Python ID help

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Yeah thomass thats what me and my mate are trying to work out they aren't usually found around this area and if we where to let it go it probably wouldn't survive
It must be an escaped pet or hitched a ride on a truck or something because none of the Antaresia genus is found along the coast of NSW.
Antaresia are hard enough to distinguish between when you can see them, let alone a low resolution photo. It is not a Stimson’s as it lacks the distinctive pale ventrolateral stripe. It does have a weak ventrolateral of the ground colour, which is not uncommon in Spotteds but can also occur in some Childreni. What can be seen of the dark brown patterning is not as irregular in shape as you might expect in a Spotted but not quite as smooth as you would expect with a Children’s. Given that and the distinctive eye stripe, I favour it being a Spotted but cannot rule out Children’s.

Check the subcaudals. In A. childreni they are they are singular anteriorly and divided posteriorly, where as in A. maculosa, they are all divided.

You are a few kilometres away from A. maculosa habitat. If you were nearer to Armidale, it might be a wild snakes rather than a captive escapee.

If it is an escaped pet chances are it is a hybrid/cross anyway.
Okay thanks saintanger :D

Junglepythons2 it wouldn't be cross because none of the three live down this way the closes one that lives down this way is the spotted
Saintanger is saying he is 99% sure its a children which means it is an escaped snake i don't think is has both in it.
Okay thanks saintanger :D

Junglepythons2 it wouldn't be cross because none of the three live down this way the closes one that lives down this way is the spotted
Saintanger is saying he is 99% sure its a children which means it is an escaped snake i don't think is has both in it.

Well then, case closed...
Okay thanks saintanger :D

Junglepythons2 it wouldn't be cross because none of the three live down this way the closes one that lives down this way is the spotted
Saintanger is saying he is 99% sure its a children which means it is an escaped snake i don't think is has both in it.

Your comment makes zero sense
dont take 99% sure as gospel , especially from that photo you provided (no offence intended) it could still be a spotted that has taken a long trip from up north , remember that thread about the coastal who made his way up to armidale from coffs in the wheel arch of a bus , it does happen
dont take 99% sure as gospel , especially from that photo you provided (no offence intended) it could still be a spotted that has taken a long trip from up north , remember that thread about the coastal who made his way up to armidale from coffs in the wheel arch of a bus , it does happen

Indeed it does, these things can travel 1000s of Ks in vehicles ond loaded trucks without anyone knowing until they turn up somewhere unexpected. My leaning is towards a mac, but it's a difficult call. You're not too far from the southernmost part of the range for this species Caleb, although they don't seem to come close to the coast in NSW.

i said 99% as it is identical to the childrens python i just bought my nephew and the pattern. plus i own both childrens and spotted pythons.

due to picture quality there is a slight chance it might be a spotted thats why i did not say 100%.

i can't see the new pics.
Okay thanks for that the pics are working for me it says attachment and you just click on it i don't no if its working for others but it works for me?

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