Ignorant People

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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2009
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Springwood, Qld
Just wanted to tell you about a guy I know. He was doing some gardening the other day and came across a brown snake. Somehow he managed to put the wheelie bin on it so just it's head was poking out. (Bin was full by the way). Now comes the best bit...... He went inside, boiled the kettle and poured the boiling water over its head !!!! I went off!! Total moron !!!! What is wrong with people? Some people are just ignorant......and stupid.:x:evil: I asked him why he did it. "They freak him out" was his answer.
Thats a cruel and selfish act. if they freak him out why did he go near it in the first place and boiling water i mean cmon what a tool
mmm, chicken, i like chicken,......so do my snakes...mmmmmm
man people can be cruel
It is a reportable offence - as Geckoman123 said - however they'll get away with it because they'll use the 'It was endangering our family' line.

The best thing you can do for him, and all snakes as well, is to educate - tell them the safest way to remove them and why you shouldn't kill them (because one day it may be a very dangerous snake - and he might do more harm to himself).

Buy him a book on snakes.

Most people's fear is irrational to say the least and can be very dangerous - it's just a matter of changing their attitudes.

Do you have snakes yourself? Introduce him to your ones.

You'd be surprised how many people I have converted from similar 'pour boiling water over its head' to absolutely loving snakes... Though most now just avoid them and they seem much happier and far less scared!

Good luck though :)
I agree with Contagion...but i think a jug of boiling water over his head might be appropriate...?
Slim6y, I agree education can be the best :) I've converted a few people to loving snakes from starting absolutely terrified of them.
It is a reportable offence - as Geckoman123 said - however they'll get away with it because they'll use the 'It was endangering our family' line.

The best thing you can do for him, and all snakes as well, is to educate - tell them the safest way to remove them and why you shouldn't kill them (because one day it may be a very dangerous snake - and he might do more harm to himself).

Buy him a book on snakes.

Most people's fear is irrational to say the least and can be very dangerous - it's just a matter of changing their attitudes.

Do you have snakes yourself? Introduce him to your ones.

You'd be surprised how many people I have converted from similar 'pour boiling water over its head' to absolutely loving snakes... Though most now just avoid them and they seem much happier and far less scared!

Good luck though :)

Alternative best thing you could do to him would be to release a large number of rats or mice into his house one night. Then when he whinges about it, mention how good snakes are at vermin control....
Alternative best thing you could do to him would be to release a large number of rats or mice into his house one night. Then when he whinges about it, mention how good snakes are at vermin control....

I like it! I like it a lot!!
Apparently he has been traumatised by them when he was a kid. A 3m brown snake chased him! And then a pink elephant flew over his head .......:rolleyes:
Don't worry I did my best to educate him. Lost cause I'm afraid. Some people just won't change their beliefs, no matter what information they're given.
Had someone do the same thing the other day, except with the old shovel. After I told him it was illegal and I would report it he went off and tried to hit me with the shovel. It still surprises me every day the stories I get told and what people do because it has scales and not fur. But that’s why I got into educating people in the first place, on a good note I have succeeded in changing the opinions of many many rural people doing the ven talks and using a dollar value to explain snakes importance to their farms.
And there in lies the problem... most people seem to treat that sort of knowledge like an invading army of some sort, and firmly fortify themselves against it with thick headed stupidity...
Funny farmers shoot Wedged Tailed Eagles as well then complain about rabbits and vermon . Education is the key but only if they're open to it.

They shoot red-tailed black cockatoos, too. A bird that license is required for, they are expensive and God help anyone caught trapping them. Yet farmers are allowed to shoot them down.

:cry: OMG that poor snake. One of my worse fears is burning. That poor animal. You said you intervened. What happened to the snake? No doubt that would not have killed him but woulda bloody hurt him. I hope he was put down.

Slim6y my hubby is a converted snake hater. He would never be cruel but once believed a good snake is a dead one. Now I have him surrounded .. hehe :twisted: .. he tolerates them but not impressed to touch them - except for Bindy because he is actually confident she wouldn't hurt a fly.
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More often than not the snake is the one in mortal danger and the bloke trying to hit it over the head with a shovel wonders why these creatures are so incredibly frightened by our very presence! It's pretty rare if the snake actually manages to kill a human being, yet they are mowed down in their thousands every year!

Boiling a jug of water to pour over an animals head is just plain calculated and cruel!
I dont think he could use the "it was endangering me/my family" excuse..is that were the case he could have knocked it on the head humanely (not encouraging this..) rather than pour boiling water on it..alternativley just leave it to go on it's way...
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