Pink tongue Q's

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2008
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Just a few questions on pink tongue care as i may be getting one or two soon, Now.. What temps are they kept at, as im wondering if they could be kept without heating at my place until winter, Like outdoors then inside at night. We are in Goodna/Ipswich and the usual daytime temps are around 30 degrees or more in the warmer months. Also i'd like too hear what people feed them and think is a good varied diet, ive only known one or two people who have kept them before so id like too hear what people feed there's. Cheers guys.
Awesome animals with those pre-hensile tails...... love em'

I fed mine mince beef & snails (when I could find them)........ They are a bit fussier than Blueys & require a higher % meat diet. They need very little UV & less heat than a Bluey & yep can keep with no additional heat before winter.......... However most reptiles like to heat up in the morning & invariably if you don't heat them or allow a quick morning bask they will only get up to temperature a bit later in the day as the room heats up...... not a biggy but worth considering. Watch them when they shed as old skin can result in lost toes if not removed properly... (they are very prone to this especially as babies).

& I used to give mine a spray with water most days not because they love humidity etc but because they like damp places (completely different to a Bluey) & this also helps with sheds...........

Just my thoughts...... hope this helps
Cheers mate, and yeah they look cool. Prefer them over blueys but maybe im just prejudiced cause ive always had blueys here in the yard and rescued them from cats and stuff as i was growing up so now they dont seem as interesting anymore.. lol.. Though i saw your albinos, there nice. Im just wondering now after doing some reading if they might not go so well in my area, as in summer we can get up to 40 degrees sometimes.. i guess ill have too find a cool spot under the house during those times.
when i kept them i gave them a thick layer of moist coco peat to burrow into which helped keep them cool (i kept mine in the hottest part of the shed, dont know why)
Pink Tongues are great pets, much prefer them over blueys. As mentioned above they will be fine without heat up until winter. outdoors should be fine just be sure they have shade aswell for them to keep cooler. Also be sure to provide secure hides for them as they are mostly nocturnal and mine are rarely active during the day unless i feed them then. I mostly feed mine on dog or cat food (non fish varieties). Then the ocassional snails/slugs when i can find them. As also mentioned above keep them humid and moist. Besides these few little things they are very hardy and make a great pet!
no they will usually refuge it but if you like you could mix grated veggies like carrot through the dog food/mince
I keep mine outdoors in Sydney all year round, they need very little heating even in Sydney (where they are naturally found on the northern outskirts), if the enclosure is set up correctly with good brumation spots then they won't need any heating during winter, though you of course won't see them for around 3-4 months.
I'm also getting one, does anyone know if (as adults) they can be kept in pits outdoors with Bluetongues ect?
Yes they can snakeluvver, it is actually quite common to put them in pits with blueys, just make sure you have hanging branches or something fr them to climb on as they have a prehensile tail :)
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