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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2008
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ACT Hinterland
Things to do whilst your co-workers are on leave


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We have a thing at our work, if you are away you hide all tools and anything else that can be tampered with!
lol, i like the packing foam one the best, i might try that! boss is going away for a week next month......
lmao the keyboard..well love it all but alfalfa in your keyboard lol....
years ago (when i was at school) we stuffed a blokes panel van full to the doors with newspaper on muck-up day (when they were still allowed) ... wish I had a camera back then
years ago (when i was at school) we stuffed a blokes panel van full to the doors with newspaper on muck-up day (when they were still allowed) ... wish I had a camera back then

We welded a guys locker door shut and filled it with water, so when they got it open water went everywhere.:lol:( got suspended)
years ago (when i was at school) we stuffed a blokes panel van full to the doors with newspaper on muck-up day (when they were still allowed) ... wish I had a camera back then

muck up day only got banned from my school last yr or the yr before
What ever happened to the lazy idea of using the co-workers computer to look up porn, then watching them get into trouble when they get back?
What ever happened to the lazy idea of using the co-workers computer to look up porn, then watching them get into trouble when they get back?

Doesn't work so well now with password protected accounts and being able to trace the day if not time a site is visited :lol:

The area supervisor at my last job was a QLD supporter but the next two down the line were NSW supporters. So when QLD won origin last year the girls walked in to offices completely maroon the next morning. There was shredded pink paper over every surface, maroon balloons and streamers, QLD jerseys scattered everywhere and lovely messages in red marker all over their whiteboards. The boss had called the cleaner and the office staff as soon as the game was over and asked them if they wouldn't mind coming in extra early to get the job done. As soon as the girls rocked up for work there were cameras on them from every angle to get their faces as they walked in :lol:
At my hubbys work awhile ago, they went through a stage of practical jokes.

There was a guy who was really anal about his coffee cup, he used to go ape if anyone even moved it, so one day him and a mate glued it to the table in the meal room.
When the guy found it, he thought it was another worker, so he glued his tools inside his toolbox then glued it to his workbench as revenge.....

I dont think the coffee cup guy ever found out who really did it though........ :lol:
What ever happened to the lazy idea of using the co-workers computer to look up porn, then watching them get into trouble when they get back?
When I was in SA, the place I worked claimed to monitor the internet traffic. So I did a mockup of the IE downloader dialog (claiming it was downloading 20gb of the "fat chick and horse" series) and ran it minimized on a coworkers desk. When he noticed it he almost went to the admin to plead innocent.
Unfortunately this let to a series of tit-for-tat jokes.
Ive previously got a couple of old cassette tapes and unwound them all around every protruding object in a coworkers car. Its a amazing how much tape is in those little suckers....hahaha
It was a tit for tat exchange for a while.
So when I left I put a very large Queenfish down the drain right next to where all the workers park their parting gift...:lol:

When working in Scotland doing lambing we would skin the dead lambs and put their skins on an orphan lamb so the mother would think the lamb was hers....subsequently we had all these skinned dead lambs about the place...hehehehe....I would hide them in the mates cars. One was in their for over a week before he found where I hid it. Getting veeerry pongy. His mate actually found it whilst in town (Inverness) and threw it out the window onto the neighbours front yard. A few days later there was a write up in the local rag saying how the Golden Eagle must be coming back to the area and breeding, as one dropped a skinned lamb in someones front yard in Inverness destined for its nesting young......:lol::lol::lol:
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