pest control and reptiles

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Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2005
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just wondering if anyone knows if having your house pest cotroled can harm your reptiles :?:
not really but as i found out the hard way even after a year dont feed you reptile with any thing form around the house as the poison accumulates up the food chain and the thing u feed it may hav dangerous amounts of poison insde the food item i killed my green tree snake this way after i couldnt get any frogs at the time i was feeding it lizards and thats how it died. so it shouldnt harm them at all. just tell the pest control guy about your reps.
I'd be wary about taking your reptiles outside for several weeks.


If you have the interior done, yes, it can harm your snakes, slowly, but surely it builds up. The chemicals used are neurotoxins, until recently, there were warnings on some of the labels about not using them around birds and reptiles. I work in Pest Control, there is no way I would use the chemicals around my critters.

External treatments 'should' be ok (not ok for wild critters of course), as long as you keep your critters away. I still wouldn't do it. *shrug*
Not saying is totally safe...But I just got my place Pest Sprayed..... I covered my enclosure with a large plastic sheet...The same as you use for covering furniture when painting. Left it on for a few hours..And mine are fine...

Just also let your pest controller know that the snakes are there...and to steer clear of that area....
I am not sure what you are trying to control but the only pesticide I use around our reptiles is Top of Descent. It effectively controls most things including escaped feeder roaches.

There is no way I would chance a full on house fumigation.
If you are going for roaches then i prefer the gel bait and then only because I couldnt stand the cockroaches. Ellie bombed for fleas(damned cat) so i moved everyone out to the garage for the duration and sealed off the small herp room. Opened the window and taped up the door. I then cleaned all the enclosures before returning the herps. Better safe than sorry. I havent had a problem with the feeder roaches though the woodies seem to like it down the side of the garage.
Most pesticides say not to be used near watercourses fish or reptiles. Even supposed sfae ones can effect the development of eggs and embryos.
I personally would'nt risk it. I won't even spray flyspray downstairs where the reptiles and rats etc. (all enclosed downstairs) are. And not upstairs as I have geckos, crayfish and fish. .
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