Pond for turtles

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Active Member
Oct 31, 2006
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Yesterday I spent the whole day digging out the Turtles/fishes new pond.
It is about 2000lts.

Just need some help with what size and type of pump would be best for it
In a couple of months (when I have the money) I would like to put in a waterfall so the pump would laso have to work in with this

Any help would be great because when it comes to the right amount of filtration I can say I have no idea

I wouldn't bother getting a pump and filter combined, just get a pump. And if you have alot of plants growing in it then the water will saty clean. If you get a 2000lt/h pump that would be more than adequate, you can buy them for around $150 to $200. That's what i reckon anyway :)
How much would be classed as alot of plants

Also with the drought I have having to get water carried in - The water I am getting is dam water.
What is your thoughts on that or should I get fresh water
No dam water is perfect, it will help kick start the all the bacteria etc that is needed to have a healthy pond. As for plants, as many as possible and as many different types as you can. Your turtles will feast on the plants so it is important to have a few different types to find one the your turtles don't like so they can keep your water healthy.
I just got a few new pumps, the biggest ones was a 3500 L/ph for $50 :)
The power of the pump you will need is determined mostly by the height of you water fall.
I also have a home made bio filter on my turtle/fish pond.
Yeah I saw your filter, looks great

I see with having the water fall I can only use a pump (one power outlet to use) to keep it clean.
I will just get a filter bigger then I need.
Yeah I saw your filter, looks great

I see with having the water fall I can only use a pump (one power outlet to use) to keep it clean.
I will just get a filter bigger then I need.

I want to see your filter! *looks through your gallery*
I ended up getting a 7500lt pump with flow rate
The next biggest I could get was 700lt

The pond is in the sun most of the day so this should help more with algae issues
The only natural way to help with algae is to get more plants as the plants with consume the nutrients that the algae would normally feed on.

Increasing water flow will help with the dangerous types of algaes, however the normal healthy algaes (generally the bright green ones) will only be reduced by other plants competing for nutrients in the water.
The 7,500 lph pump ought to do the job, but as pointed out above, the flow rate will be affected by the height of your waterfall....also by the length and the diameter of your piping.
To calculate accurately your flow rate take a container of a known volume and time how long it takes (in seconds) to fill it up. Measure it at the filter stage. Then divide 3600 by the number of seconds it takes to fill the container and multiply by the volume of the container. The result will be the flow rate in litres per hour. eg a 10 litre bucket takes 15 secs to fill. 3600 divided by 15 multiplied by 10 = 2,400. If you had a 1200 litre pond, then the water would be turning
over twice an hour.
The pond being in the sun will likely result in your water going green, shadecloth can help here. I agree that plants in the pond are a must, however turtles will ruin most of your plants, I find the native lillies look nice and grow nice and tall, less likely to be damaged by the turtles.
Turtle Town
Whats wrong with algae? does it do something bad or is it just what is looks like?
Thanks for all your replies

The pond got filled last night and one of the two turtles going in there is in there and loving the room to move.
Just have to wait for the other one to heal up before I put her out there.
The pump is big enough and that is with one outlet going through a 13mm black pipe to the end where the water fall will be and the other being the fountain.
Pics will be posted when I can find the digi camera at home
so what are the dimensions of your pond?
Dimentions are about 1900x2900x38 (average)
pond goes from about 450 - 300

Found the camera - too late for photos
will get tomorrow night

I now have plants in it so hopefully a good day in the sun will bring them out more
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