regurgitating carpet

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Not so new Member
Apr 2, 2008
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hey everyone ,
So i have never had this happen before , ive got a 3 year old carpet that regurgitated a meal then wouldn't eat for a month then ate a fresh kill yesterday but it was regurgitated this morning, anyone know what could be causing this ?, she is housed in a large python tub and spends most of her time up the warm end.
its been in the tub for over a year with no issue though
The fact that she spends most of her time in the hot area is an indicator temps/gradient are not right. have you moved her onto larger meals recently? She obviously doesn’t think she can digest the meal if she’s regurgitating her food.
It could be something more if nothing has changed for over a year. Repeated regurgitation is not normal, and regurgitation because temperatures are not suitable usually takes 4 or 5 days at least as the food animal rots before the digestive juices can handle it. The fact that it regurgitated the most recent food item in less than 24 hours might indicate something more serious, like impaction, a tumor or some other obstruction in the digestive tract, or possible even the first signs of one of the nasty reptile viruses taking hold. As this is the second regurge with consecutive feeds, and without any changes to the husbandry practices, I would be thinking about consulting a reptile vet fairly soon for peace of mind.

The fact that she spends most of her time in the hot area is an indicator temps/gradient are not right. have you moved her onto larger meals recently? She obviously doesn’t think she can digest the meal if she’s regurgitating her food.

Regurgitation resulting from incorrect temperatures doesn't occur in less than 24 hours because the snake "thinks" it's going to be a problem. It occurs because the animal is rotting faster than the snake can digest it, and takes a few days (usually faster in summer when accelerated rotting indicates that the snake is too hot - hence the danger in feeding during a heatwave if you can't control the extremes in temperatures).

Oh Ok no worries Jamie I was going off my own experience when I changed one of my largers carpets bulbs for one that was obviously too low powered I had 2 feeds regurgitated after 24hrs changed the bulb no more regurgitation.
is internal injury possible and its getting to a certain point inside the snake where its causing pain and regurgitating?
might have to go to the vet then as she is in a rack system with 5 other snakes all of which are feeding fine, her food size hasn't gone up either, and thermostat is set at 31 and the cold end is 26-28 during the day 6am-8pm
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