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Very Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
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this is some pics of my eastern beardie pair, they are both almost 2 yrs. the male i have had since he was a hatchy and the female i got about 3-4 months ago. he is much larger then her, but they will breed next yr, he is 45cm and she is 40cm.
2nd pic looks like a vitti, but all the rest look like barbata...

Very nice looking lizards mate..
2nd pic looks like a vitti, but all the rest look like barbata...

yer actually i would like to here others opinions on this actually, i have thought it myself before, i have compared pics and he looks just like other barbata aswell as some vitti's. he is ment to be a barbata and i refer to him as one, as he show characteristics of one, does anyone think because of his large size his scales could "move", what i mean is my female as she is slowly fattening up and growing her head is broadening up and is getting wider and bigger.

Very nice looking lizards mate..

thanks, the male is my pride and joy, by far my favourite herp, his name is beardie and he is the best beardie i have ever seen (as far as personality)
They both look like vitticeps to me.

Well the 2 top pics and last one anyway.
They both look like vitticeps to me.

Well the 2 top pics and last one anyway.

lol...they are all pics of the male, ment to be a barbata. im a little torn at the moment cause i have been told by a few that he looks like a barbata and then by a few more that he is a vitti, a few more opinions would be great to hear. its a bit of a pain cause i tride pretty hard to find the girl for him.
i read somewere else on a reptile site that the easiest way to tell what type u have is vitticeps have pink mouths and barbarta have yellow i may be wrong though or have them mixed up i read it the other day and now i cant find it again
i read somewere else on a reptile site that the easiest way to tell what type u have is vitticeps have pink mouths and barbarta have yellow i may be wrong though or have them mixed up i read it the other day and now i cant find it again

i remember hearing that a while ago but have discovered since that they can both have yellow mouths. i use to have a male central beardie that was identical to my female eastern, acually my aunty didnt believe me that is was a different lizard let alone different species. it had the same head shape and all, but was a central. im begining to think that there may be some that just show similar characteristic. i just dont want to cross breed them, and i hesitate cause im not sure.
Mouth colour is useless if it's a hybrid, grab a copy of 'A Field Guide To Reptiles Of Queensland' by Steve Wilson, it has a quick note on how to differenciate species, the crest, head shape and spines on tail are the most obvious differences.
G'Day In this world of cloning and interbreeding who knows what you have
PL- yer the female is a barbata and she is doing well, she is eating like a pig but still doesnt like being handled to much but she is getting there, hows the male i swaped you? well this is anoying cause i cant realy breed them now. i dont understand why people sell you herps with the wrong name, i get my first snake which was a female "stimsoni" which turned out to be a spotted, after i had got her a partner, so then i had to get another stimsoni. its so anoying. PogonaLady do you still have any red or orange phase hatchies for sale this season?
Jason, I am SOOOO jealous! I love beardies and yours are really beautiful. I was given an adult a while ago and she was so sweet and funny and full of character. Sadly she mysteriously died and I cried so much. I'm even more jealous cos of what you say about the males personality. Lucky you!
Hi Jas,
Like everyone else, I too reckon that your male is a vitticeps, but I would still check his mouth. I know, I know. Hyrbrids yada yada, but I would still take a peak.
I have also had someone sell me a barbata as a vitticeps (mind you they did NOT know that this was the case) and I contacted our licensing dept down here and they gave me permission to make up a new page in my book for barbatas and cross out the transaction that I had in there for the vitti and move it. lol - did that just make sense?? lol
I know that it doesn't help you with breeding them, but at least the legalties are sorted.
Good luck
reptililian said:
Sadly she mysteriously died and I cried so much.

Lily don't be sad, Bek has a few little beardies looking for a new home :wink:

(Whisper - "Hey Bek do I get my discount now.... :shock: )

yer bek i understand, i have had to do it before cause i got a stimsoni but it was really a spotted, its fine though i will not be breeding the male next yr, as im sure he is a central, but hopefully i have already found a new male eastern with the help of pogonalady, so i should still be breeding beardies next season hopefully. as for the male he is special to me, he is just the greatest, so i will be buying some central hatchies next season so i can have another special one to put with the my male. and eventually im thinking about an outside enclosure for my eastern beardies and maby a water dragon. thanks everyone.
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