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Ok I get alot of differing views everytime I mention this,but I will say it again anyway lol.IMO you would be better off feeding mice rather than rats at this stage (considering snakes are more prone to deficiencies earlier in life).This is because the more mature a rodent is the more calciums etc they have to nourish your snake.When given a choice between a pinkie rat or a fuzzie mouse both of the same size and weight I would prefer the fuzzie for obvious reasons.However many other members would prefer the pinkie rat hoping to convert there snakes over to rats ASAP.Pinkies are more or less full of a milky type liquod when first born.As they mature they form stronger bones,fat reserves,fur etc etc,everything your reptile needs for good health.I would feed a rat pinkie every 3rd week and a mouse fuzzie every other.This way your snake will get the nutrients it needs along with a change in diet once a month and will also be accustomed to rats when ready to convert to them...
thats y i am saying give it a weaner mouse if the snake is like 60 cm or a bit smaller long it will even eat an adult mouse cause my cousin feeds his hatchling coastal carpet a adult mouse everyweek and is the best looking snake with a good big head
Yes I agree,at 2ft in length I would assume it to be a yearling and should easily take an adult mouse.However go with the general rule of 25-30% when feeding...
Ahh ok...Thanks Mystic...Here is the Newby coming out...What is 25-30%?
food should be 25 to 30 % the weight of the snake i think Belle! :D
I've always heard that 20% of body weight was closer to ideal... (however I generally stay a little below this).
Any other opinions on this?
20% is what I have heard too Niccy babe. Mind you I totally ignore it as I don't know the weight of my adults! I must get round to purchasing a bigger set of scales one day :) lol :)
The percentage rates are just used as a guide.As some snakes will eat more & some will eat less, it does give you a general idea and something to work off but its not actual gospel that MUST be followed...

20% is the norm for adult animals IMO.
But I'd give growing animals just that little bit more
(5-10% depending on circumstances).Of course Diamonds being an exception to this,as they should be grown slowly.I would also supplement adults with that little bit extra just before cooling and just after breeding.
My water pythons are currently eating about 20 -25% every five days. I've noticed a massive change in attitude in the past month in that they are very alert and very hungry and would properly feed every day if I was so inclined. Feeding time is about 9:00 P.M., and they will position themselves at this time if I put my hand in the cage - even if it is the day after feeding.
I put this down to the time of the year, its the time of the build-up to the wet in their natural range and this is when they would feed the most. About April or May I'll cut to food down by half.

Now to sit back and read the avalanche of different opinions.
LOL....I dont see a problem there Fuscus...After my little snake starting eating for the first time I gave him a pinkie mouse every 5 days because of the amount of weight he had lost.
Would just like to point out that based on obeserved data from myself and several other python keepers, pythons retain about 30% of their feed weight as body weight whilst beeing fed weekly in their growth stage. This means that a python fed 30% of their body weight retains an extra 10% every time they are fed. Hence they double their body weight every 7 feeds, equating to 7 weeks if fed weekly or 35 days if fed every 5 days. So a 10g snake would weigh approx 1.2kg if not cooled at the end of it's first year, then 153kg at the end of it's second year. In reality, I have never observed first hand anyone who feeds their snakes anything like this much every week. Most people feed about 10-20% of their body weight if feeding weekly.
Going by your results Mags,Feeding my regime of 5% extra (lets just say every week) the actual weight gain is a mere 5% more than what is supposedly deemed natural over a 7 week period.That is only 35% extra body weight over a period of 12 months,and that is assuming that you weighed your snake and food items accurately at every feeding lol.
(most people weigh every few months).In a snakes 1st year and at its lowest body weight this extra growth rate is minor compared to power feeding larger volumes that many keepers do IMO.However the end results would be a well grown animal that was bought up on extra calciums etc compared to those bought up on 10-20% feedings.As well as larger growth both weight & size.Ultimately maturity is reached that little bit earlier and as larger specimens they can also be cooled earlier (I like to cool animals regardless of breeding attempts being made or not).

10% extra is getting closer to power feeding and I would use this extra weight only under certain circumstances (as I had said earlier).Those circumstances being missed feeds prior,loss of weight or after medical treatment.Common sense should tell you whether or not to feed more or less.Obviously if my animal was growing excessively to the extent of obese I would reduce feeds and/or feed times.If it is not growing adequately I would increase feeds and/or feed times.But again this is just opinions and not gospel...
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