My new friend.

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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2011
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Another visitor I've made friends with.

A young eastern water dragon who visited me yesterday.


Yes I was stroking it on the head and the lizard was only resting on my open hand, I was not restraining it, but I was quietly talking to it while I was stroking it. I seems to like this.


Very handsome lizard.

I guess I have the knack with lizards.

Would love one day to be able to handle Lizzy like that.
Definitely subscribing to this one.
They do seem to like you/your house. Do you live near bush?
Not trying to be a buzz kill or anything but isn't it illegal to interfere with wildlife (touch, hold etc)?
If it is, it's a bit of a stupid law, but I'm just curious.

VERY nice EWD by the way. I'd love to hold one like that.
What a handsome dragon!

It's lovely when spring comes around, just this morning I walked out our front door to rustling - one of the water skinks came running down the wall to the closest branch he could reach waiting for 'breakfast'! It's great to see them all again after the long cold break :)
Not trying to be a buzz kill or anything but isn't it illegal to interfere with wildlife (touch, hold etc)?
If it is, it's a bit of a stupid law, but I'm just curious.

VERY nice EWD by the way. I'd love to hold one like that.
sure is but the OP knows that .
Who cares if it's illegal to touch wildlife? It's not like he's hurting it. Feeding is something I'm on the fence about and can see an issue with.

The only thing I REALLY see an issue with, is the fact that the animal is supposedly there because it's choosing to be, yet the pictures show that it's clearly restrained, as if it has been caught... I doubt a young wild lizard would just jump onto a humans hand without training.

Not saying that I care if it was caught either, it just conflicts with what was said in the original post. I've caught bluetongues for photo ops. As long as it's let go, I don't see the issue. TONS of herping pics on here show people picking stuff up, or there are pics where the animal has obviously been picked up and placed/herded into an area for a photo op.
I hope the two will never meet, otherwise bye bye Lizzy!

I respect the respect for nature that you have but at the end of the day its all about the food chain.

Cheers and keep us posted.
Pretty cool how it closed it's eyes while I was gently stroking it on the top of it's head and side of it's head, only cat naps mind you, and in a minute or 2 the eyes would be open and it would be alertly looking around.

If thing was being held, it was my thumb.
Didn't seem to mind getting rubbed gently under the chin with my thumb either.

I'm now very conflicted, I'm not sure which sort of dragon I like the most - beardies or EWDs. Beardies can be like this too.

Was a very nice experience. Hope this lizard comes back for another visit soon.
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Gorgeous. I would love to live somewhere close to wildlife. However the closest I have, are annoying birds that sit in the trees making our dogs bark.
I hope the two will never meet, otherwise bye bye Lizzy!

I respect the respect for nature that you have but at the end of the day its all about the food chain.

Cheers and keep us posted.

Lizzy paid a visit at lunch time, had fun letting her chase and catch a few medium crickets that I gave her one at a time under an inverted MT mealworm tub, after I gave her one by hand. I'm more concerned about the local cats getting her when she's outside doing her own thing than the occasional EWD. More cats about than EWDs.
I highly doubt an EWD would eat a full grown EWS. It might happen but it would be fairly rarely, I see them sitting on the same rock at the same time around my place. (I figure it's the best rock).
EWDs tend to be extremely wary at all ages. I would agree that this is “all about the food chain”.... they don’t want to end up in a lower position on it than they currently occupy.

In my experience, young EWD’s are also very curious. If you sit quietly near a rocky area where they hang out, they will eventually emerge and start eyeballing you from the safety of a nearby retreat. Then they will start checking out any other movement in the area, like insects or birds, whilst keeping a regular eye on you. Sit quietly for long enough and they may even go back to chasing insects and all but ignore you –from a safe distance.

Ianinoz,that level of interaction is extremely rare. Somehow the lizard has come to regard you as no potential threat – most unusual. Enjoy it for what it is – something very special. We, on the other hand, can only wonder why while we enjoy your experience vicariously (with a hint of envy).


PS. No need to have a favourite dragon. Enjoy both for their own uniquness and individual attributes.
love the fact you can appreciate these animals on your own property! love your passion and appreciate it. well done.
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