Should i be worried??

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Try the leaves as well, all my adults will eat them. The young 'uns are slowly coming around to them as well.
Yoda loves the flowers and leaves but l don't feed them all the time. They are on the occassional list
They are a staple in my dragons diet, and have been for a number of years with no ill effect. I guess you'll feed Yoda what your comfortable with in the end.
when l first started to research beardies and food (almost 12 months before l got Yoda), l was given a link to carolinadesignerdragons where l found the food chart. It's colour coded and l've been using that as my "bible"
I'm happy to feed nusturtiums daily as long as they don't hurt Yoda. He loves them more than dandelions and let me tell you, dandelion flowers and greens are just the knees..

by the way - the picture you have in your avatar, is he a normal grey colour with a red hue?? That's what l'm told yoda is.. gotta love the red
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He's a true red phase. His colour varies between what you see here to an even more vibrant red with black beard and tail when he's in the right mood. As he was when he payed a little visit to one of his girlfriends on the weekend.
Hard not to worry.

Lizzy (my resident house EWS) has been known to go for up to 4 or 5 days as a no show and not getting any food treats from me (I like to hand feed her with mealworms (lavae, pupae and the occasional deformed beetle , and as a real treat a live cricket or a thawed out frozen cricket, other times I leave her some dead treats on takeaway lids in a couple places I know she'll go to if she goes wondering about when I'm not about).

Maybe Yoda is broody .... could be hormonal , like said , she just feels like crap and itcjhy as crazy because she's ready to loose the old skin and scales.

Plant some Nasturtium in the garden. I feed my skinks and dragons on the flowers and foliage during the warmer months, they go mad for it.

What a great tip ! :)
I've been wondering what to put in my front flower bed and along the front of the house foundations to get a bit more colour. If skinks love the stuff - it's got to something to include in my planting.
The resident local pairs of rosellas love my dandelions, the flowers and the heads , they sometimes spend an hour or more grazing on them and walking around my back yard which has heapes of them flowering and seeding now , never occurred to me to pick a flower or a head and or a leaf and offer it to Lizzy.... live and learn .... will in future .... my yard and garden are totally poison free.

My EWD latched on to my finger this morning and tried to death roll my hand. Certainly not off her food!!
That's not hungry that's agro !!! what did you do to piss him off ?
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Good news. Yoda ate some crickets this morning.. HE"S BACK!!! no greens but at least he has something in his empty belly
Haha she is currently shedding and gets a bit fiery during this period.

Probably the last thing she wants is being handled when she's itchy unfortable and grumpy. She cant tell you to leave her alone so expect to be hammered shown her displeasure .... who says they don't have emotions ? ....

How would you feel ?
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^Well if she wants the light fitting replaced in her basking spot she better be nice!!
Also I don't force handling her, if she wants she will jump up on my chest or arm which ever give a better vantage spot for the food. With the excepting of the aftershed inspection for any remaining skin shed she has.
^Well if she wants the light fitting replaced in her basking spot she better be nice!!
Also I don't force handling her, if she wants she will jump up on my chest or arm which ever give a better vantage spot for the food. With the excepting of the aftershed inspection for any remaining skin shed she has.
she and you pals again ....?
Yeah all good, lets not hijack ajandj's thread anymore.
This ones bout young Yoda.
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