just gotta have a winge

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Very Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2010
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i recently purchased a few new reps 2 of which are beardies.
we took the male to the vet because he was sent to us with a injured tail that was much more severe than we were led to believe. so now he is on his second lot of anti biotics and they may have to amputate a small part fo his tail so more $$$$ they wanted to see the female because of the state he is in. which is fine i can understand that.

they requested a poo sample which i provided and they found parasites in his poo and need to put him on more medication for that

the receptionist had the nerve to ask how clean i kept my tanks ? when it clearly says on his records i have only owned them for 2 weeks... and as soon as they dirtly their tank i clean it out.

like hello im doing the right thing! i took him to the vet i pay the $85 consult fee for half hour.. pluss meds on top... like hell if i didnt care i wouldn be taking them in!

apon arrival i found a envelope in the bottom of the holding tanks with a $100 towards a vet bill if i thought it was neccesary. this i thought was rather like admitting u hadnt given the whole story. they offered to take him back with a full refund. however when asked if i still wanted him sent in the first place (with a small cut on his tail that sould require little to no care) they said they wouldn send the female on her own. and yet were selling them seperately???

we declined to send him back as he is a very nice beardie and has a nice nature. however we are very unimpressed with the breeder which i shall not be naming in this thread..
Someone needs to start a website where members can speak of their experiences with sellers/breeders (both positive & negative).
i dont know if it would help but one of the fish forum i am a member of has a positive negative feedback section in the sellers profile also has a star rating the mods monitor the feedback and make the star rating according also for highly respected members they are given privilages i.e under their names it either member vip and so on
Now, hang on, I would think it was rather thoughtful and decent of the breeder to slip in 100 bucks. Also, you had the choice to return him - why are you complaining? You decision, your call! Sorry baby, that's how I see it.
Hindsight's a beautiful thing.
If u knew about the injury, why didn't u ask for a vet report from the breeder, & did u request photos of the injuries?
Beardies naturally carry parasites, some good, some bad, regardless of how u keep them, they pick them up thru their food as well. A lot of people don't believe beardies need worming, but every vet will worm them? Usually only necessary if the beardie isn't holding it's weight regardless of how much u feed it, then again, can be done every 3mths or yearly. Breeder can't be crucified for that, unless it was a severe case & a very emaciated, anaemic beardie.
I also think $100 is pretty good, but personally, I wouldn't have sold it until it had healed.
Ah, life's experiences...........
Hi Nagini-baby

As I am the person who you purchased these beardies from....I am quite upset and astonished that you would 'have a winge' on an open forum rather than actually call me and discuss this unfortunate situation.....which you never did.

I am not going to air the full story on here but I would suggest that if you are going to ask peoples opinions then give them the actual facts.....

One big win for the honest and honorable breeders. I admire your discretion Kelly.
Its quite common for breeders of bearded dragons to keep them together as hatchies, it often results in parts getting eaten because they arnt adapted to living together and basically eat whatever moves. Its the main reason i havnt bothered to breed the species, even though they are the best 'pet' species of reptile.

I feel sorry for both parties and i think this thread should be closed ASAP.

I also think a goanna would help solve the problem, i never take goldfish to a vet :shock:
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