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RE: Past Threads

Also a tip with force feeding wet the food item before trying to feed it (slides better) and also u have to push it down the snakes throat a little bit other wise it can just throw it back up again .
RE: Past Threads

The rat tail sounds like a cool idea...chop chop!!
RE: Past Threads

Does it have a respiratory problem?, maybe why it's not putting out it's tounge......any abnormal, swelling under the throat?, weezing etc when hasseled?......should be easy for you or your mate to cheak out whether it's got a tounge or not?
RE: Past Threads

No symptoms like that indi, it has the nicest temperament, no wheezing, nothing crusty around the nostrils or lips (no ears..sorry)i am going to have another look in its mouth right now as we speak
RE: Past Threads

no bugger going to bed..i will try it in the morning...thanks for all the help wise herpers.....
RE: Past Threads

Seriously, not aimed directly at you junglemad, but sought of ummm around a corner, dodging a letterbox and a mercedes benz, why cant new folk to the python/snake hobby buy a friggin book before the snake???? It will lessen the burden on the new owner, the seller of the snake, and the snake itself!!! Do some homework before purchasing the animal, just like you would a dog or ferret. It might be all cool and ****e, but, its still a living animal that needs special care needs.

Junglemad, i think you should take the python in question to a experienced herpers place for a once over, and to see if they can get it feeding for you, atleast then if it doesnt feed for them, you know its not you.

Cheers, Alan.

P.s, Im in sydney, and if you want, bring it to me and we can take it to a more experienced herper than me.
RE: Past Threads

I think you will find it does have a tounge. You won't see it when you open it's mouth as it pulls it back, that's quite normal. Often when a snake is not well, lethargic, listless, it doesn't tounge flicker.

I wouldn't worry about the tongue issue right now and would concentrate on the feeding issue instead.

Don't handle it, snakes do not need human comfort, all that will do is stress it out more.
RE: Past Threads

Thanks for the tips everyone. Teamsherman...i have two certificates in Applied Herpetology, I have read Cogger, Weigal, Gow. I have put transmitters in Death Adders, eviscerated a frog.
None of this can replace experience in keeping pythons which is why I am asking.
There was no burden whatsoever on the seller of the snake who came up to Sydney and flogged me a snake that hasn't fed and has some problems.
SO experienced herpers out there, ones who know enough to write several chapters in their own book about keeping pythons etc, thanks for your advice.
Stay well. :p
Sherman thats good coming from someone whos been keeping reptiles for a year or so.
Thats what this site is for, i remember when you first came on here and asked a million questions.
Books rarely go in depth with captive care thats why talk to people is alot better.

Junglemad, force feeding and assist feeding is 2 different things. Assist
feeding is alot easier and doesn't cause any harm to the snake. Force feeding ( like pinkie pumps) can be stressful to the snake and would be something i would do at a last resort.

Personally i would take it to a vet and get it checked out and go from there, the sooner you know for sure what the probelm is the sooner you can go about getting it fixed.

Al, he's talking about a snake that perhaps has no tongue - no book would cover that. You can read all the books you want, but there are still husbandry problems that even long term keepers come across and post up here. And as duga said, I remember when you first joined........

Good luck with it Junglemad, don't give up on the little fella. Going to the vet would be a good next step as people have suggested. Let us know how he goes.
I have heard of pythons hatching without the use of their tongue. Because they cant use it, it appears they dont have one. If you open the mouth you still may not see it as it pulls back and is somewhat sheathed when not in use. If it does have a tongue then its not a major concern that its never flicked out. Snakes can still pick up the scent of prey without the tongue actually being flicked out. The tongue can still pick up the scent while remaining within the mouth.

I wouldnt force feed a hatchling ever, as i believe once the hatchling is happy with its immediate surroundings it will voluntarily feed. As a last option i would try tube feeding. I think garden skink scent will give you the best results. Try scenting a pinky with skink scent and even skink urine.

I'm not sure how inportant heat pits are to hatchlings but they're very important to adults. In fact many adults can be more stimulated by heat than the actual scent ( how many of us have been nailed on the hand by our pythons while reaching for the water bowl when there has been no rodent scent on us whatsoever ?) . This may work for you. Try warming up a pink or perhaps a dead skink to a temperature that may stimulate your hatchlings heat pits.
Sorry about the harsh type reply. The initial post read a bit newbie to me thats all.

I need a breath testing keyboard lock on my laptop so i cant post when i get home from the pub.
Try it on a live skink as it's feeding response may kick in with all the movement of the skink and hopefully it will stick out it's (tongue) to smell the skink. Also if you assist feed it, it's tongue will stick out involuntarily anyway and you will know if it has a tongue, but don't let it go for to long before assist feeding and it get to weak.
hi congo..i was the guy that bought some mice from you with the tribe of kids..i wish i had of brought the snake to you when i bought the mice and u and dad could have put the don't argue on him Kurt.
ps mice mating as we speak. Very happy with the deal and your advice and friendliness.
junglemad I had a 2 yr old diamond for a while and it went through a period of about 4 weeks without tongue flicking. I still don't know why but presume it was unwell for that period.

Then one day it just started again.

At the time I wondered if it was dehydration so I put extra waterbowls around to try and give him a chance to drink but it didn't seem to help.

All the best mate hope he is ok.
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