My New Friend! :D

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Very Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2006
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This is my new bird, well mine and my mums :D his been a family pet kinda thing for over a year but never lived here, and now he does :D

i opened the glass to this tank and he came running to check it out, he soon got in and then i grabbed the camera :D hope you like!


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hahha soo cute
did u buy him
i wouldnt mine a bird like that
lol that tend to do that lol
just gotta get use to it
how much did u pay if u dnt mind me asking
hope u enjoy him
hehe....looks like an active and interesting fella.

Beautiful ecky mate and good choice going for a male as females hit 2 years of age and go a bit feral. lol.

he lives in a tank

No, that'd be just a wee bit silly, i like to call it a Enclosure :D okay just kiding. he has a cage (which is not used as we don't like birds and cages and has a play pen/gym (which he has ruined)

Beautiful ecky mate and good choice going for a male as females hit 2 years of age and go a bit feral. lol.


I plan on getting a female about mid of net year, there so beautiful!
Lovely bird. Is it just me, or is that beak a touch overgrown?


Typical sized beak for those birds. You should see our long billed corella's beak!!!LOL
my long billed corellas beak is long too, adam is yours a boy or girl, mine is a boy and talks so much lol
He's a boy. He is a rescue. I have only had this one for a couple of months, we found him on a golf course with a broken wing and on the verge of death. So I rescued him and gave him fluids and taped his wing up. His wing is now healed but he hasn't been able to re-learn how to fly. I think he is trying to talk. I don't think he is going to be able to be released back into the wild, his wing was pretty bad. I have bred just about all birds before and had many a great talkers. The best bird I had was a RedTail Black Cockatoo, she was wonderfull untill we had a home invasion in Sydney, she saved Tennilles life as I wasn't there at the time but after that she was too nervy and scared everytime anyone came to visit. I had a Blue ringneck I raised from a 1 week chick and she loved me, use to give me kisses and cuddles all the time, so sad I had to sell up before I left Sydney, I had Rossella's, cockatoo's, ringnecks,lorrikeets,corrella's, just to name a few.LOL I am addicted to animals!!!!!! Can't ever just own one of a species, I get carried away well and truely!!!!!!!
is the corella tame, you and your family sound like us, we take in many animals as well, cages, tanks, animals everywhere
Beautiful eclectus.. he's a very healthy looking bird.. As for females being more aggresive, I think it depends on the individual bird. Make sure you give him plenty of Vitamin A.. They tend to need it more than other types of parrots.
He looks very inquisitive (sp?) peeking at the camera. :p
Far out whens the last time he bit anyone? That would hurt!!
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