Smash It - High Speed Filming

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Almost Legendary
Aug 20, 2006
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New Zealand
I just got a simple Casio EX FH-100 which can film up to 1,000 FPS.

I had started a video editing thread - but I figured this needed its own little thread by itself.

I've started by 'smashing' things with a hammer. It's just a little bit of fun. But capturing it in high speed really shows the violence behind it all!

I've always been into photography, but never really video making. But this has changed my ideas quite significantly.

The camera is a bit low quality, which is a shame, at high speeds. But it's watchable.

If any of you out there also high speed film, feel free to add to this thread. But I figure it's a bit of a niche' market considering most decent high speed cameras are well out of our price range!

This Casio can be picked up for under $400 (NZ). And a better one is available, but only marginally better.

This first video is a medley of two days of filming various things. There's nothing intense here at all. Just testing the capabilities of the camera. As time goes on I suspect I'll get a bit more adventurous!


Please feel free to comment and keep this thread going... And if you want me to 'smash' something in high speed, let me know.... I think I can do requests :)

PS - Rattler - I didn't do one of paint drying yet!
Just great, your pup is adorable, keep'm coming, pinning a balloon is always a good one, dropping a light globe (non reptile one of course) maybe a grasshopper or cricket jumping or a spider running. What price range is that camera Paul? Can pm answer if you like.
Just great, your pup is adorable, keep'm coming, pinning a balloon is always a good one, dropping a light globe (non reptile one of course) maybe a grasshopper or cricket jumping or a spider running. What price range is that camera Paul? Can pm answer if you like.

The water balloon is going up now... Got my daughter to stand still long enough for it to smash her - first one was an epic fail, second was good though :)

Price - Pretty cheap really casio EX FH-100 - Price Comparison - Buy Cheap in Australia


The water balloon!
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Kool :) have you seen when the balloon is full as with water and you poke a pin in it, for a millisecond the water holds shape when the balloon retracts around it.......want more :D
Parenting at its best lol

I made her sign a waiver first!

Kool :) have you seen when the balloon is full as with water and you poke a pin in it, for a millisecond the water holds shape when the balloon retracts around it.......want more :D

Have you seen the 'Smash It' Series?

Here's a can of coke being smashed with a hammer... there's several more on my YouTube thingo...


Does this work? slim6y's Channel - YouTube
This first video is a medley of two days of filming various things.


PS - Rattler - I didn't do one of paint drying yet!

that first one of yours was better then all the smash it's.

Watch this one, especially @ 4:20 and 4:50
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Kool Paul, Your loven that Dubstep ey ;) I can't get enough of Nero myself. Keep the thread going.
that first one of yours was better then all the smash it's.

Watch this one, especially @ 4:20 and 4:50

That's pretty awesome. Can't wait till I get the budget that Discovery has :)

Kool Paul, Your loven that Dubstep ey ;) I can't get enough of Nero myself. Keep the thread going.

Oh yeah! Nero!

Love the stuff! The song I am using is Ajapai - Incoming (there's two mixes). I decided to use just one song... Because I can make it fit - seemingly well sometimes (check the soft toy Smash It) and when the soft toy finally keels over...


I think it just fits in perfectly :)

Unfortunately, despite smashing the hell out of that soft toy, Hillary the Happy (but slightly species confused) Homophobic Hippopotamus (or short necked giraffe), I couldn't really damage it.

She was designed to be eaten by my puppy... Which he successfully did and ruined her. So now she just sits there waiting to be smashed some more :)
Can you please film a midget being smashed with a hammer in high def slowmo. Thank you.

Sorry that was insensitive; I mean high definition.
Can you please film a midget being smashed with a hammer in high def slowmo. Thank you.

Sorry that was insensitive; I mean high definition.

Still very insensitive...

Little person... That's what 'they' like to be called... Little person...

But sure... I think I can manage that... All except the high def... I mean high definition.

Rattler needs to fund me to get a $100,000 high speed camera so I can film a cymbal being smashed....
All this talk about hammers and smashing things and then the puppy came on.....
I can actually... But that will be in time lapse... And it would require the camera being in the same spot for days, even weeks or months on end.
There is slightly more to it than that, mainly to do with setting up a constant light source and protecting the subject from wind and other external influences.
if you have a point and shot and, like me, suffer from ducks bum syndrome, you can set up a time lapse right for about $20 Trigger Your Camera Using Automatic Air Freshener Part

On a related and much more exciting note, Cannon owners who can write programming scripts might like the Cannon Hack Development Kit - Write scripts for time lapse, motion detection, license plate recognition. Wonder when Nikon will release its version.
All this talk about hammers and smashing things and then the puppy came on.....

There is slightly more to it than that, mainly to do with setting up a constant light source and protecting the subject from wind and other external influences.
if you have a point and shot and, like me, suffer from ducks bum syndrome, you can set up a time lapse right for about $20 Trigger Your Camera Using Automatic Air Freshener Part

On a related and much more exciting note, Cannon owners who can write programming scripts might like the Cannon Hack Development Kit - Write scripts for time lapse, motion detection, license plate recognition. Wonder when Nikon will release its version.

I've just used a program on the PS3 called Eye Create that comes with the PS3 camera. It does time lapse (there's a few snowmen time lapses on my youtube). Unfortunately you're limited to a) the length of USB cable (5m) and b) power supply to run the PS3, and TV (to see what you're filming).

I've tried using USB adapters and doubling to 10m - but unfortunately it does not work and there seems to be no way around that.

Basically, for time lapse, I can use my Olympus (then I'd need to buy a bigger CS card or xD card) and leave my camera (protected) somewhere to trigger. Or... Just not stress, because, although time lapse is super awesome, it is not as super awesome as high speed!

When will Canon, Nikon and Olympus release high speed video in the DSLR range?

I don't mind about the low sized pictures at 420FPS - they're ample enough to see what's going on. But the lack of a good lens is really making it a struggle!

Bumble bees look like blurry black smudgey flying bricks!

But - Rattler has promised* that he'll buy me a Photon High Speed camera (up to 14,000FPS at HD).

I also noted that using my hammer to smash things called for some concerns when people first started to watch the water balloon video with my daughter in it.

Many were asking... Where's the hammer?

*unknowingly promised
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