Nephrurus Wheeleri

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Mar 25, 2008
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NEPHRURUS WHEELERIThere appears to be some confusion regarding the status of these stunning animals in NSW. I recently acquired a pair from a reputable NSW breeder. However before doing so I in view of the various opinions as to whether Wheeleri were legally held inNSW I had to satisfy myself as to their status.I visited the NSW breeder and inspected his reptile collection and setup. He had a very professional approach to reptile husbandry and had obviously spared no expense to ensure all his animals were kept in optimum conditions.This breeder was happy to provide me with a copy of his Reptile Keepers Licence, a copy of the Import Licence issued by the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (when he acquired his initial animals) and a copy of the Export Permit issued to the inter State Seller from whom he acquired the animals.So there can be no doubt that Wheeleri are legally held in NSW and if this Reptile Keepers outstanding success in breeding these animals can be maintained and repeated by other reptile enthusiasts many more people will have the pleasure of adding Wheeleri their collections.
can i just ask why are there different permits for every state?
geckobreeder, that post, being your first, wasnt suspicious, and doesnt at all sound like a load of self serving propaganda.

Welcome to the site!
yer, as you figured...everyone would love to see some pics im sure, haha.
congratulations and best of luck with them.
I'd reccomend, like all legality based questions, that everyone double and triple checks with NSW DEC. I also suggest you get their answers in writing.
NEPHRURUS WHEELERIThere appears to be some confusion regarding the status of these stunning animals in NSW. I recently acquired a pair from a reputable NSW breeder. However before doing so I in view of the various opinions as to whether Wheeleri were legally held inNSW I had to satisfy myself as to their status.I visited the NSW breeder and inspected his reptile collection and setup. He had a very professional approach to reptile husbandry and had obviously spared no expense to ensure all his animals were kept in optimum conditions.This breeder was happy to provide me with a copy of his Reptile Keepers Licence, a copy of the Import Licence issued by the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (when he acquired his initial animals) and a copy of the Export Permit issued to the inter State Seller from whom he acquired the animals.So there can be no doubt that Wheeleri are legally held in NSW and if this Reptile Keepers outstanding success in breeding these animals can be maintained and repeated by other reptile enthusiasts many more people will have the pleasure of adding Wheeleri their collections.

Just sad that someone has to publicly defend themselves because someone at NPWS hasn't done their job properly - witch hunts always seem to affect those who have done the right thing.

Good luck with your wheeleri.
they used to be on the old class 1 list. The new list has left off many gecko (and other) species but I assume it would be the same?
i was just wondering that if your licence allows you to hold what's on a list and you buy something not on that list, you're not licensed to hold it regardless of whether the seller has them legally. so i am still confused about whether you can have them or not even though the thread's purpose was to alleviate the confusion.
Reptile list

I am haveing trouble accessing that reptile list, which I would really like to get a copy off. Is there another link to it that might be easier.
My understanding is that all animals currently listed as legally held in NSW have been added to the updated lists...if an animal is not listed it is not held in NSW - to acquire it you then put in your paperwork to 'import' the animal and they then make a decision as to it - in general it CAN be kept (except with crocs, sea snakes and sea turtles as already listed) but will go to a Class 2 licence...

Fair enough I would imagine as if there are none held in NSW it is very likely there are a VERY limited number held in the Country...
Sorry guys i started a new thread before i saw this one so i thought i would post this here as well.

Hi all,
i recently read a thread about the legalities of keeping N.Wheeleri. I was interested to see what QLD Parks opinion on this matter was. Today i was granted permision to import N.Wheeleri from another State in Australia and keep them on a recreational licence provided they came to me from another licenced keeper. So for the Queenslanders if you can find them (and afford them) away you go. I wished i could lol. i also to a spoke to an American breeder who sells his Wheeleri for $500 US ironic isn't it.

Attached Thumbnails
I always wonder about new species coming into the trade and many eastern locality specific animals. Im not questioning that you didnt obtain them lawfully or that your supplier got them unlawfully but being that these animals are only found in WA, and reports from WA DEC (formerly CALM) state that no export permit has ever been issued from that state for any propose. IMO thats why ppl question their status, if say its intro was well known like Kimberley Rock Monitors no would q it. All the best with them.
i have heard around the 6 to 7k mark. if they have not issued any permits how would you think that they can be legally sold in the US so cheap as well, i have heard they also occur in the NT could the have been exported from there?
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