Panton Hill effected by bushfires??

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I've had a "Payment received" from the seller, so she's ok. I was getting worried about her. When you hear about how many people died it kinda freaks you out :shock:. Being in another state, I can't fully imagine how terrible it would be living so close to it, but I do have memories of Ash Wednesday here and what that felt like, even living on the other side of the city from it. :(

And for those wondering, it is a Doctor Who figure :D...(you can laugh now)...I'm a big fan of the modern Doctor Who and David Tennant...(ok that's enough laughing! ;))

Thanks to all who replied.
Hahaha, i guess it takes all kinds ;)

hope it arrives in good condition for you.
I have a pass to get up there, but I've been using the road through Whittlesea. The cops at the checkpoints have been getting a lot more relaxed about waving you through lately, so I figured it wouldn't be long before they opened them up again. I've seen a fair few rubber neckers around Kinglake, which of course is really annoying. Some even have the nerve to take food from the relief centers!
I hate that! Gaining entertainment out of other peoples tragedy.
Must be some really sad and pathetic people out there!:x
the pubs fine dw. about 10 people helped protect the pub (cleaning, laying crushed rock over the grass, and cutting down the dead trees) as soon as the ses came by and told them the fire was heading our way.

damn............... gotta save the pub!!!!!!!!!! :shock: water supplies would be shot.................the pub would be the most important amenity!! ;)
i live near there (hurstbridge) most of panton hill is fine, i think a few areas may have been slightly affected but nothing bad there i don't think.
I drove through St Andrews and Panton Hill this morning. Not far towards Kinglake it's all burned out and the fire was clearly intense quite close to St Andrews, but most of St Andrews is unburned. I couldn't see any sign of fire in Panton Hill.
and just near it in smiths gully there was a small grassy but alot of people jumped on it before the cfa got there so it was kept quite small
GOOD LUCK to all in those affected areas. I hope the next few days sees you all come through this , and properties too, unscathed. Lots of thoughts are with you at this time from many who feel damned helpless not being able to help in any way. But then, if we all went over en masse, maybe no more fires would start, we could stamp em out before they start just by sheer numbers of feet!!!!!

Anyway, seriously, good luck, and may the powers that be watch over you and keep you safe.
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