was near my finger and it was about to bite me.
I think i still write some good stuff, you should see my platypodes post from last night. Possibly my best for a few days.

Oh Slimey, that part of the post wasn't to you. Only the pots and pans business. I totally agreed with your bazookas point and pretty well the rest of your post too. I was just making the point that the reality is a dead spider is just going to replaced by another spider, so while the act of killing is not nesecarily a bad thing for the environment, it is pointless.

Slimey has a dog.

I have a dog...

I never said we're going to wipe out a species or biodiversity - but what gives anyone the right to consider one life greater than any other?

My point, if you read it more carefully was - there is no need to kill the spider out of fear, because that was the pot calling the kettle black... When I've seen the same person (people) post on threads where snakes have been killed for the same reason.

Usually Gordo - you say some good stuff.... Today however you're full of..... not good stuff. Especially considering you knew exactly what I'm talking about.
Sorry to all the spider lovers, but spiders I put in the same category as the woodies and crickets I feed to my lizards! Are they live? YES do I care - NO!
I think i still write some good stuff, you should see my platypodes post from last night. Possibly my best for a few days.

Oh Slimey, that part of the post wasn't to you. Only the pots and pans business. I totally agreed with your bazookas point and pretty well the rest of your post too. I was just making the point that the reality is a dead spider is just going to replaced by another spider, so while the act of killing is not nesecarily a bad thing for the environment, it is pointless.

Slimey has a dog.

I would like to publicly and formerly apologise to Mr Waruikazi for my blatant disregard of previous said statements that could have been mislead as slanderous or even incorrect. This was not the case. Mr Waruikazi is an upstanding citizen who has not mislead or laid any slanderous comments. In fact, it was me who misread and then added a slanderous comment.

For this, I do so solemnly swear, that I apologise in a sincere manner.

I would also like to point out that my pot and kettle black statement remains - the OP has at times suggested her dismay when people have harmed or killed snakes needlessly in much the same way she killed and harmed a spider needlessly.

I would also like to reiterate - I do have a dog.

I would also like to point out my GF has a phobia of spiders, but I big man and move spider outside (beating chest while speaking this in deep tones). Spider relocation good.... Dead spider bring bad.

Sorry to all the spider lovers, but spiders I put in the same category as the woodies and crickets I feed to my lizards! Are they live? YES do I care - NO!

Not needless.... Different kettle.... Different fish....

How many kettle clichés are there?
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View attachment 239348

just thought I'd add this photo - I have seen bigger than this too, just thought it was an interesting view from underneath. Tis my hubbies hand in the picture and his fingers are twice the size of mine. I don't mind having them around, they keep the cockroaches and moth numbers down!
I pictured you beating your chest as i read that, even before i read the chest beating part... I pictured your dog (because you have one) looking magestic on your right side too. You looked good in my mind. I might carry that with me for the rest of the week.
My dog is often proud of my spider relocation service I provide him. He, like the OP, would sooner see all spiders dead.

Although nutritious, he is fed on Science Diet by Hills (TM) (cha ching) - it is a full and balanced diet that would not require the addition of arachnids.

He sits by my side and looks lovingly into my eyes as we set the spider free.

Edit - - - I discourage the fact that immediately after he pretends he wants to go to the toilet so he can find it and eat it.
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