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that sounds good - nothing better than a guy who can cook imo

a good easy vego dish is warm vege salad.
steam some whole green beans & bits of brocolli - oh and some peas
in a frypan (with a lid) cook up some thin slices of potato & pumpkin til soft n edible then
lightly fry some onion, chopped mushrooms & zucchini
cook up a packet of Ainsley Harriott's flavoured couscous as directed (moroccan medley I think its called)
combine everything together and add some chopped sundried tomato & some sunflower seeds and you're done

if you want a nice chick wine, I suggest Brown Brothers Zibbibo Rosa in the sparkling section of your bottlo
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hay good luck mate, seems like you heart is in the right place, also dont drink to much(thats a put off, even know we think its manly) and dont rush it, you have all the time in the world.
do you have a recipe you can pm me?

Unfortunately I don't, my mum doesn't use a recipe she just makes it how she thinks it should be:pShould be plenty of recipes on the net though, or if you get a vegetarian cookbook there's bound to be a risotto recipe in there.
just remember dude ,you can do everything just right,make all the rightmoves,cook her favourite meal,watch her fav TV show,not step a foot out of place ,
and still crash and burn
chicks are WIERD just remember that
Steak! if she is a vego she needs a dose of steak

just feed it to her and if she dont want it force it in! hahahaha
Im so tempted so make a remark that will get me banned for life.
o look a puppy.. *looks away*

LOL, yep, that emptied the thread, lol.

As pimp said, you can do everything right, and still crash and burn. Im sure it wont happen, but if it does, dont beat yourself up about it, and pursue her.

All the best with you final plan. :D
It's hard to know what to say when we dont know either of you.. But here goes, fresh strawberries and chocolate were made for each other (and a favorite for most chocoholics), that could be good for desert, goes ok with wine to so ive heard ( i dont drink wine but i'm some one will know). And buffy (awsome show) does she have some favorite episodes? and even though some say the movie was a flop it's still a classic. Doing something social before hand like you suggested with the swim with the sharks that'll give you something to talk about when you're back at your place, also breaks the uncomfortablity factor at the begining of the date & cause it's something exciting it'll take the preassure off having to find things to talk about, and should take the focus off both of you being nervous about a first date (yes we get nervous too on first dates). And maybe ask her what dishes she likes and both of you cook something together when you get back from your outing (she's showing you what she likes and it shows you're taking an interest in that) it's an opportunity for some good talk time about the great you both had. Then use the t.v viewing as the wind down for the evening while eating desert and finishing off the wine snuggeling and use your imagination for the rest. AND BE YOURSELF CHICKS LIKE THAT she already likes you or she wouldn't be going on a date with you. hope my rambeling made sence and with all the advise everyone gives you i'm sure you'll plan a great time for you both

Enjoy your date
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