Today Tonight, really!?

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the more they can prey on people's fears and emotions the more likely they can push products onto people through adverts. i am pretty sure there is abit of god-complex mixed in there too!
Today tonight are full of crap. My "friends" were telling me that muslims are taking over the world and that already in the UK half the population is muslim, and are driving the british people away. I asked them where they got that load of crap and they told me it was on Today Tonight. :rolleyes:

Yeah buts that's pretty accurate.
It's Today Tonight, gutter 'journalism' at its worst. Rather than question the subject matter you might be better off questioning why on Earth you would watch it :)
ahah well i saw a snake on the add so i wanted to watch it.
Today tonight are full of crap. My "friends" were telling me that muslims are taking over the world and that already in the UK half the population is muslim, and are driving the british people away. I asked them where they got that load of crap and they told me it was on Today Tonight. :rolleyes: Theyre now convinced muslims are evil and shouldnt be allowed in the country.
Looks like Today Tonight has done a GREAT job educating them :D

Oh come on now, that is pretty accurate, Muslims actually make up approximately 2% of the UK population that is quite close to 50% LOL. Seriously though anyone that believes drivel like that is beyond helping really.
Unfortunatly most people these days very gullable & believe everything that they read or watch on television.
I blame not only the media for sensationalising a story to make it sound good, but also advertising has got out of hand to make people think that you need it & it is so easy to get, just pay later. Also the pollies tell us what they want us to know & form & make decisions on how they want everyone to be in the future.

The biggest problem is that we get fed so much bull these days that no one knows what to believe & most people are like sheep & easily led & can't think for themselves or use common sence, that's right, common sence has gone missing.

Have a happy & safe Xmas.
That is so true. If i hadnt joined this forum years ago i would have beleved all this crap the news etc put up. I am probably believeing stuff that i dont know about aswell, that does not make sence probably to you, but it does in my head :p

And you too, merry christmas
My parents are 'those muslims'. They both work for the Department of Immigration, and are just as Australian as you are Mr MathewB. Can you imagine that, they actually work for this government and in Immigration :O
Oooops your only 16 lool, i wont bother
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My parents are 'those muslims'. They both work for the Department of Immigration, and are just as Australian as you are Mr MathewB. Can you imagine that, they actually work for this government and in Immigration :O
Oooops your only 16 lool, i wont bother

Surely you know that you can't be a Muslim AND an Australian ? Let's face it maybe 1% of Muslims are the radical fundamentalists that are causing problems around the world, I wonder how many serial killers etc are Christians ? Unfortunately we will never wipe out bigotry, racism and ignorance.
The problem is that some will watch these shows and take everything as gospel and that is both sad and worrying.

Let us all skip school and watch Today Tonight so we can be educated by their superior wisdom... :rolleyes:
Surely you know that you can't be a Muslim AND an Australian ? Let's face it maybe 1% of Muslims are the radical fundamentalists that are causing problems around the world, I wonder how many serial killers etc are Christians ? Unfortunately we will never wipe out bigotry, racism and ignorance.
just look at the irish, fighting themselves not because of a different name for god, but just a difference of opinion on how to worship the same god! christians have done so much wrong through history all for the glory of god, crusades for example? and as to acts of terrorism, wouldn't the nazis trying to eradicate jews from the face of the earth be alittle worse than a few suicide bombings or even the english and their attempts to eradicate native people such as aboriginals, american indians etc etc? it is the radicals, the minority, that give a bad name for the rest! such a shame that ignorance and bigotry will rule the world!
My parents are 'those muslims'. They both work for the Department of Immigration, and are just as Australian as you are Mr MathewB. Can you imagine that, they actually work for this government and in Immigration :O
Oooops your only 16 lool, i wont bother

Ok let's turn it down a knotch, I do not have any problems with fact I have several good friends that are Muslims. I'm not sure if your quoting me but I don't remember ever saying 'those Muslims'........ I have no doubt that they are just as Australian as me. So I think you need to calm the hell down. And what's with the remark about my age? Do you have a problem?

Sarcasm? Its hard to tell on the internet.

No not sarcasm.
Ok let's turn it down a knotch, I do not have any problems with fact I have several good friends that are Muslims. I'm not sure if your quoting me but I don't remember ever saying 'those Muslims'........ I have no doubt that they are just as Australian as me. So I think you need to calm the hell down. And what's with the remark about my age? Do you have a problem?

No not sarcasm.

OK, so what did your comment ' yeah that's pretty accurate' mean when it was in fact very far from accurate ?
Ok let's turn it down a knotch, I do not have any problems with fact I have several good friends that are Muslims. I'm not sure if your quoting me but I don't remember ever saying 'those Muslims'........ I have no doubt that they are just as Australian as me. So I think you need to calm the hell down. And what's with the remark about my age? Do you have a problem?

No not sarcasm.

sorry but if i were muslim or had relatives that were muslim, i would be offended by your comments and how it has come through to us reading this thread!
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