Today Tonight, really!?

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Very Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2010
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Well on today tonight, tonight, there was a story about the dangers of the peats and animals coming into christmas. Like, really? I watched it and wroth down the things i didnt agree with, went onto the computer did some research and came up with this, which i posted on their facebook page. But the comment has now been deleted:

Really, this is a load of crap! Surely there are other stories to use, rather than trying to scare Australians about their own animals. Honestly I would live here to get away from dangerous animals! Could you go out to Africa and sleep the night with out shelter and not get attacked by a lion? Or maybe go to Asia and do the same thing but this time a tiger.. But then you could go out in the aussie bush sleep there for a year, and all you would bet done by is mosquito, ants and maybe some non dangerous spiders

Seriously you try to scare us about the animals we have, they arnt dangerous. There are about 1 death in Australia a year from bees, but then there are 2979 deaths a year from car accidents. Gee I don’t know which one id be more scared of!

And the mouse spider, seriously ive never even seen one. I am a member of a number of forums to do with animals including reptiles, and I have only ever seen one picture of a mouse spider that someone has found. Ohh and here is a quote ‘In Australia, only male Sydney Funnel Web Spiders and Redback Spiders have caused human deaths, but none have occurred since anti venoms were made available in 1981. Each year in Australia as many as 4,000 people are bitten. Of these 200 require anti venom treatment and one bite was fatal.’ Ouch, see even in there it didn’t even mention the mouse spider.
Ohh and one last thing, don’t say Australia could be the most hazardous places in the world, that will really make people want to come here.

Just though i would like to see who watched this and felf the same.

Hers the link to the facebook page, it also has the video on it:

Today Tonight - Wall | Facebook

Did you expect a well researched honest appraisal? Just panic guff for the masses. Dont even dignify it with a response.
I feel so sorry for the ignorant people that watch these 'news' shows. May their brain cells R.I.P
ACA and today tonight, proudly educating the next generation of ignorant Australians.....
:p ya gottta admire journalists...anything for a story

the general mass like to be thrilled and excited by hysterical stories of mankilling reptiles

Laugh it off
Their producers had the extra time and that's the best they could come up with?
I bet one of them was taking a dump while thinking about it, saw a daddy long leg in the corner and thought he was a genius.

They should of done another "magic weight loss" segment lol
today tonight and a current affair are all over exaggerated and sometimes fake... they paid some people i know to pretend to be a gang for a segment they did on gangs
Today tonight and ACA are a joke =p i always loved it when Chasers took the piss out of them lol.
I set my calendar to what story they show. Monday night- which suburb has the worst vegetables in Coles, Tuesday night- how some guy is ripping off the system, Wednesday- etc etc.
ahaha thanks guys. They have no idea what they are talking about, they have now deleted my comment twice, haha. I wouldnt be suprised if the rest of everyones negitiave comments will get deleted as well
I don't even have the patience to watch those 'current affairs' shows, it's way too boring and predictable. You may as well ask me to sit and watch Days of Our Lives. Having said that at least Days of Our Lives has a much more believeable plot... ;)

I just tried to watch it but it said it was no longer available
All their stuff is sensationalized rubbish. If it can't be as such on it's own merits, they plain lie I watched their thing on Coles and it's such hogwash. I do some work there in fruit and veg and the only reason we display stuff in boxes like markets is because that's what they come in and it's easier to just put the box out. They did the same thing years ago about the hoons. They took some of these hoons to a driver training site to test their driving skills and how dangerous they were. All they showed was them spinning out and such and how bad they were. The local car clubs then approached these testers directly and asked them. They said that they were actually really good drivers and what they showed on tv was when the instructors unexpectedly pulled the handbrake mid corner to test them. So you can't trust these shows at all it's all about the shock factor
Today tonight are full of crap. My "friends" were telling me that muslims are taking over the world and that already in the UK half the population is muslim, and are driving the british people away. I asked them where they got that load of crap and they told me it was on Today Tonight. :rolleyes: Theyre now convinced muslims are evil and shouldnt be allowed in the country.
Looks like Today Tonight has done a GREAT job educating them :D
Humphry B Bear got axed because he only wore a vest, yet Scooby Doo is butt naked .................. people still believe television to be fair and accurate ? It's nothing but an egotistical popularity contest that the networks cash in on ....... facts are irrelevant.
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